Friday, December 23, 2005

T minus 4 days


Well .. let me see ... 82 degrees in St. Thomas USVI. I think I can handle that. I sure wish these last 4 days would go faster. Though I haven't started my Christmas shopping yet I have started packing. Just got warm thinking of 82 so I walked down the street and got a cup of ice cream to cool off :)

Christmas eve I am going to see the Redskins-Giant football game with Paul's father. I just hope the rain doesn't showup till late that night. Go Giants!

I hope that everyone has a great holiday and a merry Christmas. To me the best gift is just a hug from a good friend. To those who feel I have wronged them I also hope they find happiness this season and accept the words "I am sorry." To all my friends I offer a big hug and a warm "thank you." I had thought of saying something to everyone who has impacted my life this year but I didn't because I didn't want to miss anyone so I will just give a hug to everyone I meet.


Saturday, December 17, 2005

Oh Boy


What I have found most interesting this fall and even into the Christmas season is the number of inconsiderate people that love to say "that isn't in my job description." When asked to help that is the best their piddly brain can come up with. Whatever happened to a desire to help when asked. Even more astonishing are the few that call themselves a Christian! How much different would it have been if Christ said that when he faced the cross? What even burns me more is the supervisor's that tolerate what can only be classified as insubordiation. Are we so afraid to send someone like this packing because of the trouble it will cause? Or is it because the supervisor lacks the guts and where with all to deal with this. Maybe we need to adopt a "screw you while I take care of myself" attitude for they sure have and get away with it. It would be a lot less trouble when you were asked to help for 10 minutes and have to delay your coffee break or your smoke break. I can understand this attitude from a non-christian. But since one of these dullards is a "devout Catholic" in his own words .. is that typical of what the Catholic Church preaches? Or should some Priest who cares discuss with this devout one what the term "Christ-like" really means? No wonder Christians around the world are getting pushed aside because of hypocrites like this. Yes, I am dismayed, for all I asked was 5 minutes of their time but got this idiotic response. I hope they have a Merry Christmas and one day before Christ returns, wake up to find out what kind of person they really are.

The mexican food this afternoon was as good as usual. Hot, spicy and a joy to eat. gee, I just realized that I won't get anymore at our resturant until next year. Guess the Carribean Island cusine will have to do. :)

Dad's test was cancelled for two weeks.

Is it time we disband the Political Party system and everyone is independent and representative of who voted them into office? What I see is party politics is more important than the citizens needs and rights. Yes they claim they represent us but I believe they represent their causes more and only if the two cross paths the citizens will get cared for.
District of Columbia is being denied representation because the job of some Congressman in Utah would be jepordized and tilt the balance of power.
Millions spent on research on the sex lives of certain animals while human being in Louisiana are hungry and cold from the lack of shelter.
No budget is being worked on while they pander the Patriot Act because some of our rights were moved aside during the frenzied hunt for terrorists after 9-11. You want to be safe? Then let the right people do their job and stop these fanatics who think nothing of blowing you up.
If you want to drill in Alaska to lessen the impact of terrorist controlled oil .. then make the drilling environmentally safe and friendly .. make the oil companies use some of the billions in profit to make that happen instead of paying massive bonuses and salarys to the top managers and lobbyists. And if they fail then make them pay for messing it up ... surely last years profits could go a long way to repairing an accident. Oh, that is right. This would mean the Congress members would lose their large yearly bonuses from the Oil Lobby.
You say that I am too critical and that Congress is honorable and doing what is right for the American Citizen? Look at all the ones convicted, indicted, and under investigation and tell me how honorable they are. These are the ones that messed up and got caught. I love the phrase used once on a TB show about Congress .. "it isn't nothing but a good ole boys club." Am I wrong? Prove me wrong?


Friday, December 16, 2005

Scrambled Eggs

***** Merry Christmas *****

Time is rolling along very fast as we have only 11 days to Cruise Time. Life is going well but I wish it would slow down a bit. There are many things I wish to do but I seem to run out of time.

The first half of the Youth bowling league is done. While we didn't win again, we didn't finish last. Hopefully this team will jell for the second half and make a respectable showing and at least be a player.

#1's interview seemed to prove unfruitful. Oh well, time marches on for him.

#2 is pretty much in the same boat. He some how thinks I am bluffing come January 15th. Is he in for a surprise!

Dad isn't doing well with his tests this time. Today was a remake after yesterday's debacle. After stopping his heart it took 3 restarts to get it going. I wonder if the starter was missing a few gears? They seem to create more stress and anxiety than what the accomplish. I would tell them next time to go play with someone else .. this old ticker is off limits.

This week at work has been a blur. The main office server managed to die and after 30 hours we got it going and stable once again. Backing up some 91Gb of data and restoring it isn't fun. Then some idiot cut the telco cable with a backhoe and our Baltimore AM station is off the air and they say it will be 9pm Saturday before they finish splicing it. The GM ain't happy.

Way to go Congress, lest anything get in the way of your holiday break, leave us hanging on a lot of things as Alternative Minimum tax, Patriot Act, your silence on the budgets for next year. Your penchant for playing Inquisitor has left little room for doing your real job.

Thanks DC and the Mayor, your screwing around with the stadium lease will lose us our Nationals Baseball team and you will whine how unfair MLB has treated you. Well, we know better.

They say driving and talking on a cell phone makes you 4 times more likely to have a serious accident. Well, duh, lets get serious and stop it. Perhaps tripling the penalties if you cause and accident while talking would be a good start. If you are chatting on one and are involved in an accident then you assume the responsibility. Why you ask? If you weren't talking you would have been more attentive and might have taken defensive action sooner and avoided it.

As for the death penalty, make it mandatory that the sentence must be executed before the end of the 5th year. No more dragging it out for 25+ years. This can be modified if they come up with a way to extend the death of the victims equal to the appeal time of the convict.

***** Merry Christmas *****

Monday, December 12, 2005

Head Scratching

Sitting here this morning I listened to a story about the man in a California prison that is facing death in 18 hours. Every bit of the story was about how the man deserved to live because he had "changed and was doing so much good". I just have a problem with that logic. He killed a person and they were permanently sentenced to death. How much good could they have done or tried to do? I am of the thought that when you are convicted of certain crimes the sentence is carried out no matter how much you have changed. Why does he deserve another chance -- the victim gets nothing but a shortened life? The simple fact here remains he killed someone so he must be punished as the court sentenced him. I am sad his lifestyle and anger placed him where he would commit this crime. That is a black eye on society and their failure to make a difference. But the simple fact is He killed someone and was sentenced to die -- so carry out the sentence. Until people are held accountable and punished according to the law, we will never see the murder rate go down.

I had an interesting conversation with #1. While talking about jobs I commented that he needed to be aware of where he worked and the hours since in most likelihood we would have to help get him there. You know, be considerate of mom and dad. He responded he would work off shifts so he could use the car and not interfere with us. Of course I reminded him he had lost his car and had no insurance. Then I said he wasn't on my policy so he could not drive them. Of course he fumed and said "come on lighten up, it isn't like I am going cross country or anything like that." Naturally I said no and that I wasn't willing to chance losing everything I had because of an accident he caused. I wonder where these ideas come from. I have heard it from several young adults that if you are just driving around town that there is no need to have insurance. It is as if they feel if you don't have it then the other person can't take it. Another one is they keep their checking account balance at a minimum, write checks for every penny based on their idea of the sequence of withdrawal. However the bank operates on an entirely different schedule and bounces a check. They actually think it is the banks fault and refuse to pay it

The pre-hugged Christmas bears are back. So it takes a while to hug every one. Lou would hug them and give a grunt since it was a bug hug. He did hug everyone and even a few twice. He is at the stage he parrots anything I say. Needless to say the language filter must be turned up full strength to prevent those slippages.

#2 in all his wisdom still is job hunting. When asked how it was going he rattled off a bunch of business names of places he filled out an application too. I stated it sure sounded like the same places he tried before he tried the Job Corp. He nodded yes and restated he tried .. My question was "how many interviews?" None but I did a lot of applications was his response. I responded that applications were paper and like toilet paper, something used and thrown away, get an interview, that was called job hunting. Needless to say, the attitude appeared and the conversation ended but not before I reminded him that rent was due in 30 days. He spent the rest of the evening away from us.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Which Holiday Cartoon Character Are You?

You are:

Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks

Like Alvin , you love Christmas—for all the stuff it brings! You love getting all gussied up and being the center of attention. It's great that you're having such a great time, but remember, there's more to the holidays than getting gifts. There's a lot of joy to be found in the simple pleasures and thinking of others.

Try it yourself!

Whimsical Thoughts

Last night we attended the pre-showing of the Chronicles of Narnia. That was fun and the show was very good. Even #1 flatly stated that he liked the movie. The snowstorm they predicted was a fizzle once again. Just enough sleet and snow to make life miserable They were predicting 4-6" where we lived but it barely covered our grass. Two weeks from Monday our great adventure starts -- warm weather, good fun and lots of fun.

Why would you sit there and watch a virus warning continually pop up and not do anything about it. These are the people that sit there with a finger crammed up their nose and tickling their brain. Then they choose to blame me for hacking into their system and infecting them. Only thing I would hack into is their dried up brain and inject some common sense. Then they want me to fix it, as if I do this to generate more work for me. I guess this is the low quality of news reporters you get when they are paid minimal wages.

Our Christmas party on Wednesday night was great. Good food and the view of the District of Columbia from a restaurant on the 14th floor.

Trial by DNA? Could it be that in the future you won't get a trial if the DNA at the crime scene matches yours? The evidence is collected, the DNA processed, your are arrested and the judge sentences you with the appropriate sentence. We turned another corner when a death sentence was overturned because the DNA evidence was destroyed. They disregarded the jury's decision based on all the evidence and the belief that he was guilty. Yes, the law changed and what the clerk did was wrong but don't blow off the original trial because of it. If the DNA evidence is gone all the new trial can consider is the testimony of the witnesses. Well, Duh, that is what happened the first time so why not accept that finding. meanwhile we continue to provide a living to someone already found guilty.

The other night I saw a program on the transgender issue we face. It brought up some interesting question but also showed the lengths some will take to disguise the truth of who they are. That one guy married a he/she and wouldn't let he/she remove the crank. So instead of accepting the fact he is homosexual he masked it as he was normal and just in love with a transgender female. Unscrew the brain and see the lack of any gray mass? Needless to say, I laughed a lot. Seriously, the transgender people did present some issues but the other people were just perverted.

Monday, December 05, 2005

White Christmas?

Paul's Update: 12/04/05

Dear Friends: -- Many good things happen every day. We can praise God for these small miracles. Today Bobby & Tabby got to see Paul open his eyes (both according to Bobby) and look at them. He appeared to have a somewhat frightened look. I suspect he IS a bit frightened and confused about what & where he is, not to mention what happened that got him there. He is opening his eyes (mostly the left one) quite often. It is usually in response to either touching him or talking to him but not always. I came into his room today and before I even spoke or touched him I noticed his left eye open. It stayed that way for about a minute. He still doesn't appear to respond directly to commands but I think he is getting closer each day. Please continue your prayers for Brenda (Austin's grandmother) & her family. She is having tests done tomorrow to decide what kind of cancer she has and how her doctors will plan to treat it. Also continue to remember all those families that are victims of trauma that are at Fairfax ICU. One family is struggling with the impending death of their 70 year old father & husband that fell at home and hit his head causing massive bleeding on the brain. His doctor says there is not any brain activity and they will probably have to remove him from the respirator soon. I pray that God will comfort them! God Bless, -- Lynne & Carl

***** *****

Well, it snowed today and it was a far cry from what they predicted. 3-6" and we will barely get 1 1/2". But even with that piddly amount the cancellations are piling up. If they cancel school every time they get an inch .. this school year will never end.

Work is going well. I finished a new server buildout and installed it this weekend. It is good to be able to finish something without having it changed on you before it could be finished. Time to move on to the other 999 projects all due yesterday. :)

Well, the District of Columbia shows their ineptitude when it comes to the Nationals. They got the concessions from MLB that they wanted but today's news makes you grin. A document surfaced that stated the cost of the new stadium was some 165 million under the actual cost. Mayor Williams used 535 million as the cost and now it is reported the number will be 700 million. To add insult to injury, if the cost is too much and the fall back to the RFK Stadium site, the report says it can't be done in time for the 2008 deadline. This is starting to look like a texas-sized goat rope.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Brrrrrr ... Is it Winter Yet?

Paul's Update: 12/03/05

Dear Friends: -- Today was a pretty good day. Paul had a CT scan first thing this morning. The doctor decided that the depression in his skull was nothing to worry about. The shunt seems to be working fine and his brain is in good condition. The swelling in his neck area is just a hematoma (a collection of blood under the skin) from the installation of the shunt and it should reabsorb into the skin in a few days. He actually looked better already today! Much of the same movements are present. He still opens his eyes occasionally (mostly the left eye) and he moves his head and arms frequently. His heart rate & BP are normal and he seems to be doing very well although he still doesn't respond directly to any commands. He is still in the ICU2 unit but as soon as a bed in a room with someone else who has staff infection in the intermediate care unit comes available he will be moved. Many new families have arrived in the ICU unit. Please continue to pray for them. Also, many of you have heard about Austin and his recovery. He is at Mount Vernon Rehab center but his maternal grandmother was admitted this weekend with a mass in one of her lungs. It appears that she may have cancer. This is a serious concern for her since she just lost a sister to cancer. Please pray for Brenda and the family as they endure another difficult situation. Thanks for your continued prayer!! -- Love & Hugs -- Lynne & Carl

***** *****

I knew the Christmas season was here because we started our Christmas teddy bear program. Everyone brings teddy bears for the next few weeks and everyone hugs them. Then these "pre-hugged" bears are given away to kids and really anyone needing some extra love. Snuggle -- Snuggle

Three weeks to cruise time .. I can't wait.

Work continues to be fun, hard but fun. It is kinda sad watching them let my old network system crumble from neglect. It still amazes me that someone can sit there with a broken computer system and bellyache that they weren't hired to fix them. Where I came from refusing to do your job got your butt canned. But then again it takes a manager with balls to enforce it and I guess there aren't anymore left over there.

Christmas parties and the pre-screen of the Narnia movie will highlight this week. Add in choir and bible study and who has anytime left?

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL ... and those who are ashamed about that phrase --- Season's Greetings ...errrr ... MERRY CHRISTMAS anyways.

Friday, December 02, 2005

The Weekend Arrives

Paul's Update:

12-01-05 --- Dear Friends: -- God is soooo good. We have been anxious to see signs that Paul is doing better. Today Paul was more active. He seemed to be very aware that we were in the room. His eyes opened quite a bit. He appeared to be trying to lift his head and shoulders toward Tabby. His heart rate would go way up. The nurse said she believes it is because he is becoming more aware and wants to communicate but can't. Although he is still in a coma he appears to be very close to waking. The doctor said he needs to respond to commands, like "squeeze my hand" and "open your eyes" before they consider it to be things he does intentionally! Friday will be the completion of 4 weeks in ICU. It appears that Paul may be moved to intermediate care ICU maybe as early as tonight or Friday. Thanks for your prayers....we may finally be on the way to having Paul back with us!! -- Love, Lynne & Carl

12/02/05 --- Dear Friends: -- Today was the completion of the fourth week in ICU. Paul was a lot quieter today. Not as much movement as yesterday. His heart rate was up quite abit this afternoon. The BP & respiration rates were also up. We had a bit of a scare tonight after the shift change. When Carl and I went in to visit we noticed that the part of his skull where the bone was removed was sunken in quite a lot. The other noticeable thing was a lot of swelling in the neck area just below the jaw. The nurse checked to see if there was any change in his neurological responses (eye dilation, response to pain, and some reflex action in the foot). All these seemed the same as when she checked him earlier in the evening, but she said the skull did look quite different from an hour before. The resident doctor and the head of the trauma team came to look. They seemed to think it may be from the shunt draining the fluid from his cranial cavity but they were a little concerned with the swelling in the neck. The neurosurgeon on Paul's case was called and he ordered a CT Saturday morning to see what is going on. They didn't seem to think it was life threatening but it does warrant a look. The good thing about tonight's visit was that the doctor and the nurse both seemed pleased with Paul's neurological status. We are glad to hear that they at least think he is doing well for his situation! We will just continue to pray for God to hold & heal him. His doctors are doing their part!! -- God Bless, Lynne & Carl

***** *****
Looks like our first real snow is coming Monday. It makes the thoughts of our cruise in 24 days much warmer. Do I feel guilty? No! :)

I couldn't help but shake my head as I listened how some German Youth group was making an erotic bible calendar. The adult (used lightly) leaders thought it was great that the youth were taking an interest in the bible. This is the same logic that believes take a bunch of porn stars and have them hold the bible or some religious artifact and revel in joy when a bunch of men come back into the church. Perhaps the German leaders could teach them of Christ's love and draw the kids in ... and the results would last longer. That formula has worked for a long time.

Thank you Federated Stores and WAVA FM 105 for taking a stand and using the phrase "Merry Christmas." It is time to quit trying to hide who we are and accept that God and religion was the basis of our nation.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hump Day Thoughts

Paul's Update:

Dear Friends: -- Today was a pretty quiet day. Not much change…good or bad! However, Tabby did see Paul’s left eye opened!! She was so excited. It may be nothing but we feel encouraged by any activity we see! The neurosurgeon ordered a CT scan for this morning to check the fluid pooling in Paul’s brain and he ordered testing for bacteria in the spinal fluid. Both showed things were going well so he has decided to do the shunt surgery on Wednesday instead of later in the week. He wants to do it while Paul is at his “best”. It is encouraging that he feels Paul is strong enough to endure yet another surgery. Many people have told me stories about shunts (along with the info I found on the web). I feel that this will be a procedure that I can have confidence in since many people have them and live very normal lives! After the surgery Paul will return to the Neuro Trauma ICU where he will stay for a bit longer. The neurosurgeon made it clear that he thinks it is too early to move Paul to intermediate care. I was relieved since I don’t feel he is ready either. All the time he spends in ICU is just more chance for his healing with the best medical advantages. We don’t know what time the surgery will be on Wednesday since he will be a “squeeze in” when they have time to do it. Please remember him in your daily prayer! P.S. One of the young guys that came in a few days before Paul went on to Rehab today. He was in an accident where he rolled his car and had similar head trauma. Praise God for Austin’s recovery!! -- Love, Lynne & Carl

***** *****

#1 had a job interview today .. thunk! Maybe something good will happen in a few days.

The new job is going well. Yes, the hours are long and the work constant but it is fun and challenging. The worst part is cleaning up the neglected crap while pushing forward with everything else.

Why can't Major League Baseball leave the Nationals new stadium alone. Yes, the D.C. council isn't the brightest and usually overspends money they don't have, that is no reason for MLB to make its demands.

Thanks Govenor Warner. Your misplaced compassion for a man convicted of murder will cost me many tax dollars as I pay for him to live for the rest of his life. If you were so sure the trial was questionable enough to commute the death sentence why not reschedule him a new trial? You didn't because that is just a smoke screen for your decision based on political aspirations. When will you commute the death sentence for the victim? I won't vote for a man with weak principles.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Update 8

Paul's Update:

Dear Friends: -- Boy, what a roller coaster ride this is!! Today Carl & Tabby talked to the head of neurosurgery at the hospital. He said that according to the tests they ran there is evidence that Paul's body is not absorbing the spinal fluid in the brain and he will need a shunt that will be inserted in the skull and have a tube draining the fluid to his stomach. This may end up being a permanent solution which the Doctor was sure to advise us would be associated with risk of infection or malfunction from time to time. He also was sure to "remind" Carl that Paul has a "very, very severe head injury" and he was not hopeful that Paul would ever wake up and if he did there was a great possibility that he would be severely mentally and physically handicapped. This was very disturbing to hear. Tabby asked the nurse to page Paul's neurosurgeon so we could get his spin on this situation. He has been very helpful throughout this ordeal. He finally came in around 8:30 pm to talk to us. He painted a little better picture. The shunt will need to be done but he seemed to think that there is a possibility that it could be removed in a year or two when the brain has done all of it's healing. Even if it stays in permanently he made it sound like it would not be a problem. He also said that he would not do any surgery until late this week or early next week since Paul evidently had a case of meningitis that they have been fighting with antibiotics. He wants a few days to go by before he is comfortable that the infection is gone before doing surgery. He made it clear that he is NOT giving up on Paul and that there is a real chance Paul can recover. We won't know anything of course until he wakes up....only time will tell!! We as a family still feel hopeful and are seeing signs that Paul is healing. We will continue to pray that God will restore Paul to us very soon! -- Love, Lynne

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Monday Blues -- Almost!

Paul's Update:

Dear Friends: -- Today was mostly quiet, however some significant things happened. According to Paul's nurse this morning there was a time when she was changing out one of his tubes when she noticed his left eye opened!! We haven't seen it but she tried to straighten his head up and stir him to open it again while we were in the room. He looked like he was trying very hard to open it but wasn't successful. This is just another indication that he is very close to awakening!!! The other great thing that happened today is...they crimped the drainage tube that has been draining fluid from the skull thus preventing any draining. This is significant because if his inter-cranial pressure (ICP) does not increase they will be able to remove the tube...maybe Monday! He has been so stable for about a week now!! A CT scan will be done on Monday morning around 4am. After the Neurosurgeon comes in there is a possibility that he will be moved to an intermediate care wing (depending on bed space). Although he is still in a coma we are excited and encouraged by this step! This Thanksgiving weekend has been full of things we can be thankful for!! Today being the first Sunday of Advent inspired the nurses to decorate the ward with Christmas decorations. It is a cheerful site. I pray that Paul will be awake and able to celebrate the season with us! Thanks for your continued prayer & love! -- Love, Lynne & Carl

Sunday was relatively quiet and flowed pretty much as every Sunday goes. Church and Bowling. The Youth Bowling was fun as TP bowled and she kept the young guys all stirred up. Right now Sunday afternoon bowling is a total laughing time. The evening bowling went well but I was just a bit out of it. I always seemed just a slight phase shift out of sorts. Don't know why but I don't like it. Maybe more afternoon delight would help!

#2 did not go back to Charlestown. Right now I am simmering. But the proverbial caca will hit the fan very soon. Actually as soon as I cool down and can think straight. Needless to say, it was a complete disappointment when he made his decision. He isn't self-disciplined enough to make this work like he imagines it. If life and job hunting was simple as he thinks, why didn't it work for him three months ago? He will learn that taking job advice from someone that can't get or hold a job himself is a great recipe for a disaster. But, all I can do now is set the rules and then take swift action when he blows it. I totally refuse to roll over and be an easy touch.

Lew was a riot Saturday and Sunday. All the time it seemed like an echo was there as he parroted everything we said. Don't you just love the 2’s? This Christmas should prove to be real fun as he can now grasp a bit of what is happening throughout the holidays and in some way communicate it back to us.

***** *****

Hail to the Deadskins ... err .. Redskins. They blew another 4th quarter lead and lost. I think this week the fat lady will sing and the constant chatter of playoffs will go away. It is sad when they finally realize the inevitable -- they are losers.

Gee, the protesters are back at Crawford. You know that she has been there and left numerous times for "personal family matters." Well, lady -- grow up and go home. It seems your family needs you more and if you stay at home you can help them more than you are helping the memory of your hero son.

Update 7

Paul's Update:

Dear Friends -- Another pretty good day. :-) When Carl and I arrived today we found that Paul had been completely removed from the respirator. Now he is breathing on his own!! Praise God! He is still experiencing some pain from the surgery on his foot but not nearly as much as last night. The nurse says she believes he will be moved to the intermediate intensive care maybe as early as Monday or Tuesday. He is very stable and doing great. He is still not awake but we hope to see him wake up very soon! The faces in the ICU change almost daily. There are so many trauma victims over the weekends especially. We see so many tragedies each day and it makes me so thankful to have my son alive and doing better. Please continue to remember them and their families in your prayers. God Bless -- Love, Lynne & Carl

Today was a relaxing day. We ate mexican food and had a great time celebrating Lynne's birthday ... her 28th for the ... gee I forget how many times now. Michael, Barry, Missy and Lew were there. Watching Lew devour the guacamole is fun but we must get him to quit double dipping. My enchiladas hit the spot.

#2 is supposed to leave for school tomorrow and that should prove to make Sunday fairly tense. He has 10 million reasons why he shouldn't go back. We are trying to point out to him the benefits. He feels 3 months at school, a GED, and a few classes on job hunting have equipped him to tackle the world. So who knows what tomorrow holds.

Youth bowling tomorrow will be another experience and time of smiles. This new team just hasn't come together. It is probably another season from making a serious run for first place. Last week a young lady (TP) subbed for one of our missing girls. She wants to bowl with us next year but though she is good and would help us I don't know if I could handle it. Two very young and beautiful 14 year olds ( TP and MG) are a sight to watch. This newest young lady (TP) had all the guys strutting their stuff and doing their best to impress her. I couldn't quit laughing. She stood there at the ball return and her opponent picked her ball up for her and then he promptly through a gutter ball on his turn. I wonder if I did that at his age. And for the inquiring minds, yes MG through a 206 and beat me and my 198. Her average is now up to 145. MG has come a long way from an average of 90 since I started coaching her. She finished last season as the Youth Bowler of the Year. So tomorrow should prove interesting if she bowls with us.

Monday I will get my 5 tickets to the pre-showing of the new movie "Narnia". We will get to see it on December the 8th prior to its National debut on the 9th. We are excited and interested in how they choose to portray the book.

Today I started a project I have wanted to do for a long time. I started reworking my stories and redesigning the web site. As I cleaned all the HTML up, I read some and man did the memories come back. When I will get done is anyone's guess but I will slowly bang away at it.

Well, our advance registration for the cruise is done along with choosing our excursions. The confirmation came back today for all the ones we choose. This time next month we will be intransit to the port. Well, actually, we will be there in a Charleston hotel trying to sleep knowing tomorrow we cruise off into paradise.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving 2005

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and were blessed beyond your greatest expectations. I know I got stuffed with very little effort. But I had our whole family sit at the table to share the feast and that is always a good feeling.

Paul's Update: 11/23/05

Dear Friends: -- Another pretty quiet day, still more improvement but in small increments. The physical therapist showed Carl how he can exercise Paul's arms & legs. She also showed him some ways to stimulate Paul to wake him. The nurses are pleased with his progress. I saw his eyes moving tonight and it looks like he is trying to open them. I try to not get too anxious but I'm hopeful that he will wake up soon. Friday Paul will have the surgery on his foot. It is scheduled for 8:00 am. Thanksgiving day will be a time for us to spend with family. We are most certainly thankful that Paul is with us and we are thankful that our family can celebrate that!! Tabby will spend the day at the hospital with Paul. We are also thankful for you….our friends & family. God has been so good to us. We praise Him for His love and grace. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Don't eat too much Turkey…and enjoy those pies!! :) We love you!! -- Lynne & Carl

Paul's Update: 11/24/05

Dear Friends: -- Today was a GREAT day! Paul actually reached with his left hand for the suction tube when his nurse attempted to clean out his mouth. This is wonderful because it takes conscious effort to do that kind of action. Tabby was there to see this happen and of course she was thrilled! He continues to have progress every day which we are grateful for. This was a day to be thankful for. Friday he will have surgery for his foot and ankle. The time has been changed to 10am. We will be there before and will probably stay most of the day. This weekend started the holiday season for Christmas. Please remember families who will suffer trauma and loss during this time. Many new families came into the trauma center last night. Most of them were young (teenage) drivers who were involved in accidents. Remember them in your prayers. -- Love Lynne & Carl

#2 arrived and within about 5 minutes we had a house full of young adults. He thinks he has learned enough that he doesn't need to go back to Charleston. That should prove for some good discussions this weekend. But for now he can enjoy things.

My prayers go out to a family friend (Eddie) who was injured following a motorcycle accident a few days ago. He lost control when he tried to avoid a drunk who stepped into the street. Despite a crushed leg and hip, he will survive the bruises thanks to his helmet.

***** *****

I see there is another attempt to get "In God We Trust" removed from our money. I wonder since it is so offensive to have that phrase, we do they continue to us money? I think their greed takes precedence to their moral values. Last time I looked, God was central to the formation of our great country. Read the Mayflower Charter, before they left the boat for land, they made sure everyone agreed that God was the foundation of whatever they built on land.

Thanks to the cool heads who prevailed in helping Philadelphia keep T.O. where he belongs -- off the field. I appreciate his talent but his childish requires him to grow up and be the man and example he could be.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Pre-Holiday Post

I ran late and didn't get yesterday's update posted so here it is:

Dear Friends: -- Today was Paul's birthday and what a great day it was!!! I'm so thankful that we can celebrate another birthday with him! We took him cards and balloons but truthfully it was US that received the best gift!! God continues to restore Paul's body. He squeezed Tabby's hand today :-) . He also made a random "pulling" action with his left arm. This is important because as I said the other night it indicates activity in the upper portion of the brain. I believe that he is right at the surface and waiting for just the right moment to awaken! This morning the staff doctors were wanting to move Paul to the Intermediate Care Unit but his neurosurgeon stopped that. I was actually relieved because as good as he is doing I don't believe that he is ready to have any less monitoring. It is encouraging that they believe he is doing that well. As always, I ask that you keep praying, but I'd also like you to remember the families that are in the ICU with us. Please remember especially Rolando's family as he passed away today and Mark's family as he passed last night. -- Love, Lynne

Today's Update:

Dear Friends: -- Today was a pretty quiet day. Paul continues in his coma but he is still moving his arms & legs. His nurse told Carl that they are waiting for him to show signs of using his arm to reach across his chest area. I guess that takes more controlled effort. Carl told her he was moving his legs and feet so she took a pen and did a reflex test on his foot and he pulled it away from her. She was very pleased to see that. The doctor had him scheduled for the surgery on his foot today but the schedule was overbooked and they took him off the schedule. They may try again tomorrow. I wasn’t sorry since I think it can’t hurt to wait another day and give him a chance to get a little stronger. We are now also fighting an infection in his spinal fluid but the nurse said that is very common and wasn’t too worried about it. They will treat his with more antibiotics. It looks like he is just taking longer than we had hoped to wake up but we are still very hopeful that it will be soon. Thanks for your love and concern. -- Love, Lynne & Carl

***** *****

The Holidays approach and much to do. Starting with adding another hole to the belt (closer to the end). Checked the snack closet and made sure it was well stocked. Made sure there were a few good DVDs in case the football games turned into routs. Checked the slippers to make sure they were in good condition and capable of keeping my feet warm since some idiot weather man predicted snow flurries tonight. Fluffed the pillows in case a need to check the eyelids for holes was needed. Last night did a few tests of the scratch and spit routine making sure I had a good working technique. Man was I tired after all these preparations .. good thing the recliner was handy.

#2 son flies in tonight, so the fun and full house begins. Truthfully we are excited to see him and can't wait to hear more of his acronym filled stories.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Update 6

Paul's Story:

Dear Friends: -- Today was another very good day. Paul continues to have progress. His arms and legs are moving more and now we are getting more facial movement (mouth & eyelids). His is also moving his TOES!! What an exciting event :-) . His doctor talked to Tabby today and said he wants to do surgery on Paul's left ankle & foot. Apparently they were crushed resulting in multiple broken bones. He plans to do reconstructive surgery & put a metal plate in his foot. I guess they must feel he is stable enough to withstand the surgery (another very encouraging sign!!). Monday is Paul's 25th birthday. We will probably put some cards up in his room & maybe even a balloon!! We can certainly CELEBRATE his birthday this year!!! Thanks for your love & prayers. -- Love & Hugs, Lynne & Carl

Interesting question was asked of me today. Who causes the most stress in your life? That should be a good one to mull over. Still not sure I will print that person's name. The Holiday season fast approaches and in a few instances is already here. All the parties are being scheduled and the Christmas lists are coming in. We are trying to decide if we want to goto the pre-release showing of "Narnia" since my work has a handful of tickets. It would be fun seeing it a day before everyone else. The tought decision will be between the Christmas party given by my wife's work and the Christmas Paegant at our church.

Son #1 - No comment.

Son #2 - We are getting multiple calls everyday as he is so pumped about coming home for Thanksgiving. Gee, I remeber a time when he couldn't wait to get out of here. My how times change. Just hope he keeps his cool and doesn't get forgetful and leave all his belongings throughout the airport in his excitement to get here.

Daughter #1 - they got their car back after it was stolen. They lost a few personal items in the car and it had some damage. But at least it is back and driveable.

Daughter #2 - No word from her for a while now. Last we knew she was in Atlanta and our prayers are for her safety and perhaps somehow the light will turn on and she will contact us. I know the wife would love for that to happen.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Update 5

Update on Paul -- Today was a quiet and pretty uneventful day. Paul is doing about the same.....but that is good. He is still doing a little movement with his arms & legs. Most of the arm movement is a pushing motion which the nurse said is sign that the lower part of the brain is starting to function. She also said we can expect him to do more pulling motion when the upper part of the brain starts to function. He continues to run a fever and there are still signs of staff infection. He is breathing with aid from the ventilator but they are trying to do simple tests to see if he is ready to be weaned from it. Every day is a new adventure for us. God has been so good and we see evidence of His love and power all around us. Sometimes it is in the form of things happening to other families but it is clear that His hand is at work. Please continue to remember Paul and all the other patients (and families) at Fairfax ICU. -- Love, Lynne & Carl

Today was relaxing as we slipped back into our Sunday routine. It was even better since the Redskins lost 16-13. Lew kept us in stitches as he would try and talk to us and parrot anything we said. We also started studying the excursion list for our cruise and there are good choices. Hopefully by Friday we will decide on them.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Update 4

I am including an update as Paul's mother sees it.

"Hi All: -- Today was a pretty good day. Paul is doing a lot of coughing which is hard to watch and seems to cause some bleeding in the esophagus. This afternoon the doctor did a tracheotomy so they can start to wean him off of the ventilator. Tonight he was a little more comfortable but still coughing some. His temperature is up a bit and his BP is still up a bit. Tomorrow the doctor is going to insert a feeding tube into his abdomen so he can start to get some nutrition. He appears to be stretching his arms a bit but we are uncertain if that is from the coughing or if he is doing that voluntarily. Maybe we will know more tomorrow. Thanks for continuing to pray. We see God’s hand at work every day. -- Love Lynne"

Life continues for me and those around me. But one constant is our favorite mexican resturant. The food was good as ever today or maybe I was extra hungry.

#1 has his marching orders following his latest outburst which the living room wall lost.

#2 is anxious as ever for next Wednesday to get here so he can come home for the Holiday. He has voiced his desire to eat at El Agave next Saturday needless to say it wasn't very hard for us to agree.

Lou is a regular chatter box. Don't say anything if you don't want to hear it echo'd back.

***** *****

Thanks Joe Gibbs for being a man and apoligizing for chewing on the referee's following Washington's loss.

I love how the Democrats have taken their election politics to a new level by calling for a withdrawal from Iraq in six months. Sadly they don't say how this is to be done. But then again when do they ever have a plan that they will commit too?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Update 3

The past few days for Paul has gone well, and following are the words from his mother. "God is so good....every day seems to have something hopeful in it. Today was an answer to many prayers. The doctor talked to Carl (Paul's Father) first thing this morning and said that Paul is doing well and heading in the right direction. They now don't believe that Paul is in any danger of dying from his head injury. They started taking him off of all his medications. The barbituates have been cut from 100 ml/hr to 28 ml/hr. The morphine has been discontinued. The blood pressure medicine will be completely discontinued by the end of the night. Now they are telling us that it will be at least 3 or 4 days before we can expect any movement or signs he is waking up and it could take as much as 2 weeks or more. It really depends on whether the drug is what has been the ONLY cause for the coma and what damage his brain has sustained. Keep praying .... God honors our prayers."

No change from #1 except now he has no car. It seems the bank doesn't like not being paid.

Less than a week till #2 shows up for the holidays. It will be interesting to see how he has changed since he has lived away from us for a couple of months. Yes, we got his list of desired snacks for him to munch on and the Christmas wish list was offerred.

Thanks to my Role-playing partner for her support and just being there. I promise to get the muse cranked soon and generate a few chapters.

On the work scene things couldn't be better. Working in an environment where you are appreciated goes a long way. It was frustrating to bring up a problem just to be told "suck it up and let it roll off your back." To me the sad part of this whole thing is not being able to finish the projects I had lined up. The first couple of years were spent getting a stable network. Then the modifications that would take them to another level followed. Well, I guess I will just start over and do it in the new job. Once I get my new boss to pay for lunch each day then I will be truly happy. :)

***** *****

Good luck to the South Riding Virginia Episcopal Church for holding their faith in protest of the election of gay Bishop and joining the Anglican Church.

Shame on the Clarendon Presbyterian Church for not performing marriages between a man and a woman in protest of the Virginia laws against same sex marriages.

I love seeing the Redskins whining about losing and how the game was stolen from them.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Reflections on a cold Night

One week later and not much has changed. A good day then a bad day. Paul continues to hang on while we try and cope each day. Routines are all but gone as he is now our focus.

Today I sat with a small tear in my eye as I watched a couple of young men play video poker and goof off. They have made no effort to get a job and create a meaningful life. Then I thought of Paul, a young man deprived of his chance to work, he paid his own way through motorcycle mechanic school and couldn't fathom not working everyday to support his family. His last actual conversation with a friend was about his new child affectionately called "peanut" after viewing his first sonogram. As I watched these other two I wanted to scream "it wasn't fair" but then reason caught up and I regained my balance and said a silent prayer for the two.

So much has changed this week. I didn't even holler at people this week when they cut me off as they tried to race to work or where ever. I actually felt sorry for them for the same thoughtlessness they showed is the same thing that has hurt my closest friend and his family. I can see that life here is so hectic as everyone bustles to find the key to getting ahead and getting one step up on their competitor. Kind of funny how several weeks ago the four of us were discussing how our lives seemed predictable and scheduled. We had certain things we did on certain days and if you saw one couple you knew the other was nearby. But now? Maybe we wished too hard or someone mistook what we said and changed it.

Roleplay right now is a faint glimmer in my mind. Not because of my partner or my few friends that remain but I feel guilty sitting there. I do apologize for my abscence but also ask for understanding. Channels have been empty because I chose not to be there and I have learned that no one can be the focus of the channel if it hopes to succeed. For everyone involved must carry an equal load and not expect one person too. But I am meandering from the real reason I wasn't there. Real life is my sand box.

When Lou (the two year old) is here all I want to do is play. I want to be there because life is so unpredictable and short. I don't want to miss a moment as I read some kids book on potty training and Lou pushes the sound effects buttons or put that 6 piece fire truck puzzle together for the millionth time just to hear the siren wail. Tonight I just laid there while he jumped on me, stacked plastic Easter eggs on me and then shot them off with the water gun. Was it fun? No, but we were together and he laughed and squealed, "pa paw more."

For Missy and Barry, to just sit there and talk as adults and hopefully part some tiny bit of my knowledge or hear some of their sage guidance.

I wonder where Jessi is and if she is ok. It has been a while since we heard anything and a hug would sure be nice. I could care less of the gothic dress, the piercings, or a myriad of other faults as I see them, I just want her to know I love her and hear her say " I love you Dad."

Perhaps Paul's legacy to me will be the wake up call that I am flittering my life away. Pointing out to me the frailty and shortness of life. Yes, at 53 those thoughts even cross my mind too. Showing me by his abscence that I too have been absent caused by the long hours I work. Some say "your out of balance", others say "your priorities are out of whack" and yet others say "live some." Perhaps they are right. What happens next I don't know but I know I am forever changed and just what changed will become evident in time. For Paul, all I can do is pray and be there for his parents and my wife. So it is time to cram the tears and emotions back into that box and stand up straight and strong for the others who will need a strong shoulder to lean on.

#2 called at 10:30 pm to tell us a bear was outside his dorm room window. I hope he didn't expect us to race 5.5 hours over there to scare it away. :)

My nephew should be home now from their honeymoon. I wonder how much of Disney World did they see. :)

Friday, November 11, 2005

Update 2

To all those serving our country, I say thanks! My prayers and hopes follow you as you do what is required. I am thankful for those ahead of me who won my freedom and those that follow me that keep me free.

Yesterday wasn't a good day as Paul suffered a setback. Besides the staff infection, the back of his brain is swelling and there is nothing they can do but watch and wait. The fog of this ordeal has yet to clear. This week if you asked me the day of the week I would have been unsure of what to say. The doctors who are said to be some of the best leave a lot to be said about their bedside manner. Most of their discussions are devoid of any glimmer of hope. It seems like sometimes they are reciting some medical book passage. Maybe it is a way to shield their emotions.

The better part of me -- my mate -- is really struggling as the pain and emotion of this ordeal wears hard on her. Her constant thought is, "if it hurts me this bad and disrupts my life so much, I can't imagine what Paul's mother is going through." I guess I am lucky I can just bury the thoughts and emotions only to bring them out when I so choose. Unless I run out of hugs and prayers she will make it through this and right now my hug tank is full.

***** *****

Hmmm, "I thought I was getting B12 and it seems it wasn't." Wow, as I see it if I was expecting one thing and had it substitued with something else that would constitute Medical Malpractice. Another variation I have heard is -- it was a B12 shot and it must have been tainted. Again! Malpractice would be my first thought. Today I heard another statement that his friend gave it to him and he was expecting B12. Then arrest that friend for trafficking in illegal drugs and get a better group of friends. Come on Palmeiro, how many more variations of a lie must we endure? You used steroids, lied to Congress about it and that is the end of the story and time to face the music. I vote that any record you achieved be nullified and at best asterisked as drug induced or performance enhanced. Better yet call it like it is ... cheating, nice record.

Thanks Major League Baseball for the cheap shot attempt to hurt the Nationals Baseball team. Maybe the District of Columbia government screwed things up but don't join them by piling on more crap. Get after the spoiled owners of the other teams and make them vote now. Call a special meeting and give the Nationals a chance to be competitive.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A Quick Update

Time for an update. The doctor has said Paul is past the critical phase and he will live but what that life will be he can't venture a guess at this time. So now we sit back and wait for the body to heal itself and slowly tell us how life will change for this young man and then the real work begins.

The new job is going great but as usual it is keeping me busy.

#1 has no change except we argue more and he has now lost his car. At some point he will get his sign and wake up. I sure wish it would be sooner rather than later.

#2 is still progressing. The anxiousness of coming home for the Holidays is seting in for both him and us, particlarly mom.

Less than 7 weeks till we cruise. I can't wait for this one especially now it is all paid for. Oh, how I love to lock the cell phone in the safe and not see or hear it for 12 days. Maybe I should come home this year with a good set of dreads.

Bowling is going well. The youth team is learning but still a good season away from being competitive. The team on the Sunday Night league is doing good, we are right in the middle and poised for a good end of the season run. The National Tournament is in Corpus Christi this year and that should be a good time. It is a little hard to believe this year will be my 16th consecutive year of bowling in it. The tournament in Toledo, Ohio in 1990 seems so long ago.


I have been watching that new series "Commander in Chief" and so far it has been good. The attitude of some of the Congressman is portrayed very well. They have in a lot of ways forgotten who they work for ... the people.

Boston Legal is a disappointment. I would have hoped they would have portrayed the lawyers better. Their image suffers enough without the show portraying them as alchoholic, sexist, uppity and better than anyone else and the firm as a "good ole boys club". If I were to try something like that at work, I would be in jail and facing a lot of court time. But then again, is it a true depiction?

I see T.O. is his normal self and forgetting that being a part of a team is what got him there. I hope they let he sit at home for quite awhile and maybe some sliver of common sense will sink in. But, we know better than to dream like that.

Did I hear someone say it is time to get serious about RP and writing? Must of been the wind.

Monday, November 07, 2005

A Surreal Fog

This past weekend was one for the record book. My nephew was married on Saturday just like we planned but I wasn’t there. We left here on Thursday @ 4 pm and spent the night in Pigeon Forge Tennessee as planned. We arrived in Florida Friday afternoon about 3 pm and after refreshing our selves we headed for the wedding rehearsal arriving there at 5 pm. We were about halfway through the rehearsal when our friends that traveled with us received a phone call that said their youngest son was involved in a motorcycle accident and it wasn’t good. We returned to my mom’s house about 8 pm and at 9 pm a phone call came to get home as soon as possible but that it probably wouldn’t be soon enough as they were giving him only eight hours and the drive was 15.5 hours. After a quick check of the airlines and a brewing pot of coffee, we left Florida at 10 pm for the all night drive.

At 2 pm on Saturday (1 hour before the scheduled wedding) we arrived at home and headed straight to the hospital. If I thought the car ride was interesting coming home, I was shocked at the emotional rollercoaster we rode till 8 pm Sunday night.

Paul had suffered massive head trauma (yes, he wore a helmet) after being t-boned by an accelerating car trying to race between the line of cars sitting in a traffic jam. Sadly, Paul was on his bike in that opening. Not sure how much she accelerated too but it was enough to throw him across the road and destroy his Harley. She claimed she never saw him but the other 5 eye-witnesses saw him (all his lights were turned on). One of the witnesses was a police officer. So far she has been charged with failure to yield and time will tell if she is charged with more.

Over that time, 2 pm Saturday to 8 pm Sunday, we went through the gamut of emotions as the doctors worked on him. We discussed removing the respirator and letting Paul’s body decide his fate. Another time, we faced given he most likely would be a vegetable so allowing him to die might be the best. Then we faced the thought his brain would kill him because of the pressure was getting too high. This was the last issue that forced a decision in which they removed the top of his skull to allow the brain to expand all it wanted. So now we know he will live and celebrate his 25th birthday on November 21 but what we don’t know is what that life will be like. But I do have faith that he will have a meaningful life and will get to raise his child who will be born in about 27 weeks.

As for me, I am exhausted both physically and emotionally. I have gotten a full night’s sleep last night but the emotional drain will take a while longer. Driving for 16 hours with Paul’s parents sometimes seemed like a nightmare. Not that they were bad company but the fog of what seemed so unreal combined with wanting the time to pass faster, the fact we were tired of driving and the not knowing of how Paul was doing. The full extent of his criticalness wasn’t known until after his parents got there.

I guess this whole episode has given me a different slant on many issues. My prayer life has gotten a hard workout these past few days. But that is another blog for another time.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Chuckles on the Eve of a Harvest Feast

Well, I thought I would jot a few words down while I am waiting for a computer to do all of its updates. This software has more patches than a rusted out car.

We are still busy as we start to head into the holiday season. The cruise is now less than 2 months away. I have been off this week as I transition to a new job that starts on Monday. I have gotten a few things done in between phone calls from both the old workplace and the new one. I won’t say much about the old place because it gets my blood boiling and life isn’t worth all that crap.

On the sports scene: Congrats to the Chicago White Sox – the best team won. I can’t believe the Braves let their pitching coach go. I just hope they have another one of them miracle workers standing in the shadows to fill those shoes. I chuckle at the Redskins with their talk of Super Bowl. They beat up the losing teams and lose to the winning teams. Someone needs to explain to them that in the playoffs there is only winning teams. Oh, by the way, on December 24, I have tickets to watch the NY Giants beat up on the Redskins. What a Christmas present!

Roleplay: It is just not the same right now. The writing to support it isn’t there. When in the channel, the people to bring it alive aren’t there. Where it leads, who knows. I wish I knew the magical word to regenerate it but sadly I don’t. I have my memories and dreams of times past but sooner or later even those grow dim. What is next? That is what is grinding up a few brain cells. Without my RP partner I couldn’t imagine where I would be. I always believed given the right 4 people and it would go on forever but given the events of the recent past I would have serious doubts about that statement. But hope is always there and someday the sun will rise.

***** *****

Something I do miss is the seventh inning stretch during a ball game where they sing “Take me out to the Ballgame.” Yes, being patriotic is a good thing but it has been 4 years and it is about time to return to the classic song and baseball history.

We need to do something about these disasters and how people approach them. I was amazed how many people did not prepare for this last storm in South Florida. It is like they expect the Government to care for them even when they are so near-sighted as to not prepare at all. If they had followed the basic guidelines for disaster preparedness they would have had food and water for three days. Wanting ice for the beer cooler and blaming the government for not supplying it is a bit ridiculous. If they had evacuated even a few hundred miles, they would be living the lifestyle they are accustomed to. Smacks a lot like a bunch of spoiled kids wanting everything but not willing to do anything themselves.

Gee, what has happened to the gas prices? For me they have gone from $3.05 to $2.29 lately. The only thing I saw that would have affected them would be the Congressional Investigation. Surely, with supply and demand the same and given the Gas companies were honest in their dealings with the average American and an investigation would fine nothing untoward! So I would what really sparked this sudden and dramatic downturn? Compassion?

Monday, October 24, 2005

Life's Update

Hopefully I can get my friends caught up with what is going on in my life and maybe give some perspective to my notable abscence on-line.

Well, today is the first day of my next adventure. No more 15 hour days or dealing with people that would rather stab you in the back than tell you something doesn't work and let me fix it. As I reflect over the last 6 years, I wonder where everything got side tracked. Am I completely innocent? Most likely not. But I am least up front and will get into your face and not your back. It will be a most interesting period of time watching how they handle things over there. The lead engineer doesn't have a clue, either in life or at work. A newsroom full of linux servers and he is so smart he doesn't know the password, or where each one is, or any idea what to do if he does find them. The other person is new and still learning computers. Ready to fly solo yet? No, a lot of over the shoulder is needed and sadly Salem is horrible at that. They like to throw people into the mix and then when they make a major mistake, fire them. I guess one thing that irks me is that my boss or the VP for the division never called to talk and try and figure out what has happened. I guess when you are a remote micro manager who cares. But I really think it was an opportunity to dump my salary and try to get a entry level person in there or better yet, a better reason to eliminate my spot and have a reason to consolidate the operations back in Dallas. To my friends in the newsroom, I hope and wish for the best and that your time there will be better. To the others, well, play your games, sleep, back stab and generally go to hell.

#1 has no change. Though the young lion felt his oats last night at the bowling alley and challenged the old lion. Happily, the old lion won 217-212, but the lioness was only at 190 and with her hadicap she put us both back into place. As a team we gave a lesson to the other team with a 175+ pin win.

#2 is cold. Being on a mountaintop in the fall gets cold and will get colder as the snow comes. Well, we will go and buy him a new coat rather than tracking down the old one he left here, where only God knows. He took his GED and now we await the results. Drivers school is next on the horizon and his trade schooling is moving along. Except for the occaision bouts of homesickness, he is doing ok. We are both proud of him for getting this far but anxiously await him to get all the way through.

Saturday was spent riding along the Virginia / North Carolina border looking at properties and houses that were for sale. We saw some beautiful ones that we are checking further into, especially on piece of land on US Highway 158 south on Lake Gaston North Carolina. Old southern farm house with columns, a tack house with a mother-in-law apartment, stables, a large pond with running stream right through the whole farm, the prettiest deep green grass with with white fences all over. The driveway was down a road flanked on both sides by a white fence and pastures. There is about 40 acres there with some of the back section still heavily wooded. Oh well, time will tell as we investigate further.

The our schedule gets fuller by the day. Oct 29-30, we are home but at the church alot with trunk-or-treat and our annual charge conference. Nov 5-6 is my nephews wedding which means a whirlwind trip to Florida. Nov 12-13 is a quiet weekend at a cabin located in Berkley Springs WV. and Nov 19-20 the #2 son comes home for the Holidays. At that point we are only 5 weks away from the cruise with Thanksgiving and Christmas in between. Some one say, "you can do what when?"

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

A Little Update - 2

Just a quickie update with more to come later.

A Job change is in the air as 10/21/05 is my last day here. As I inferred in an earlier post, I have had enough. I would love to have said it was a great ending to a great job but I would be lying. What is next? Who knows.

#1 is just as obstinate as ever. It would be great if he grew up and figured out what life is all about.

#2 is doing great except for occaisional doses of homesickness. He will be home for Thanksgiving holidays.

Here comes Wilma. I wonder how FEMA will react.

***** *****

My faith is restored a little bit. The Chief Judge said that the Judge that lifted the restraining order that allowed the ex to set his wife on fire did not make a clerical error but made a judgment error and there will be an investigation. Thanks Chief Judge.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Quick Thought

Well, another weekend passes and as the ones before it, it went too fast. Our weekly visit to El Agave was great and we have found a new chinese resturant that has very good food. Bowling as usual was fun but exasperating in many ways.

Roleplay has been almost non-existant for many reasons. As for the writings, well, the pen has no ink is the easiest way to say it. I find that I need inspiration or some stimulus to write and for whatever reasons it has been absent. There are times I wish the clock could be spun backward and then find another path for us to follow. But I also know many bridges have been burned and sadly a course set that perhaps lacks the same bonds.

The work scene continues to become a place that is less and less enjoyable to work in. Where it goes from here I don't know but when there is no desire there is no will to continue. I hope we are able to come to some agreement with the new job so I can make the change and start in a place where I feel good about.

***** *****

This last week I have laughed at the comments and thoughts of the Nation of Islam leader, Farrakhan. How can he believe that the Governement had placed explosives in the World Trade Center to be detonated when the planes flew into them. And then he popped off about the way the Governement planted explosives under the levees in New Orleans. It is some of that misguided nonsense that will continually fuel the flames of segregation. Perhaps if he read his good book more such an attempt to divide would turn to efforts to rebuild and heal the wounds. But that also requires that his good book is truly the words of peace he so laboriously expounds.

I am a bit confused with a local story that concerns the death of a lady following the Judge's refusal to extend her protection order against her husband. The day after the Judge cancelled the order she was set on fire by her husband. What confuses me is the video of the court proceedings shows the judge chastising her and saying the order was unneccesary and if she felt so inclined to file for divorce but he wasn't going to help her any more. Today, the court system said "the judge made a clerical error and checked the wrong box that lifted the protection order." What is going on? The judge verbally said what he was going to do and then did it. He didn't make an error -- the Court has in covering up his ill advised decision that cost a lady her life. Also in the video I was amazed how he tried to sound like some TV Judge and lecture her. The TV judges are paid to act out and the clients have agreed to accept what they get. But the District judge had no business acting up for the camera. Listen to the facts, decide the apprpriate action based on those facts and apply the law accordingly and keep your opinions to yourself. Because of his showboating an innocent lady is dead.

What happened in Toledo? A Neo-Nazi protest turned into a wild attack on the Police. I am amazed that even after Neo-Nazi's left out of concern for their safety, the so called citizens of Toledo trashed their homes and attacked the Police. So who was the real villian. Shame on you citizens of Toledo. I like how you protected your rights and homes by destroying them. A real bright move on par with a bunch of idiots.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Thoughts in a Fog

#2 son will be testing for his GED next week. That is a major accomplishment for a high school dropout. Needless to say, his parents are proud of him.

Our cruise in December is now all paid for. Sure can't wait for the last few weeks to pass.

Roleplay is quiet while my partner is off learning to cook. Gee, I wonder where hubby is then? Massage Parlor? Hot Tub with the Dance Company troop?

Sometimes you really wonder why you spend time to help someone or do that little bit extra for the Company. You sink so much time into the job to make it self sustaining and reliable only to be told that the boss said "go ahead take him, just let me know when" when he was queried about a potential opening elsewhere in the Company. Its times like that that put a hole into the self esteem and feeling that "you are worth it." It does make the transition easier knowing they feel I am expendable. It won't take long for things to unravel with almost thirty networked workstations and servers in a linux and windows environment. I look at the two who will take over and shake my head. One person has no IT experience and the other can't even install Windows on a computer and on a linux box, well, I will let your imagination roam. Why, you ask? Well, it seems the micro-manager wants to dissolve this operation back into his operation at a different location. With us falling to 4 people short including the manager it becomes clearer now. Why they couldn't be forthright and say at a certian point in time we want to move the operation instead of letting it spin out of control as people leave or jockey to save their position. Is it the plan to run everyone off except those who are selected to hang on in the other location? Could be.

Has it became the rage to expect the Government to fix or replace everything when something catastrophic happens to you? I keep hearing people being interviewed that expect the Government to replace thier homes or provide them with a certain standard of living. FEMA should take care of the immediate emergency issues and then the Insurance and the individual should take over. It comes across to me that many people are sitting back and waiting on the Government to wait on them and provide everything.

I was confused some last night as I watched the replay of the New Orleans Police incident as the Police Officers lawyer stated that the Police did not hit the man in the face. Now what confuses me is the video that is playing with the horse in the foreground. Yes, they didn't hit him in the face, but from what I could see, they had their hand on the back of his head/neck and was banging it against the wall. Seems like the same effect -- to damage the man's face. Oh, they the police are exhausted, homeless, overstressed and overworked so that explains why they flew off the handle like that. Well, if things are that bad, then the State or Federal Government should deputize enough officers to relieve every one of the New Orleans Police Officers. The replacement police should remain on the job until the regular officers have control of their personal lives and until the Legal system has cleaned out the Officers that are less than reputable. Then there will be no excuses for that kind of behavior.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Quick Note

Well, the Ren Faire was great as usual. It is becoming a regular event in our lives. Our friends that went with us really enjoyed the festivities and already have planned to attend with us next year. The only downer was the rain but luckily it subsided for most of Saturday and only started back up about 5:30 pm. The roasted turkey leg and mugs of beer made the dampness melt away. The Battle shield looked just as good this year but the $850 just wasn't there. I did miss my O'Danny girls show but the "Men in Tights" comedy was hilarious. Our friends got selected to participate in the presentation of the "Menace of Venice". That was wild and the pictures make us laugh just as much as when they did it live. Of course the sites were great and I managed to keep my eyeballs out of the mud. Oh, I picked the right knight this time and he won the joust. Almost reminds me of the arena on line where the results are just about as unpredictable.

Kids! You love them but sometimes you just want to wring their necks. Specifically #1's. We haven't heard anything from #2 son so we can assume he is doing well. If he was struggling I know the phone would be ringing off the hook. It is about a month till we will have to run over and bring him home for Thanksgiving.

Bowling was ok this weekend. The best part was my star student has returned while her parents wait for their house to sell. So now we can fine tune the team and make a run for first place. It should be an interesting time as besides the sport I must learn to deal with their emotions. Believe me, three young ladies who are 7, 11, 16 years old swing emotionally all over the spectrum.

***** *****

What is with the New Orleans Police Department? I am confused as to why someone in Authority hasn't stepped in and fixed this emabarrassment to all Police Officers. Atlanta's Chief Pennington has said that the New orleans Police Department is fundamentally corrupt .. so someone please step in and fix it.

Well, Atlanta let another one slip away. The Yankees hung on while the Redskins embarrassed themselves again. The Redskins are the weakest looking 3-1 team around.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Catching Up 2

Well, the excursion to West Virginia was a success. #2 is doing well. I can tell he is in a school run by the government. His vocabulary is filled with acronyms. I guess that is better than 4 letters words. He would chatter away then stop and ask, “Do you know what tva (or some other acronym) means? Mom would respond, “No, but I guess you will tell us!” Of course he did using another 15 acronyms. All in all, it was fun but by 7:30 pm Saturday night he was ready to go back to the campus. Us old folks can only keep him occupied only so long. Oh, now he has his driver’s license and quickly learned the phrase, “Can I drive?” I also can report that Charleston on a Saturday is a sleepy quiet town. I was amazed that everything downtown but the mall was closed and there were hardly any cars. A big change from Northern Virginia.

This weekend is the Ren Faire over by Annapolis. I have been waiting a year to go back and it is finally here. Our friends are going and they too are excited.

#1 is now unemployed. It is foreign to me why a person would quit with no job prospects and no money to pay the car payments. Well, this time, he will lose the car because I refuse to pay anything to bail him out. Time to learn a hard lesson.

A job change is in the air for me. Not a big one but just changing the division I work in within the same company. I will be going to the Radio Operations side instead of the Network Operations side. If one of my friends who had a solid IT background and lived nearby wanted I could get them a decent job.

Less than 3 months till our next cruise to the sunny southern Caribbean in December. 80 degrees while those back home freeze. I love that thought. Snorkeling should be the activity of the day and entertainment for the night.

On the bright side – a Dutch witch won the right to deduct her brooms and paraphernalia from her taxes. Could a hooker deduct the cost of condoms as a business write-off? How about gay men deducting the KY jelly as office supplies?

***** *****

I was thinking about what to say on several subjects but there is too much to even get started. It seems the same old crap goes on and on. It is just regurgitated and reused. I am waiting to see how the Tom De Lay stuff pans out. Either he messed up bad or the Democrats have. I guess that the Democrats can’t win an election cleanly so they will try and dispose of the opponents with the judicial system.

My opinion for what it is worth, Bill Bennett’s comments last Wednesday were uncalled for and out of place on the air. Pondering racially sensitive comments will lead to misquotes and taking it out of context. I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, … “ How do you know what you said is true? I am disappointed in what you said.

***** *****

Go Braves and Yankees.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Daily Thoughts - XX

Well, ummm, let me see. The ballgame was great. That is -- the Yankees won. The Boston and Baltimore game went as expected. It was funny seeing that there were more Boston fans than Orioles fans. Sad statement for the home team. Professional football was good because both the Ravens and Redskins had the week off. The only thing better would have been if they both lost.

Next on the horizon is going to see #2 at school in Charleston, WV. Needless to say mom is anxious and can’t wait for the time to pass till we leave Friday afternoon. And yes, he called asking for money and some items be brought to him. Must be something in teenager’s genes that teaches them how to ask for that stuff. He did start the tech part of his schooling this week. So by Saturday when we see him, he will know enough to tell me how to fix computers.

The next projects have started and guess what? They want it done last week! One person had the gall to state that they wished the engineers would fix things faster. Good thing my screwdriver was locked up or I would have fixed something very fast and permanently.

Oh, and choir practice resumed. I guess I best get my raspy twang loosened up so I can sing and pick up a new pair of ear plugs.

***** *****

The Atlanta Braves do it again. #14.

I find it interesting that there is little being said about the budget process on Capitol Hill. Usually they are fighting and jockeying for position. The sad part is even with all posturing they still don’t get it approved in time. Now, with all this silence and a strong hunch they aren’t doing anything, you could surmise that there won’t be a budget before spring. Besides, they are too busy trying to point fingers and get votes.

What has changed since Ivan/Dennis? I hear now that FEMA or the Government must step up and fix the damage of Katrina/Rita. I personally know quite a few people in Florida that would love to have this kind of help. Has the government now taken on the role of insurer to replace and rebuild?

Start the WPA crews and fill the positions with all those New Orleans evacuees. Provide them the materials and let them provide the muscle. That just might create a sense of “this is my home.” But don’t turn the first responders, Military, National Guard, and good Samaritans into a free labor pool. Any one that files for unemployment or welfare should be assigned to a WPA work crew. As I watched the TV one night after the worst of the floods had gone down and saw hundreds sitting about waiting for the next handout, there should have been someone to pass out so brooms and trash bags and start sweeping and picking up the trash up before it is blown into Texas. I love it when you see a car drive by and the empty water bottles and trash flies up into the air. We are humans and know better than to trash a place out. Didn’t the storms create enough trash without us adding to it? Or did the storm blow away common sense and pride?

More kids get killed on Friday night at a school football game. When will the senseless of this finally strike home and average people decide they have had enough violence? We have taught or kids that life has no value than what you give it. If someone does something you don’t like kill them. But then again they see their parents sue everything possible to try and get ahead. We buy and accumulate stuff and then discard it for the next version. Perhaps that 15 year old isn’t the newest version and it is time to get another one. Call me old fashion but individual worth comes from respect, discipline, and morals. Let me see, where do they get that from? School? Church? Home? Other Adults? Without researching too hard, those four sources play a very minor role in teaching our kids individual worth. Look at our TV programming. What do you see? Count the good virtues that you see being taught and then the bad ones. Need more paper for the bad ones?

Well, enough soap box, time to go outside and play.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Catching Up 1

Well, Philadelphia was fun. Did a lot of talking and listening as the many vendors tried to sell me their product. Believe me the eye-candy was great. The dinner I was invited to on Thursday night was an experience. They served Philly Cheese steaks and frozen flavored ice for dessert. The entertainment was Ricky Havens of Woodstock fame. His song “Freedom” was just as good as it was then. I guess I can consider the week a success. I had dinner at a very good "Family Resturant" and they even had T-shirts for sale. Oh, by the way Blue, I have one autographed for you.

The new studio build was completed and everything worked great. Now I just have to get them to quit nit-picking things and just do the job and let us finish cleaning things up. But then again, that is out of character for them. Besides, the people are clamoring for the next studio build-out to get started. Oh well, it never ends.

The first weekend in November will be a trip to Florida as my nephew gets married. He called early last week and asked me to be his best man of which I could not say no. I am looking forward to this.

The next few weeks will also be hectic as every weekend is booked. This weekend we are going to Camden Yards to watch the Baltimore Orioles put another nail in the Boston Red Sox playoff hopes. Next weekend is a jaunt to Charleston West Virginia to spend the day with #2. Then the next weekend is the Maryland Renaissance Faire.

Bowling has started off ok. We are 7-1 in one league and 7-7 in the other. But there is a long way to go and much can happen. Personally, I am carrying a 195 average so I am satisfied.

The final payment for our cruise was paid and now we only have to wait till Dec 27th. We are ready to have our excursion party where we sit down and pick them out. That gets to be as much fun as the excursions themselves.

As for my birthday, it was quiet .. I worked a 16 hour day. Oh well, there is always next year.

***** ***** *****

I am going to take this time off of making any comments and let laying dogs sleep.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Daily Thoughts - XIX

Well, after the first long day we are ahead of schedule. I love it when a plan comes together. The only regret I have is that I don’t have much time to see the wife. But, I will make up for it next week when things return to normal.

Roleplay: Come on and get real. Leave the past alone and focus on the now. Those people that are needling others by passing comments and innuendos between the channels need to be squashed and stop their attempts to gain stature and position by doing it. People are trying to go on with their lives but are getting dragged down by this petty bickering. People in Sorcery are trying to move on just as some people in Starchat are trying to move on. To the drama kings and queens that can’t accept that .. tough .. stop it or find somewhere else to park your character.

-- These are my comments and are not directed to any one specific person
but if the shoe fits, either wear it or change shoes. --

***** *****

The Pledge: Why are we so quick to throw away our heritage and change what got us where we are at today? It isn’t perfect but it is the best system I have seen. Some people will do anything to get their minute in the spotlight. Why they will even use their kids. This is America. Our system was built by founding fathers that believed in God and saw Him as the basis of our Nation. This looks like now that God has made us the best place on earth to be we want to dump him and take the credit ourselves. But then again, we have become a bunch of “users.” We use things then discard them when we want something newer or improved. The Constitution was built as a living document to grow as the nation did but we are dismembering it to suit the special interests. It is not the land where the majority rules but where the minority forces the majority to concede their rights.

I know many will label me but this is America. In this land we speak English, pray in school, say the pledge, honor the family, anyone can succeed but not at the expense of someone else, when you commit a crime you are punished and the victim receives restitution, and marriage is between a man and a woman. I agree that some things are broken such as equality between the races. But let’s fix the problem and not brow beat each other on what happened in the past. Yes, the corrections system is broken when the guilty dictates how they are to be treated and the victim is further humiliated as the guilty demands equal rights. And the list goes on.

FEMA: Make it a separate entity once again. Let Homeland Security deal with terrorism and FEMA deal with natural disasters. The combining was a bad idea so let’s fix it now.

Katrina: Bush admitted the federal response was inadequate; Brown resigned (got fired). The Governor admitted she made mistakes. Ok, Mayor, your turn to quite mouthing off, playing the race card and admit you and your staff failed miserably.

With the charges against that couple for negligent homicide we see the tip of the iceberg. Humans become animals when conditions become deplorable and society breaks down. We see that when the Mayor fails to plan and execute a disaster response, when a Governor can’t relinquish some power or control in order to help those they swore to protect, when police desert their beat, when National Guardsmen loot, and Caretakers abandon the helpless. In the aftermath we need to look at human nature and how we can avoid the conditions that made a city turn into jungle.

It is great to see the Congress open its investigation before the disaster is cleared up. They think “people will work harder at recovery knowing they are being watched.” Well, I think they will “work less because they don’t want to be called on the carpet for their actions and they especially don’t want to be second guessed and then have to defend their actions.” If Congress is trying to find something to do then they should “work on the budget and get it out on time.” They do this every year, slow leak the budget process and mess up the government for months as they panic approve a patchwork budget. Congress should be legislating and governing the land. Leave the policing of our actions to the legal system. The lawyers would love that.

A Convicted Child Abuser tries to take a child from school: When will we wake up and realize that these predators never really change their ways? How many children must die before the so called adults fix this problem?

Oil Companies: Regulation is the word of the day. Federal regulation of the industry until the oil companies can show they are willing to be part of the solution. Now they want to educate us as to why the prices are this high. They feel the average consumer doesn’t understand. I understand that it is broke when you post billion dollar profits as the so called gas shortage rages and prices skyrocket.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Daily Thoughts - XVIII

Well, life surely marches on. With deadlines looming on several projects my time becomes a costly commodity. So for now I just look to Monday morning when the first deadline passes. I will worry about the next one starting Tuesday.

Still can’t figure out #1 son. Try and talk to him and help him and all you get is gruff and lip. Ok, bud, do it your way and your mother and I will wait for you to grow up.

Have had a few calls from #2 in West Virginia. He is having a great time from the way he sounds. Loves the food and has new friends. Yes, the school is not so fun but a lot more tolerable than last time. Mom is starting to plan a weekend trip to go see him. Guess I better scratch another weekend off the calendar.

Next week, I will be in Philadelphia for a couple of days (Wednesday – Friday). Is there such a thing as a Philly cheese steak overdose?

Time to start planning the excursions for our cruise. It is getting ever so much closer. Something like 3 months and 2 weeks away.

***** ***** *****

I wish we could get media coverage of Katrina like we had on 9/11. I am tired of the many shows dedicated to “whom can we crucify with blame.” Focus on the good that is being done. Let the Congress do their Katrina Commission and give them something to do other than pass good laws and budgets. The media is getting worse in their constant push for ratings and the most sensational stories. Make me feel good about the many people trying to help down there.

There are many questions I would like to have answered but won’t and to think the media could ask them if they were so inclined. But, they must protect the democratic leaders down there that botched it. The Republicans have made their changes, when will the Democrats?

On the baseball front, it looks like the tradition continues. The Orioles in last place and the Nationals quickly headed there. Will those play-play announcers recant their stupid rah-rah when the teams were closer to the lead? Yes, the two teams actually were in first place around mid-season. I love it when the describe a Braves win as a 4-2 squeaker and when the Nationals win 4-2, it is a “slam as they double them up.”

And those Redskins. They edge lowly Chicago who played without a competent quarterback and already they talk playoffs. I love it when two nothing teams butt heads. Yes, the Redskins are in the lower echelon of teams, too much division as the prima donnas jockey for their paycheck. We all saw what happened last year and there isn’t that much of a change in personnel that would give us any hope. Except for those that reset their hope-o-meter every year and start fresh in September.

Kudos and winks to Roberts who continues to frustrate the Democrats; Katrina victims who fight back and rebuild despite the media’s attempt to blame first and fix second; Paulison who will step into the firing line and get FEMA going again and the Braves who like the energizer bunny just keep winning.