Sunday, November 27, 2005

Monday Blues -- Almost!

Paul's Update:

Dear Friends: -- Today was mostly quiet, however some significant things happened. According to Paul's nurse this morning there was a time when she was changing out one of his tubes when she noticed his left eye opened!! We haven't seen it but she tried to straighten his head up and stir him to open it again while we were in the room. He looked like he was trying very hard to open it but wasn't successful. This is just another indication that he is very close to awakening!!! The other great thing that happened today is...they crimped the drainage tube that has been draining fluid from the skull thus preventing any draining. This is significant because if his inter-cranial pressure (ICP) does not increase they will be able to remove the tube...maybe Monday! He has been so stable for about a week now!! A CT scan will be done on Monday morning around 4am. After the Neurosurgeon comes in there is a possibility that he will be moved to an intermediate care wing (depending on bed space). Although he is still in a coma we are excited and encouraged by this step! This Thanksgiving weekend has been full of things we can be thankful for!! Today being the first Sunday of Advent inspired the nurses to decorate the ward with Christmas decorations. It is a cheerful site. I pray that Paul will be awake and able to celebrate the season with us! Thanks for your continued prayer & love! -- Love, Lynne & Carl

Sunday was relatively quiet and flowed pretty much as every Sunday goes. Church and Bowling. The Youth Bowling was fun as TP bowled and she kept the young guys all stirred up. Right now Sunday afternoon bowling is a total laughing time. The evening bowling went well but I was just a bit out of it. I always seemed just a slight phase shift out of sorts. Don't know why but I don't like it. Maybe more afternoon delight would help!

#2 did not go back to Charlestown. Right now I am simmering. But the proverbial caca will hit the fan very soon. Actually as soon as I cool down and can think straight. Needless to say, it was a complete disappointment when he made his decision. He isn't self-disciplined enough to make this work like he imagines it. If life and job hunting was simple as he thinks, why didn't it work for him three months ago? He will learn that taking job advice from someone that can't get or hold a job himself is a great recipe for a disaster. But, all I can do now is set the rules and then take swift action when he blows it. I totally refuse to roll over and be an easy touch.

Lew was a riot Saturday and Sunday. All the time it seemed like an echo was there as he parroted everything we said. Don't you just love the 2’s? This Christmas should prove to be real fun as he can now grasp a bit of what is happening throughout the holidays and in some way communicate it back to us.

***** *****

Hail to the Deadskins ... err .. Redskins. They blew another 4th quarter lead and lost. I think this week the fat lady will sing and the constant chatter of playoffs will go away. It is sad when they finally realize the inevitable -- they are losers.

Gee, the protesters are back at Crawford. You know that she has been there and left numerous times for "personal family matters." Well, lady -- grow up and go home. It seems your family needs you more and if you stay at home you can help them more than you are helping the memory of your hero son.

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