Sunday, December 04, 2005

Brrrrrr ... Is it Winter Yet?

Paul's Update: 12/03/05

Dear Friends: -- Today was a pretty good day. Paul had a CT scan first thing this morning. The doctor decided that the depression in his skull was nothing to worry about. The shunt seems to be working fine and his brain is in good condition. The swelling in his neck area is just a hematoma (a collection of blood under the skin) from the installation of the shunt and it should reabsorb into the skin in a few days. He actually looked better already today! Much of the same movements are present. He still opens his eyes occasionally (mostly the left eye) and he moves his head and arms frequently. His heart rate & BP are normal and he seems to be doing very well although he still doesn't respond directly to any commands. He is still in the ICU2 unit but as soon as a bed in a room with someone else who has staff infection in the intermediate care unit comes available he will be moved. Many new families have arrived in the ICU unit. Please continue to pray for them. Also, many of you have heard about Austin and his recovery. He is at Mount Vernon Rehab center but his maternal grandmother was admitted this weekend with a mass in one of her lungs. It appears that she may have cancer. This is a serious concern for her since she just lost a sister to cancer. Please pray for Brenda and the family as they endure another difficult situation. Thanks for your continued prayer!! -- Love & Hugs -- Lynne & Carl

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I knew the Christmas season was here because we started our Christmas teddy bear program. Everyone brings teddy bears for the next few weeks and everyone hugs them. Then these "pre-hugged" bears are given away to kids and really anyone needing some extra love. Snuggle -- Snuggle

Three weeks to cruise time .. I can't wait.

Work continues to be fun, hard but fun. It is kinda sad watching them let my old network system crumble from neglect. It still amazes me that someone can sit there with a broken computer system and bellyache that they weren't hired to fix them. Where I came from refusing to do your job got your butt canned. But then again it takes a manager with balls to enforce it and I guess there aren't anymore left over there.

Christmas parties and the pre-screen of the Narnia movie will highlight this week. Add in choir and bible study and who has anytime left?

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL ... and those who are ashamed about that phrase --- Season's Greetings ...errrr ... MERRY CHRISTMAS anyways.

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