Monday, December 12, 2005

Head Scratching

Sitting here this morning I listened to a story about the man in a California prison that is facing death in 18 hours. Every bit of the story was about how the man deserved to live because he had "changed and was doing so much good". I just have a problem with that logic. He killed a person and they were permanently sentenced to death. How much good could they have done or tried to do? I am of the thought that when you are convicted of certain crimes the sentence is carried out no matter how much you have changed. Why does he deserve another chance -- the victim gets nothing but a shortened life? The simple fact here remains he killed someone so he must be punished as the court sentenced him. I am sad his lifestyle and anger placed him where he would commit this crime. That is a black eye on society and their failure to make a difference. But the simple fact is He killed someone and was sentenced to die -- so carry out the sentence. Until people are held accountable and punished according to the law, we will never see the murder rate go down.

I had an interesting conversation with #1. While talking about jobs I commented that he needed to be aware of where he worked and the hours since in most likelihood we would have to help get him there. You know, be considerate of mom and dad. He responded he would work off shifts so he could use the car and not interfere with us. Of course I reminded him he had lost his car and had no insurance. Then I said he wasn't on my policy so he could not drive them. Of course he fumed and said "come on lighten up, it isn't like I am going cross country or anything like that." Naturally I said no and that I wasn't willing to chance losing everything I had because of an accident he caused. I wonder where these ideas come from. I have heard it from several young adults that if you are just driving around town that there is no need to have insurance. It is as if they feel if you don't have it then the other person can't take it. Another one is they keep their checking account balance at a minimum, write checks for every penny based on their idea of the sequence of withdrawal. However the bank operates on an entirely different schedule and bounces a check. They actually think it is the banks fault and refuse to pay it

The pre-hugged Christmas bears are back. So it takes a while to hug every one. Lou would hug them and give a grunt since it was a bug hug. He did hug everyone and even a few twice. He is at the stage he parrots anything I say. Needless to say the language filter must be turned up full strength to prevent those slippages.

#2 in all his wisdom still is job hunting. When asked how it was going he rattled off a bunch of business names of places he filled out an application too. I stated it sure sounded like the same places he tried before he tried the Job Corp. He nodded yes and restated he tried .. My question was "how many interviews?" None but I did a lot of applications was his response. I responded that applications were paper and like toilet paper, something used and thrown away, get an interview, that was called job hunting. Needless to say, the attitude appeared and the conversation ended but not before I reminded him that rent was due in 30 days. He spent the rest of the evening away from us.

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