Wednesday, December 29, 2004

2004 is slipping away.

Merry Christmas -- Happy New Year .... I pray 2005 brings you to a place you wish to be.

Another year comes to a close. These holidays have been hectic and full of things to do.

Cruise: 9 days to go and I can rest with no unwanted interruptions. Warn Sunshine and water coupled with good fun and fun. Life can't get any better.

Camelot: Another source of stress these last few weeks. It shouldn't have come down to what happened but as in life some people never grow up and others haven't learned the value of trust and being honest with people. Could I have stayed? Yes, but it was killing my fun being there, I was tired of watching my back, and my writing muse was being choked to death because I was spending more time keeping the kiddies pointed in the right direction and not role playing. Now I have a new home where things are the way they should be ... fun and enjoyable.

I first thought I would go down the list of names and how happy I was being their friend and how much I looked forward to spending another year with them. Well, everyone consider it said! But at the same, I forgive them that showed me how immature, untrusting and just a down right liar they were this past year. For them, I forgive you but don't get in my way for I will step on you for taking something dear to me.

Church: The christmas concert was great. So many great solo's, readings, and choir music. It was fun as we told the story of Christ's birth.
Yes, I am politically incorrect. For I am a christian, and wishing someone a "Merry Christmas" is part of me. When will we stop bashing Christ's children? Then again, we ought to expect this since the World has tried to do this since God started this whole thing.

He made this country great and now as repayment we turn our back. How, by outlawing prayer in many places, outlawing monuments to his glory, killing (aborting) his precious ones before they can reach this world, celebrating same sex marriage, taking us to court for any thing we do in his name such as singing Christmas carols at school. Go ahead, drag this great country to the lowest depths, deny him and mock him. The last laugh will be on you and his pity nonexistant.

Oh ... by the way .... MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I promise to be more regular with my writings.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I wonder why

Petersen got Death for a death the evidence said he did but no one saw him do.

Meanwhile in Washington D.C, a High School student shoots another to death with many witnesses right in the school and all he gets is three minor charges like possession of a gun (Duh! did he use a finger to make the bullet hole?) and assault. The other charge escapes me.

Isn't this the same charges you would get for just being caught with a firearm on school property? So the corollary must be there is no difference, so next time you carry one to school, go ahead, kill someone because it is a freebie for the charge is the same.

But, killing someone in cold blooded murder .. he was threatened and came back with a gun to take care of the problem. Surely life must be worth something and the taker of that life held accountable for it. Whoa! I forgot, killing an unborn child is ok. How silly of me to forget such a trivial matter.

That's it. The student was threatened. Petersen was only foolin around and needed the path clear. No wonder I was confused. Getting mad and killing is ok, abortion is ok, Homosexuality is ok, Christianity is bad and Adultry is bad but Pornography is good.

I am proud of myself for clearing the air and finding such a simple solution .. With this kind of sound logic by the citizens of this fine city I can't figure why D.C. doesn't have representation. They seem just like every other City in the United States except for Redwood City .. I am proud to be an American ...

A Surreal World

A day I have dreaded for so long. Blackhawke fell in battle. Perhaps his heart wasn't with him and his reflexes dulled by distractions of the Court of Camelot. Perhaps it was a sense of failure as his closest friend was hurt badly and fell back off the frontline, his wife was besieged by people bent on tearing her down since Blackhawke was more than their equal and he failed to be there at the right time or perhaps it was the confusion and darkness that clouded camelot. No matter the reason his star blinks no more. His dying breath was to order the formation of the Council and pass the mantle of Guardian to his successor.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Tears of the Heart

I did something I never really wanted to do but after some 6 1/2 years I have closed the doors of #Camelot. It was like shutting off a piece of your heart ... a dream interrupted. But it was getting so that no one could enter that world of fantasy without some pain. The muses were dying quickly and the irc chat was taking over in the form of costumed chatter. We were becoming tied up and consumed by the search for exacting correctness in our characters.

It became more important to argue the meaning of an action, fight over whether something could or could not have happened. Characters became shallow as they abided by the laws to avoid being scolded. Even the characters themselves changed as they found new role models in the flicker of the video world. They drew on demi-gods and brought them back so they could have the power they needed to get the upper hand. Raiders from the news worlds came at night stealing our people with promises of fun and equality.

I have searched trying to find that elusive line in the logs where it all went wrong. The experienced ones expected role play from the new ones that they didn't know how to do.
  • The new ones wanted a style of role play the experienced ones knew not of.
  • The experienced ones grew up and started in a world controlled by dice and miniatures and character sheets.
  • The new ones were born of the video age .. the mega villians that required nearly god like heroes to defeat them.
<>The combination was headed for doom. Yes some experienced ones made the transistion and proceeded to continue the dream. Even a few new ones learned to tone down their characters to fit within the realm. But too many others sadly didn't see the light and fought it.
Did I find that line? No, but it helped to see some changes. I prided myself on a having the finest channel operators in all the world. But in the end, even they succumbed, some to power and others to their own ends, and then started their battles. I had thought that stuff had been forever buried in the old Dalnet world. I guess you can only stay on top so long before age, time, and success bring you back to the common world.

I saw people I loved and cared deeply for argue with me and others. That hurt because the falling of Camelot was personal now. Before we seemed to weather these times but now the lightening struck home. A book that I dearly love says, a house divided can not stand. At this point Camelot was becoming a deep pain. How do you stop pain that comes from within. Villians and enemies I can fight but when your own leaders are divided you seem so helpless. When the Citizens see this they hide to weather the storm out and those with ill will to Camelot spring forward to slay this Unicorn of Dreams.

Have I lost Camelot? No, for deep inside my heart is that misty place every good knight goes to do good and save mankind. To ride his white horse and whisk the beautiful damsel from harm. But for protection, I shove it deeper inside and like the magic of this medium, I turn the machine off and stop its madness.

Where do we go from here? I truly am at a lost. I hear both sides but I don't hear the committment. We talk, we plan, we make changes and in some cases we even compromise our beliefs to try and help. Where is it , who or what took it from us? I made a promise so many years ago to the man who started this dream in another universe (Dalnet) that I would defend it and protect it with my very life. Right now I feel I have failed and in some way through friendly fire I have hurt the place I so love to be. Now as a wounded lion, I do as I think I should and protect it the best I can though the actions are harsh. I turn the lights off, lock the doors, batten the windows and hide it in the midst of my heart till such time a sliver of warming light brings it to life. Until that day, all I hear are the bagpipes of the Scottish Highlands echo that call to the Clans for I am dead.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Rainy Day Thoughts

Whew, I am tired now. Just finished hugging a gagillion teddy bears. This year the church is giving some needy kids teddy bears for Christmas and everyone in the church is to hug them .. you know ... a bear with pre-loaded hugs. I laughed as Lew (1 year old) hugged each bear and gave them an added grunt to make it a big hug.

29 Days and Counting. Our tour reservations came back and we got what we wanted. Especially the Whale Watching. I wonder if I could ride one of those monsters ... Hmmmm.

Looks like another channel started up from disgruntled Camelot Citizens. Oh well, chances are they will be hanging around alot while they sit in the other channel whining. My question is .. how cleanly should I cut them off. Ban them till they return? Ban them and never let them back in? And what of the OPs staff that has joined them? Last time that was used to cut/paste channel traffic into their channel to ridicule and grouse about. Never a dull life in the world Channel Founder.

I knew as soon as the guidelines were published a lot of shade tree lawyers would find the holes in the language to exploit them. They are guidelines to help funnel the role play in the direction that Camelot was defined. If some of the people in channel would spend as much time making their character believable as they do trying to dodge the rules / guidelines ... they would be awesome and a pleasure to role play with. The list has been steady as they pass through trying to make a statement. Grow up people and learn to play together.

My Magic IRC server is now up and running. Thanks to Jinxi and Quad for their hard work.

The Christmas season continues as tomorrow is another party. Only this one requires an hour and a half drive to get there. The nearest town has no vacancy in the Motels, so instead of spending the night there, I will drive home, oh well, another late night.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


I decided to slow down a bit by decreasing the time I spent at the computer store. Seeing as it was the lowest paying job I had, its loss would be not as noticeable. Felt, but not noticeable. Well, since then all my clients have kept he hopping trying to fix their stuff. End result is that I work more and make more. Who was it that said something like do something here and it will equalize over there.

Sometimes I really wonder if it is worth it. People bitch about one thing, I counter by making some changes to help, and now I get the bitching from the other side. I guess Lance had the best solution. Close the goldurn doors for a few days and let them see what life is without Camelot. Hmmmm, should I?

What happened to work ethic? You know, like getting to work on time, not spending 15 minutes extra one day and expecting comp time the next day, staying till the job is done, showing a bit of motivation and fixing the things that are broke or in need of repair without being told or given a list everyday. I just don't remember approaching my first job with that attitude. Am I that old and out of touch?

Time is fast approaching for that much needed rest and down time. Why didn't someone point this great thing out when I was younger ... ?

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

OH My aching Stomach

Well, my first month of blogging comes to an end and I am planning to step it up a notch in December, so hang on.

I can't believe that the incompetent play of these prima donnas may cost us a great coach. 3-0 when they stay with a running attack, but no, the pass happy fans want passing and they are 0-8. Let Gibbs run the team and use the QB that gets it done.

30 years waitng for a baseball team and the DC Council wants to play politics. No Library -- No Baseball? Just like the Federal Government, load up the bills with nonsense that doesn't have a snowballs chance in hades on its own merits and ruin what we have waited for for a long time. Amazing, I hope the baseball fans remember this next November, but then again, these are the same people that keep re-electing Marion Barry.

Yes, I am making some radical moves, I intend to do something about this mess. I have gone as far as burying the hatchet with some people in order to get some of their expertise and role play skill into the channel. I guess my bottom line is: If people want to grouse and complain about the role play in Camelot then by Jesus, If you are so good, get into channel and do something but to snipe from outside will get you a ban very fast. I have adopted a position of no tolerance for grousing and taking cheap shots. Don't read the above as pertaining to you unless you think you fit the mold. I am just trying to get some people to understand where I am coming from. I just don't want to mince words and leave anything unclear.

I have started teaching sunday school again at the urging of my friends. I hope I am able to meet their expectations. I do look forward to the task but the time needed to do it right will have to come from somewhere.

39 Days until we invade Los Angeles on our way to the Mexican Riviera. Can't wait to just lay back and count the waves as we float south. ZZZZZZ!

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Thoughts on a Full Stomach

Well, here I sit completely stuffed once again on Thanksgiving Day. Why do I continually do it year after year. This year we decided to cutback, well we did, we cutback on how many times we said NO to another helping. Is it supposed to be the turkey that gets stuffed. It must be some pilgrim revenge and it is us that really gets stuffed.

But I am thankful that another good year has reaped such a bountiful harvest:
  • Dad continues to show me how to fight for life when the body seems to want to rest. Each minute with you now makes me ache for the ones we lost as we grew up together.
  • Mom, what can you say ... She is "MOM".
  • Mom and dad are safe from Ivan with only minor damage.
  • I still have a job, get paid, and pay my bills barely.
  • My wife gets better everyday .. Who says age wears on you.
  • Matthew has a job and manages to stay out of trouble.
  • Michael, well, he still eats and sleeps. Just wish a job would find him.
  • Duane, my brother, got through surgery and is still as ugly as ever, but what the heck, I still love him.
  • Teresa, my sister, looks and acts more like mom everyday.
  • Ken, my other brother, who knows anything about him anymore, he seems to love Europe more.
  • Carl and Lynne -- faithful and always there and the Mexican Riviera will never be the same after we go there.
  • Tim and Cheryl -- where would I be without you.
  • Joe A. -- the kind of friend you can always know will be there.
  • George and Connie -- friends who we love to be with, laughs by the minute.
  • Xan -- My medieval heart.
  • Blackthorn -- I need you back Brother.
  • MorningLord, Ascellon, Alodar -- I salute your faithfulness.
  • To all the other Channel Operators -- thanks for keeping the dream alive.
  • To the Citizens of Camelot -- I most humbly bow to you. Thanks for making it a home away from home.
To anyone I didn't mention and thinks you should be on these lists, I am sorry and I am thankful for your friendship.

Monday, November 22, 2004


As for the NBA suspension, I won't dignify it with a summary ... but all the players got off easy. They are a spoiled bunch of kids with tons of money who get away with things that would put me in jail. And the fans ... track them down and slap them in jail for 30 days and ban them from NBA games for the season.

It is about time we start being responsible for our actions. Don't use alchohol, tempers, self defense because he swung first as a cop out for taking a cheap shot at the player while he was being held.

If professional sports events are going to digress into some slug, spit, strip, curse or generally bad manners fest .. then perhaps it is time to find a better activity to indulge in .. there are many more cleaner and less embarrassing activities.

Redskins -
Well, you got your quarterback change .. what did it get you? Just another good butt kicking on Sunday. Yes, you were in the game for a while .. but then Philadelphia came out of the Locker room. It isn't the QB that is the problem .. every other team seems to take a rookie QB and do good, it is the rest of the team! Not that they are not talented, they just don't act like a team. There are more egos and stats hunters for the bonuses than there should be. Clean them out and get some hungry, non-prima donna players, you know, guys who love the game and want to play it no matter what they are paid ... kinda like New England did ... A team will always beat a group of Individuals.

Congrats to D.C. United on your Championship .. at least Washington has one Football Champion.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Answer Me this?

If killing the unborn baby Conner is 2nd Degree Murder ... Does killing any unborn also deserve a charge of 2nd Degree Murder?

Since Murder is a charge for the killing of a human being .. does this now mean an unborn child is a human being and not some undefined thing?

I hope we have finally come to our senses and realized that every child is precious in God's sight and that what we do to the least of these we do to Christ himself.

Can You Believe it?

Pelosi said it best -- The first action of the Republicans is to lower their ethics.
  1. Why does DeLay get such special consideration and have the rules changed to protect his job.
  2. Just like the Democrats that have been ousted by this rule over the last several years why isn't he held to the same standard?
  3. Are you telling me he is better, special or so crucial to Congress that the rules don't apply to him?
  4. Why did the Republicans wait till now to change it, this has been known for a while? They needed no majority to change the rule. Why didn't they change it prior to Nov 2nd? Are they protecting the President from the damage it would have done?
It is amazing how these ethical men lead the nation to believe things would change and many people believed them. Now, they slip in and lower the standard so that one of the chosen few can benefit from it. Will they change the laws of this land so that the AVERAGE American can benefit? No, sadly .. the average American is not special enough. We are just duped votes whose only value is to get them elected to their special place.

The men that voted to do this should be embarrassed and feel a little cheaper. DeLay, if he accepts this should kiss their hind ends and hang his head in shame for lowering his ethical standards even lower than it will be if he is convicted for the crime. Shame on the President for not speaking up and crying out for ethics and integrity.

Maybe, however miniscule, the Democrats were right, the Republicans do cheat and bend the laws.

Where I have been!

Places where I have spent at least a weekend and some places a lot longer. Does this resemble CNN's red and blue map on election night? Republican ... I can't be!

create your own visited states map
or check out these Google Hacks.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Well, it seems that my beloved #Camelot is going through another convulsion about what it stands for. What bugs me is that the biggest uproar comes from the Never-Heres. They remember a #Camelot from times past. A place where they played and found a happy time, but then according to them Real Life (RL) interjected itself and they quit coming to #Camelot. Or at the most occasionally found a few free minutes and snuck back into channel.

The problem stems from someone coming into channel on one of these rare visits and seeing something they don't like. Then the cries "It was never like this in the Old Camelot." Thus the uproar starts and the channel slips into chaos and bad feelings.

The culprits of the bad role-play (RP) are what I call the Always-Heres. They have come to Camelot and found their fun time within the confines of #Camelot. Sadly the Never-heres didn't show them the right way .. All they do is belly-ache and holler for it to go back to what it was. They stir things up for a few weeks and then they slide back into oblivion until the next time they find a few minutes way off in the future. Though I wish the new ones would do better, at least they are RPing as they think it should be, right or wrong.

The last group is the Nearly-Heres. They are the once in a great while RPers or the Idlers. This group just hangs around never really doing anything. But frequently they are the first to say "I remember when so and so or think their RP of 6 years ago is still happening now as history repeats itself." Well, wake up, all you are doing is wasting the air and attribute nothing to #Camelot and its history.

Time have changed and so has #Camelot. I am sorry that the Knights and Ladies has been replaced by the Healers and Mages. I am a Knight and will die as one. Who knows what it will be in a few months. They are here now and RPing their lives. The Never-Heres are just that Never Here. If you want it the old way then get into channel once again and RP your heart out. If your way is the best .. Then the Always-Heres will see it and change .. And I am confident that will occur. But don't pop-in then channel and stir things up for week and then melt into the darkness once again. That is worse than filling the channel with mediocre RP. If you are so good .. Show the new people what it is like. Remember .. Actions out shine words any day.

  1. No more Idlers. Parking your nick while you play elsewhere will cease. Come into channel to play not park yourself while you eat dinner, wash clothes, clean house, do homework or anything else. If it is important to you .. you will give it your attention and that applies to life in general too.
  2. If you want to run multiple characters in channel at one time. Then learn how to use multiple instances of Mirc. Getting your windows confused is not right either ... Focus on what you are doing and that will help others follow your story and might even make them want to join you.
  3. Make your characters believable. Those who Do All, Be All, Defeat All, and Know All are not welcome. I can't role play with someone that I can't see as a real person. And if your Role Play interferes with the channel .. Find the front door right now.
  4. If you want a voice in the channel as to how it runs or how the Role Play goes .. Then be there. If Role Playing is being superseded by Real Life. Ok, give Real Life your attention. But don't use Real Life as an excuse to be a Never-here and then try and force the role play to a time long ago.
  5. The OPs list will change. Most of that list are in the Never-Here group. If your Character deserves respect and honor for what they did in the past or now, then the characters in channel will give you the respect. But the OPs (@) should be for the people who are regularly there. Let them police themselves.
#Camelot is not going away. Neither is it dying or is dead. It is evolving and changing. Much like it has over the last 8 years. #Camelot (Starchat) is way different than #Camelot (Dalnet) and #Camelot today is different from those two. But underlying it all .. #Camelot is Alive.

Knight of #Camelot
Guardian of #Camelot

What has happened to us?

An American shoots someone (supposedly a non-combatant) in a declared combat zone in the heat of battle. A terrible loss of life and I wish it could be avoided. But the uproar about the woman (Hassan) being killed by the terrorists pales in comparison. We are so consumned with policing our selves that others just walk overs us as they please and about all we do is say "shucks, not again."

By God, it is war, our young boys sent in harms way to eliminate the terrorist threat should left to fight in order to accomplish the goal we as a Nation set and to protect their life so that they can come home when it is all over. This is a guerilla/Insurgent war where the combatants look just like the general populace. Remeber Vietnam and the children who killed our troops? Who really knows who the enemy is in this battle zone. Trust our boys to do their best based on the situation at the moment they are engaged.

The next time some young soldier faces a occupied room or booby-trapped body and hesitates before he acts and then dies because a camera is trained on him or some reporter is there hunting for his next pulitzer, or he thinks of what they did to this soldier, we have no one to blame but ourselves. All for our gluttonous desire war footage and news.

Let our troops fight ... fight as we have equipped them and trained them too. If we don't want them to fight then we need to stick our tails between our legs and bring them home. But DON'T handcuff them with a tag-along media and arm chair generals safely in their homes back in the U.S. If you can do better, then get your fat duff, get over there and do the job the way you think it should be done .. a handslap just before he blows you away.

Where is the out cry for all these killings (beheadings or execution) of innocent people. Where is the outrage from the world? I guess the UN has more important things to consider like how to divide up the Iraq oil money. Why don't the so called "real people of Islam" come and stop the Insurgents and allow Iraq to become either a peaceful democratic or religious society? Why doesn't Al Jazeera refuse to show these video's because "they give Islam a bad name in the eyes of the rest of the world?"

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Thoughts of a Veteran

Veterans Day: I wish to thank all those men and women that gave of their time and lives to give me the freedom I enjoy today. I am humbled and in awe of such "real" heroes. I wish God's speed and protection to all those that serve now ... whether at home or in harms way.
William Davis, Major - USAF Retired

Whiners: So the Boston Globe reported that the election had been stolen yet again. When will the Democrats and their tag-along media see the light and accept their loss. Twice now you have lost the election, 2004 was the worse of the two, when will you wake up and figure out what you have done wrong and fix it so the American citizens will vote for your candidate? It isn't the lost votes, but a weak platform, out of touch positions on the morals and character of Americans, and finally, a candidate that inspires us with a charismatic character and impeccable Integrity.

My Wife: She is fantastic and just what I needed.

#Camelot: Maybe the Democratic attitude of perpetual whining has taken over the channel's characters. Take a stand, show some back bone and either get involved or get out. Anyone can whine and complain but a real lover of #Camelot will put their shoulder to the wheel, make a sacrifice and push with all their heart.
Blackhawke, Knight of the Realm

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I wonder why!

Perhaps I work too hard. After several events today I have come to the realization I am going to stop several projects I am involved with starting on Monday morning. If they don't like it .. tough.

What happened with all the media coverage on the missing munitions that were such a hot topic prior to Nov 02? Did the Election fix the problem? Was it nothing more than an exaggeration by the underworked media? It amazes me how the media will hype an issue for its "Ratings" and then drop it as soon as it has run its course.

And I love this "under a promise of anonimity" the media uses. While it has its reason for existing, they, the news services, seem to use it to get the jump on other news agencies. Like this week a certain news source reported extensively on Arafat's health and used anonomous sources. Then they said later that they "may have been misled." Under the guise of anonimity, the janitor could be the one dreaming up this stuff.

This rumor engine could be used as easily as, "Today, a WhiteHouse person close to the source, under the promise of anonimity, said President Bush would go on a week long cruise to Tahiti with a boat load of Homosexuals."

So when I hear that phrase or anything resembling it, I ignore it as some journalists attempt at using rumor to further their already floundering career.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Greetings from the land of the Hawke

I trust this site becomes one of your favorites as I penn out my thoughts. Comments are welcome and could ... mind you I said could .. change my mind.