Thursday, March 24, 2011

USBC Nationals - Day Two

Day Two started in Chicago waiting for the train to leave for California. My beauty sleep was interrupted by a bunch of people who got on in Pittsburgh. They were fuming and fussing because the train was 30 minutes late and they couldn't find seats together. They managed to wake everyone up with their bickering and one Lady must of said "this is ridiculous" a hundred times. Finally the conductor shut them up and found them seats. My first stop was Cinnabon Shop for a roll and coffee. Lunch was Chicago style chili dogs. Hopefully, I won't pay a price for eating them later. The six hour lay-over was spent sitting and watching the people walk by. I did manage to have a few laughs on them. I most enjoyed a lady who wore cowboy clothes with bells on and looked like the mule had kicked her in the face numerous times. One person made me wonder just how much can you pack into a pair of leotards? The seams were stretched to the busting point but at least they held for the time she took to walk by me. Thank goodness! My seat partner for the ride to Denver is one of those that don't believe in the US Government and refuses to pay taxes. By Galesburg, I am tired of his political views and grousing. The only redeeming part is he loves the Observation car and might leave me alone for a good while. The scenery is nice and will only get better as the mountains get closer. With the overcast, the sunlight will be gone by time we get to the Mississippi River. Once the Engineer gets this train up to speed we cruise at 80 mph. Dinner was great but listening to the rain hit the glass and watching the lightening was a show unto itself. I wonder if there are any tornado's nearby? I am missing the news but then again I don't have to hear what idiotic things Congress or the President does. This would give me a good reason to setup the news app on my phone ... naw!

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