Thursday, March 31, 2011

USBC Nationals - Day Eight

Travel day home. Not a lot going on but sitting on my keester and watching the scenery go by. I tried to get up based on eastern time as I tried to start getting my body back on the right time. After breakfast at 6:30, I spent the majority of my time scouring the landscape for animals. Here is what I found:
  • 1 Beaver
  • Many Deer
  • Several Sheep
  • 4 Turkey's
  • 20+ Mule Deer
  • 1 Eagle
  • 2 Moose
  • 2 Coyotes eating a dead cow
  • Lots of snow scenes on the mountains
Numerous fuzzy shots because the train was going so fast and the trees even faster the other way.

Other interesting things going on:
  • One young lady going around to the different guys whining how she was so unlucky in love. Sounds like a fishing trip to me.
  • The Conductor found a cigarette butt (hand-rolled) in the bathroom and was walking around looking. At the same time, some young knucklehead rolling 4 more cigarettes for the next smoke break.
  • 4 young adults looking for fun when they said "let's go use 1/2 of the shit left over." Gee, are they a couple of poop players.
It never ceases to amaze me some of the stuff that goes on when you ride the train. Dad and I use to laugh a lot about some of these goings on. Conversation was kind of lacking today as there weren't many people on board from Reno to Denver. The problem I guess was the fact the train started in Reno and not in Sacramento. This was due to snow and mud slides in the Sierra Nevada's.

One young man on board got a phone call from a friend who said the one on the train had been served divorce papers. Then the real fun started. Now, I had been watching him hit on 2 young ladies ever since Reno. So he then told his seat mate that he couldn't understand why his wife did that. Then he decided he would try and call all her friends and see if he could get something on her. Did she have something on him? Then he told the seat mate he would make something up if need be. Then to cap this whole drama off ... he told his seat mate, "lets get some beer and see if we can get them (the girls) drunk. Now why would he do that if he was so faithful? A leopard just can't change his spots.

We left Denver on time so lets see if they can hold it. Guess I should try and go to sleep!

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