Saturday, January 21, 2006

Scratch -- Scratch

This week started good but by Friday I was really fed up with things. I know I shouldn't but it happens. I love it when someone comes whining to me about how their computer is broke and they "just have to have it fixed so the can get some earth shattering thing done." You know, the thing that the world just stopped for. Wanting to help them, I then rush to get it done, putting something else on hold .. After finishing I look for them and wham, they had left to go home. How important was it? I sure felt like a fool. Have you ever felt taken advantage of? I hope this weekend cools me down some or next week will be brutal.

Another one this week was "I just need a minute for you to explain something." This statement came after I said I was either driving in traffic or I was heading out of the building for another appointment. "Ok, I said what is the question?" Their response, "I was going to fix something but I need you to explain the theory of relativity so I can see its application to the thing I am going to fix." If you can't even log in to the computer, don't ask me to explain editing a configuration file over the phone in a minute.

So you can see they yanked every chain I had this week except for the "No, that isn't in my job description!" one. Maybe I expect too much? Common sense and a little bit of user initiative to learn how to use the tools of your trade would be nice. But seriously, things will change this week and some people may get their feelings hurt.

Well enough grousing.

No change with #1 or #2. The clock is ticking and before long the hammer will come down.

Well, the weekend is here ... Lou and the Mexican restaurant ... two good things you can always count on.

Role-play World: The jury is still out with many things still tumbling in my mind. Doing what is needed to rebuild a channel requires a lot of time and I just honestly don't know if I want commit to that level of effort. Tried a little role-play the old fashioned way, with dice, miniature characters and a table of friends. That was fun because real life had no place on the table. Maybe hiding behind a glass screen makes people more willing to put their private lives up for public scrutiny. I am amazed that even after a year some people are still trying to stir up the pot. "Come on 2D20 ... give me a 29 or better."

This week also saw my server go down hard. I commissioned that in 1991 and it has run steadily since then. To make matters worse I lost 2 battery backups at the same time. That took my whole home network down, computers and switches. Hopefully I will get everything back to normal this weekend without slipping in to a sleep depraved state of consciousness.

Speaking of sleep depravation ... Good Night!!!

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