Monday, January 23, 2006

Paul's Update - 01/22/06

Dear Friends:

Paul was pretty quiet today. Tabby, Carolyn & Alysa were there when we arrived after church. Bobby & Billy came shortly after. We had other friends today as well. The boys got Paul out of bed and we met in the family visiting lounge. He sat up in the wheelchair for a couple of hours. Dad exercised his arms and was able to limber them up a little. They are pretty stiff since he really doesn't move them much. After we got him back in bed he was pretty tired and slept for a time. When he woke up he was moving a lot. He always moves his left leg & arm quite a bit but he also moved his right leg some. Monday will start VERY early for Paul & Tabby. Paul has an appointment at Fairfax Hospital at 6 a.m. to have the shunt adjusted. Tabby had to arrange for an ambulance to move him to the emergency room at the hospital. That way he goes straight to the treatment area. The adjustment itself will only take a couple of seconds but he will have to be up from about 3-4 a.m. in order to get there in time. It sure was easier when he was already at the hospital!! Since it is the weekend Paul hasn't seen any of the therapists...they will be back on the job tomorrow. We are so thankful for them! Have a great Monday!!

Love, Lynne & Carl

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