Friday, January 27, 2006

Putzing Along

The week started out so good just to end on such a sour note. The best part of the day was the catered BBQ schmooze at work. Gee, that is kind of funny that work was better today than everything else.

#1 wants me to take him with me to work so he can get paid. Seems now he has a desire to pay off the bills that he accumulated when he quit work and got all the collections notices. Could be a cold day in the southern regions!

#2 was supposed to go to a job interview but haven't heard anything yet.

Started writing this and then took a break to have a birthday dinner with Carl (#54). It was interesting to hear the perspectives on life from a person over-the-hill. Hope I can be as objective when I get to that plateau.

RP this week has been a bit of a roller coaster. So I am still not sure what I really want to do. One moment all is great and the jets kick into overdrive than it swings to the rip your hair out level and all I do is piss my toupee person off when I destroy his rug creation. I do get dual use by gluing it to my chest. Won’t take much till I look like Big-Foot.

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