Sunday, January 29, 2006

Paul's Update - 01/28/06

Dear Friends:

Weekends are always most restful. Today was mostly that. Dad got there early as usual and Bobby was still there from the last night. Paul had been up most of the night according to Bobby. We are pretty convinced that he has his nights and days mixed up. Since there is no therapy on the weekends it was up to Dad & Bobby to exercise him. It was a pretty day and Paul loves getting outside so they went out for about 45 minutes and walked around the townhouse community. He seems pretty alert when he is awake. That is not to say he acknowledges us much yet but he seems to look at things more intentionally each day. Paul also got a new accessory today. He now has a brace on his right foot to help keep it from drooping. Since he doesn't move that foot much it tends to drop down. This makes the muscles in the leg tight and difficult for him to lift his foot. The brace is spring loaded and will attempt to push his foot up which will stretch the calf muscle but will still allow him to move the foot in both directions independent from the brace. It was made specifically for Paul (custom fitted). Tabby was gone all day today. She took the opportunity to go to visit her parents in Martinsburg WV. They haven't seen her for several weeks. It was a good time for Tabby to "get away". Since she was out of state she couldn't get cell phone range so she wasn't able to talk to the doctor today. She will try again tomorrow. I'm sure nothing will be decided until Monday but it would be nice to know what we will be looking at with regard to the shunt.

As always... we thank you for your continued love and prayers!!
Love, Lynne & Carl

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