Could this be the view from my new house? Only time will tell. :)
Today was another long one just like Tuesday and Wednesday were. Long but productive. What we did with our servers allows me now a bit of breathing room and I don't have to worry about another group taking us down with a virus they get or if they crash the computer over there. Just to keep my sanity .. I did something I haven't done in a while as a quick change of pace. Enough said there. Tomorrow is fire up the new transmitter day and start the calibrations.
I can't wait till Saturday. It has been too long since I was at my favorite restaurant. My stomach growls even now at the thought of the food.
Today a phrase from a song has constantly been rumbling in my head -- why can't we be friends? --
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I love how the Congressmen keep saying "a judge should have no preconceived belief on a ruling or a preformulated tendency to rule one way or the other." But they keep trying to pin Alito on how he might rule on certain hot point issues. If he does what they ask he can't tell you how he feels. Besides, the same rules they feel a judge should abide by should be the same rules they as elected officials must abide by. When was the last time Biden, Kennedy, or Pelosi voted as their constituents wanted or believed? Every pet project they support tells us they put their desires over those of the voters.
Someone should tell the people of New Orleans to get home and start cleaning up the mess themselves. The Government tried to start cleaning up the mess but your legal representatives stopped that until you decided what to do with your trash pile. And what urgency do you feel to return home when you sit some hundreds of miles away in your FEMA provided housing? Quit expecting a handout and someone to wait on you and take care of your personal property.
Education is important? Then all major sports should adopt rules to prevent the early exit of students into major league sports. No more quitting school to get a jump on making millions. Establish a minimum age of 21 and enforce it. If a student starts school then they are ineligible for three years no matter what whether they remain in school or not. If they don't go to college then it is automatic that they have to wait 3 years and be at least 21. It is sad when a college student turned pro does an interview and they can't speak using an intelligible sentence. Just what I wanted, a hero (idol) who can't read, write, or speak clearly.
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