Monday, October 02, 2006

Chomp - Chomp

Well, this past weekend was quiet and relaxing and well worth the wait. The cabin was nice and the fireplaces and the hot tub added a great touch to make it seem cozy and warm. We did exactly what we wanted .. nothing. No TV, news, computers or traffic, all we did was relax, talk, read, and soak in the hot tub even while it rained, rode through the mountains and forests and generally forgot about the world. The dinner Saturday night at the Inn was great and something we will do again. I managed this weekend to read "The Copper Scroll" by Joel Rosenberg. It was good and makes me think of the end time and what could happen. For the most part everyone managed to do just what they wanted.

Though the weekend will generate memories, the start of the week brings frustration and the start of a "screw it attitude." Trying to be highly motivated is getting harder and harder when the ones that are supposed to know better keep getting air bubbles in their brains. Even when you work hard and help them they very quickly forget you were even there until reminded at some later time. I guess I should just start saying "no" more often. Perhaps implement a ratio of 35 No's for every Yes. January 1st looks better and better if I can put up with it that long.

Lady - all relaxed and ready for the job wars again.

Wild Mom - nothing new to report or at least nothing has been reported to the police to get back to me.

#1 - arrived in Colorado on Sunday night. The trip was uneventful just long. To bad the Jaguars lost to the Deadskins. Maybe should become a Bronco, Rockies and Nuggets fan.

#2 - Still working. Just needs to understand you can spend a dollar only once then you must get another one. Debit cards will mess you up when it comes to tracking those elusive bucks.

Star - not a good Sunday for her but we gave her a lot of virtual hugs and will make them real in a couple of weeks when she gets married. Hmmm, will that make her an old married lady? Hmmm.

Princess - the tattoo wars start again ... now it is 3 shooting stars streaking across some unmentionable place where only her and her maker should see. That is if she wears clothes that cover more than 20% of her body. School is proceeding in a satisfactory manner or at least we haven't got a phone call from the front office. Now I just need to get her to Ft. Belvoir to get some paper work down. I would have expected more of a push from her to do it since it means ... getting out of school.

Lew - he is fixing to be 3 years old ... can you imagine?

#1 Brother, #2 Brother, #1 Sister and the Utah Scene will be updated later when I hear of anything.


Thank God the Baseball season is over with. No more Juicer Bonds to hear about. Though "Arrested" would be a good word.

The Nationals finished last despite Frank Robinson's best effort to motivate them. Now the owner will work his magic and set up the team for another year at the bottom. You would think a man so smart to make that much money wouldn't be so clueless in everything Baseball or be a better pick of people to help him. Thanks Frank Robinson ... you are a class act.

Gee, another Congressman who is corrupt or sexually depraved. For a group of men who are supposed to represent the best we have ... they sure find ways to be more evil than the convicts in the Federal prisons. Could we say going to prison is a step up the promotion ladder for a Congressman? Maybe Teddy (The Dunker) Kennedy can give lessons on how to get caught and get away with the crime and still appear honorable. For a group of "leaders" that can't do their job ... no budget, no social security reform, no Medicare reform, a war with no real direction, no legislation on same sex marriages, no guidance on abortion ... these people sure make up for it in graft, crime, bribery, alcohol, sex, and immorality. They will fight over the littlest attempt to change our path back to where it should be. I agree that it is time to clean house and try to reverse this downhill slide in morals and integrity. Let this be the year of "No Incumbents."

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