Sunday, October 22, 2006

Wedding Bells

Thursday was a long day with the drive down there followed by the last of the decorating, the reherasal and the dinner afterwards. I am glad this isn't an every day affair for I would be drained both physically and emotionally. The bed that night was most welcome to my aching bones.

The wedding on Friday was everything we hoped for ... it was beautiful yet tiring with so many things to do. From my point of view everything went as planned. The bride was stunning. There wasn't anything else that could have been done to improve how she looked.

Saturday was equally busy as we started the day getting Matthew back to the airport for his flight home. Then it was off to the Maryland Rennaisance Faire. Once again the weather was great and the events at the faire were great. We laughed, were amazed and saw many new sights. Some were worth seeing and others we could have done without. The down side was the 75 minutes it took to get out of the parking lot ... anyone say I-66 at rush hour?

Wild Mom - she is back from her camping expedition. She had a great time and managed to leave the countryside in one piece. Now it is time to plan the Family Christmas party and her trip to England.

Lady - she is exhausted and emotionally drained after the last 6 days. She was gorgeous and radiant throughout the wedding and managed to keep the tears under control. One of her highlights was dancing with her two sons, of course I sneaked a couple of dances in for myself.

#1 - back in Denver and hopefully the job interview went well on Saturday afternoon. He was his usual self so the Denver air hadn't had an effect on him yet.

#2 - Pitched in this weekend and made a difference.

Star - what can I say. She was absolutely beautiful.

Princess - Beautiful and eclipsed only by the bride. That old saying "she cleans up pretty good" would be a massive understatement. They way she looked was nothing short of "heartbreaker" and those young bucks at the wedding were mesmerized. I kept my eye on her during the dances and reminded the young bucks to keep the distance during the dance. I guess I should be happy she has no desire to dress up every day or I would be an exhausted old man with absolutely no hair trying to keep her safe from the millions of young bucks that would come to the house. I guess the grungy look has some advantages. :)

Brother #1 - the word is his eyesight is in jeopardy and may not get any better. His kidney's are still a source of worry to. The jury is still out on his job and his recovery is far from being finished.

Brother #2 - he is ok and I presume to take it that his family is ok also.

Sister - just getting ready for the next cruise -- anyone say "addicted?"

Utah Scene - no updates.

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