Friday, December 04, 2009

Ho - Ho - Ho

Well, another week comes to an end and they are even predicting snow on Saturday. How much better can that get! Saturday also marks 4 weeks till we head for the warm waters (80+ degrees) of the Western Caribbean. Work remains the same and after awhile you just reach a point of toleration. DCRTV (Sources: 105.1 Up For Sale? - 12/3) started a rumor we (WAVA) was up for sale. I guess when they run out of news they just make it up. Youth bowling is nearing the end ... 2 weeks to go. The kids are still in first place but we will have to work at it . The adult team is also hanging in their despite last weeks results. All games were very close and hotly contested. Tomorrow night is "Dinner and Movie night" at the Church. So we will be there to have an Italian dinner and watch the movie "Fireproof". Hmmm ... does that mean no Mexican food for lunch?

Wild Mom is fine. She is packing and planning for next month. This is one of her favorite times because of all the crafts opportunities. She will have to pay the house cleaner extra because of all the residue. Lady continues to do what she always does ... everything. She is even dabbling on facebook some now. Before you know it, she will have more friends than I will. #1 still works and then fights with the cheating x-box. It is amazing how many games they make with that darn cheating module hard wired inside. #2 ... well let's say ... no change. Peanut studies hard and is doing well. Now she is planning to do some massage therapy on the side for practice. This should create a lot of smiling faces. AJ is getting over a cold and thrills us by the minute. Watching him Christmas day will be a blast. Princess works. Star is back in Georgia from gallivanting off to Tennessee. She had a blast but like all things ... eventually you must return home.

Thursday night Bible study completed the second week of 10 last night. It is a very good study and is generating quite a bit of discussion. That makes it easy to lead when everyone can't wait to get their $.02 worth into the conversation.

Lots of things going on or upcoming ... but more about them later.

Time to dream .... If you could have one dream come true this Christmas, what would it be?
Sources: 105.1 Up For Sale? - 12/3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my dream would be to spend Christmas up there with you and Mom and my crazy siblings