Tuesday, December 08, 2009

December Begins, I am just Late!

Well, I have forgot to write sooner and the week is almost half gone. Where did all the fun times go? Saturday was our first snowfall and it was really nice ... now we need 24 more inches from the next one coming tonight! Today has been a slow one for me as my stomach has decided to take up gymnastics and the first class is somersaults. Hopefully this will pass and I can get back to full speed. Bowling went well last weekend. Next week (12-13-09) is the last week for the kids. They are in first place with a 7 point lead. The adult team has slipped a bit from second to third even though we did have a good week. Work remains the same with a lot of people out burning off their vacation time prior to the end of the year. Less than four (4) weeks to the warm Western Caribbean weather!

Wild Mom is about ready for the Holiday's and wishing for more visitors. Her craft room is about done. She has managed not to sent the new alarm system off ... so far. Lady is busy. While it was snowing Saturday morning, the Christmas music was turned on and the first attempt at putting the Tree up was tried. Needless to say the lights didn't play along and we will have to try again. She has secured most of the grand kids gifts and stashed them away from prying eyes ... especially #2's. #1 is getting about with only minor twinges with his back. He even bowled but for the most part could only claim the " I Participated Award." #2 has no change to anything in his life. Except maybe, he has found a few of those cheating games that #1 says exists. Peanut is getting her business going and even managed to schedule a few practice sessions as she learns the little tricks of the trade. What could be better than 3 little kids at Christmas time? The are amazing to watch as the talk and do those things that make you laugh and cry. Lady wrapped a gift for Lil Princess and AJ unwrapped it immediately after it was place by the Tree. He was quick. Lil Princess tried several time to get me to do something by blinking her eyes and putting on a pouty face. It didn't work! At least not initially. Star is back in Georgia and settling down to her new place and the Holiday Season. She hopes to drop by during Christmas if all goes well.Trucker Justin (TJ) and Blue are burning up the road as they crisscross the United States delivering stuff for Prime. TJ is almost to the point of completing his training and getting his own big rig. Now does that scare you? My prayers are with Blue as he deals with some family issues. But then again, don't we all have some?

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