Monday, May 19, 2008


All quiet on the home front this weekend. With Lady and Lew gone to Indiana there was a lot of quiet time in the house. The summer youth bowling league started and we managed to go 3-1. I even managed to set an average that I feel good about. I truly hope the struggles of last season are over. At work the crap continues. people who don't have the faintest clue about the simplest of email things and others that are paid good money and are clueless about their job. I was able to find the correct files and get the downloaded and I had never messed with that crap before. Shoot, if enough bosses leave for the day and it gets down to the weenie level ... I could be king-for-the-day. Our church found out Sunday we will be getting a new Pastor in July. I leave Wednesday afternoon for Colorado and will be back on the 26th.

Wild Mom is doing ok but her computer is on the fritz. So I must find some time to get down there soon. Muffin is establishing his territory down there.

Lady is having fun in Indiana. Now I must find a way to talk her back home.

#1 is packed and ready. Only a few more days left till I hit the road to get him.

Peanut is healing great. We had a long lunch Sunday and chatted about everything ... mainly AJ. We finished off the afternoon with a trip to Toys-R-Us.

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Obama, if your wife spouts off about politics on your behalf, then she is fair gain for return words from the other side. Grow up.

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