Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Munchkins at work

Gulp! I can finally see the light of the day. I think I have enough hours to last me until next week. Sometimes I swear a knucklehead won the job of being boss. Not too much to say since the “stupids” have been running loose and fudging everything up.

The December cruise is booked and down payments made. The countdown to party time is on.

Wild Mom is ready for us to come down and see her. The Family Christmas Party is being done in a couple months. That is a long drive just for dinner one night. However, who knows I might get bit by the “stupids” and just go. By the way, she is just fine still sorting out her vacation pictures.

Lady is busy with work. Peanut has helped but there is still too much to do. Vacation Bible School is in two weeks and that is always good for a lot of work. She teaches and I get to run the synagogue.

I sometimes wonder if I could stand opening up Pandora’s Box and getting everyone’s answer to the question, “What does Family mean to you.” I get the sneaking suspicion the answers would boggle my poor tired mind. I read an interesting article about how the value of the Family has declined and some of the causes. Leading the pact was the loss of the Family dinner at the dinner table. That hour of time meant so much to the fabric of the family and its formation. Close behind is the concept of “Me”. Take all I can get and then move on. Give only enough back to get what you need and never make a commitment for more. After that one, the contributors to the family decline seemed to drop off. However, the one that interested me was “The word “love” became trivialized. Like the word “sorry”, the word “love” was used without consideration for what it meant. The feeling behind the word became hollow and meaningless. The phrase “I love you” became nothing more than “Here is a treat” to get what I wanted. Sorry and Love were rote responses to any question. Love being for some affection or just to be liked while sorry was a quick way to pass blame or avoid it. There is a loss of connection if the words mean nothing or they are used to deflect anything of any importance. Where did it crumble, when did it slip? I do not know and I do not like it. It makes you feel like mom and dad are nothing more than motel clerks in a busy city. The Family dinner is something that is shared only by mom and dad while the others race off for the fast food joints to get their daily fix of fat and calories. The diet becomes nothing more than slimming down of your connections with those you claim to love. Family Time becomes nothing more that a way of self-gratification or an expression of love and sorry. It is almost like a trophy because most other friends have nothing. Whose fault is it or where to place the blame? One could look away, accept less even if it is 5 minutes or say something. You cannot say much since if the love and sorry have no meaning then it will not be much of a loss if you get pissed and walk off. If it is wrong then call the mouse a mouse. However, that will not work either because it is “me” that means the most. Trivialize the family to nothing more than a stolen minute from what really matters to you … everything else.” Perhaps the best thing is to get drunk and then your imaginary friends will soothe your spirit but then again in an hour, they would vanish and you would be alone once again. Ok, whose bright idea was it to go down this road or is this just a dream concocted by the Democrats?

I love the one ... I want to be your friend but you are not good enough to be my friend. Go find another idiot to sucker in.

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