Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Some people have the strangest ideas about Family time and values. Has it changed so much my ideas are so outdated and non-functional? Maybe this is why the family concept is quickly dying out and everyone just does what they want ... a kind of relativism that benefits them and them alone. Should I quit caring and just back off and worry about myself and my wife? No, I think I should keep kicking butt and pushing my ideas.

I saw a sign in Chicago on my way home . It read "Hit a worker -- $1000 Fine and 14 Years! Now that is a great idea and I pray the Judges uphold it. A bit later I saw where someone added to another sign. It read "Hit a worker -- $1000 Fine and 14 Years! --- FINAL ANSWER

Didn't Senator Pelosi get the picture before she took on the mantle of "Jane Fonda of Syria?" It didn't work then so why would it work now? Looks like she is a media hound with no respect on where it comes from. Cut the funding to the men on the firing line and then suck up to our enemies. That sound like something a democrat would do.

Congrats Gators ... Maybe they will put up a sign in Ohio ... OHIO State University Campus --- The Northern Division of the University of Florida! Would that mean a Florida resident would get in state tuition rates?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you Daddy and hope you had a good day. Am at work right now, but hope to see you tomorrow!!