Saturday, April 21, 2007

Bitter Wine?

Well, the sun is shining on a day with a clear blue sky with the temperatures heading for the mid-70 and guess where I am? Correcto Mundo … Work. The contractor decided that Saturday was the better day to drop the A/C handler. So here I am. I am so lucky that I get to come back tonight after 10 pm to help bring the new transmitter on line. If I knew, I had this great opportunity to enjoy life I would have started sooner.

Last night Critty came by with a friend and she will be staying with us a few days. I wish the house had four more rooms. We talked to almost 4 am and the potential and passion was evident. Her life highlights out how a dysfunctional set of parents and drugs will screw up such a potential-laden life. Hang in there young woman and perhaps the sun will shine on you now.

#1 should have received his box of cookies by now. Hope he gets something good when he barters because I have ate quite a few raisin oatmeal cookies and they are good. I have not started on the M&M Chocolate chip cookies yet.

#2 is still looking. It was amazing that last night we were all talking ad the number of places he has not considered to look at for a job. I almost believe he wants to be a professional job seeker the rest of his life.

Starr received two sets of flowers yesterday along with her husband’s intent of filing for divorce. Now I can quit trying to save it. It hurts and feels like a failure to me as they join a growing statistic of failed marriages. I do not blame each other individually but it takes two to marry just as it takes two to call it quits. It is easier to quit and walk out of it than to fight for what you want. I am thankful my mom and dad fought through all the problems and showed me the better side of marriage when it counted the most.

Princess was back at the station after a brief hiatus. She did not train or work but just provided company to Davis. It was nice having her home while he could not work but now everything shifts back to the station.  Perhaps it was too good to be true and I best face reality. Booger continues to grind on a few nerves. Perhaps it is just the puppy phase but why does it have to last so long.

All in the entire circus continues and someday the merry-go-round will stop and let us off. The ride is past being fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's not make it sound like it was my idea. Starr is the one that has been asking for the divorce. I'm just giving her what she wants since she isnt willing to try to work things out.