Monday, April 09, 2007

Eggs and Candy ... Eyes or Fingers

I was just sitting here looking at a flyer for a cruise to the Western Caribbean for $700 each. Dreams and Dreams, well back to reality. I trust everyone had a great Easter Sunday and is anxious to return to their everyday schedule. We stayed busy here. There was three services (6:30, 8:30, and 11:00) so Sunday Morning was packed. We bowled Sunday Night and did very well going 7-0. I felt sorry for the other team because we were dialed in and managed to destroy them by over 300 pins. George averaged 200, Pete averaged 221 and I averaged 223. The rest of the day for me was spent squeezing in moments of the Master’s Tournament. I tried to get Princess to play UNO but she was busy elsewhere.

Three of the Kids managed to wake up soon enough and attend the 11:00 service. Do you realize that they filled up a whole pew? Where would Lady and I have sat? I was nice seeing them there. Not many times, you get to see Starr in a dress and much less with some color other than black. You missed it.

#1 spent the day with friends and watched the snow come down. We all miss him a little bit. He is looking forward to his first pay raise. Wonder if he will share with us?

#2 stayed home with us this weekend and we had a good time. Even watching “Happy Feet” with Lew generated a few laughs.

Starr worked and visited with friends. Her appearance at church was a pleasant occasion. Wonder if that will become more common.

Princess has new glasses. They do change her looks but in a good way. No, I am not saying she did not look good before, rather they enhanced her face. We went bowling Saturday night and she entertained us with her bowling technique. With a little spring on her behind … she would have bounced back up on every shot.


Anonymous said...

I had such a fun time bowling Saturday daddy!! I enjoyed having FAMILY && friends around! Thanks daddy for saying im still pretty with my glasses.. they are hard to get use to! but hanging in there! I cant wait for more family time! I love you so much! your an amazing father! i dont know what i do with out you! thank you for everything!
Love always

Anonymous said...

I love you daddy!! :)