This will be a great work week. I only work 3 days and then it is off to Florida. I picked up the van after it was repaired from Starr’s wild tree incident. Kevin did a real super job. Now I have to get the brakes and oil change done and it will be good till 300,000 miles.
Work continues to be a pain in the arse. The new manager has succeeded in being promoted way past his competence level. His management decisions really suck. From what I can see morale among the employees is really low. If you make a decision he will tell you he will support you and then when it happens he pulls the rug out from under you. He has his pet people who can't do wrong and that is just flat wrong. Retirement sure looks better and better. At least with me the boss of my business that crap doesn't happen.
I can't wait for Reno. I always enjoy my trip and this year won't be any different.
Wild Mom is dreaming and scheming in preparation to us coming this weekend to work. I still need to go to RiteAid and load up on Ben-gay and icy-hots.
Lady is still exercising and working to fit into her bikini in time for the Mediterranean Cruise. I don’t think the “All natural beach” is in the cards but an “itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini” is.
#1 is making us proud as he continues to make it on his own. Though Lady wishes it wasn’t on the other side of the world.
#2 is waiting to start his driving course. We are beginning to think that getting a job is as hard as picking the right case in “Deal or No Deal.”
Starr is working at Tom’s Diner which is relatively close to the house. Gee, she can save gas by just walking to work. Hmmm! I still have my fingers crossed that she will head for Texas before long.
Princess still does the jiggy jig when school is closed for less than 1” of snow. This school system is a wimp. When I lived in Minot North Dakota, I can remember walking to school in knee high snow (yes, I lived too close for the bus) and bundled up like an Eskimo in the 0 degree weather. Princess struggles if the car she drives isn’t pre-warmed for the 5 minute drive to school. The puppy whines have resumed but like any other sniffle it will go away. To her credit she has been home a lot more … though her boy-friend has been here more … perhaps in time she will see my point of view and send him packing. Like all daddy’s I think she is too good for anyone.
Gee even education, a great job, and super adventure can’t keep an astronaut from joining the 100 mile high club and then getting jealous. Maybe she sucked too much Oxygen and it wiped out her wedding vows. Just from a military aspect you have a Colonel having an affair with a Lt Commander and assaulting a junior officer. This is called Fraternization. This alone says she should be drummed out of the service. Or do astronauts get preferential treatment? Actually they all should be punished for their parts. The Lt Commander was having an affair with a sub-ordinate (captain) which is wrong. The captain should be reprimanded for doing what she knew as wrong. Just goes to show you a little secret whoopee messes everything up. I see they are already talking a psych defense. Excuse me, but the astronauts are in excellent physical and mental health so this defense is paramount to saying that outer space is full of US Nuts or is that Space Balls?
Red lights camera again? They are discussing it once again along with talks on how to get more transportation money. But they only install the cameras for safety reasons … right? Only if you suck the same stuff the astronaut stalker did will you believe that line.
Well, after about 120 days, I see the Democratic Congress is just as inept as their counterparts. They don’t give a hoot about the country if it interferes with their politics. With so many yahoos’ running for President, you can’t believe a word from any of them. I still think Santorum is the best choice!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
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