Friday, March 03, 2006

Marking Time

Well, I am home now and trying to sort everything out after being away for 2+ weeks. It is amazing how the paperwork piles up in such a short time. The worst pile is the bills. Why can't we bury them never to rise again?

Mom - adjusting and trying to finish up her own pile of paperwork. She is looking forward to journeying with me to Corpus Christie later this month.

#1 - Is in Baltimore doing all the stuff to join the Army. he makes me proud and I believe he is making the right move for this point in his life.

#2 - May have a job and we will find out soon. Maybe the winds of change are finally blowing our way.

Jessi - looking forward to getting married soon. Dinner last night was a lot of fun.

Jacqui - starting to look every bit the part of mother seven months pregnant. She was also there with her husband and we had a great time talking about the baby and their life.

Lou - one word sums it up -- growing, well four words -- growing like a weed.

National Tournament -- I bowl on the 24th and the 25th. I most likely will travel 21-24 and 26-28.

Roleplay has been almost nonexistant for a while now. But the pressure cooker lid is rattling as it comes up to operating pressure. Maybe I could drop about 6 new segmants that have been in work for a while now!

Let the games begin ........

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