Monday, July 18, 2005

Day of Returning

Well, I have finally returned to Virginia after 6 days of work in Florida. Yes, suntan and all. After spending a few days in that heat and humidity without electricity makes you appreciate the A/C when it does come back on.

Hopefully, tomorrow I will have some pictures up of what we faced when we first got there last Monday. The place actually looks nice now but much still has to be done. The trailer has to be repaired and then reset back on its foundation. At least this time FEMA and the Insurance showed up quickly and the settlement won’t take so long. So needless to say probably one more trip down will be needed in a month or so when the repairs are finished.

I can’t thank my friend Carl enough for coming down and helping. His help was beyond anything called for. After the two weeks I spent cleaning up after Ivan I wasn’t looking forward to this cleanup. But, my friend made it a lot more bearable and the workdays a bit shorter. Besides, I am impressed at how much he knows about most any handyman project. He always had an answer and the skills to do the job.

Final Comments on Camelot:

I am saddened by the closing of #Camelot on Starchat Network to point of being heartsore. That channel received many hours of my time over the years as we tried to make it into something great. Perhaps the deepest cut came from those whom I considered a friend in thinking that I wanted to kill the channel. How do you intentionally kill something that was part of your dreams and thoughts? They focused on how could I kill it or take it over, or take its members away. My options consisted of how can I return and with what character and still be believable given the storyline of the past year. So while my role-playing partner and I discussed our options and had made an initial plan to persue, it appears the distrust and hatred of my friends was greater than anything we could do or say on that fateful day.

So the loss of friends always hurts. I know you believe a true friend could never do this. In some ways you are correct, but I believed them to be straightforward in their words and friendship. Since last fall, I have taken a large share of the channels failure upon myself. Now that I sit looking at its closed gates, there should be others admitting their failure too. Camelot failed because the all the people failed. They say Camelot is a dream and a belief, that is true but like life itself it can go in a wrong direction and eventually get lost. The true believers in Camelot will stop their wandering and ask for help to find that path once again. I stopped my wandering a month ago and asked for directions but the woods were cold and empty and my friends closed their ears.

Thanks to my role-play partner for she has been there like a rock, when I was asking for directions, she gave me a boost up the tree in order to see and shout farther. For helping me, she has lost a lot too, for those same friends turn quickly against her to stand in our way. I apologize to her for what has happened mainly because we are linked by our characters and when one hurts or stumbles, so does the other.

I shall now head my own way and try and find the road again. The nice thing is she will be there and silence will allow us to sort it all out. I sadly close the book of stories for without my friends the words ring shallow and without life.

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