Thursday, July 21, 2005

Daily Thoughts - IX

It is hot and muggy here! Come on winter, cool us off. They say we will have cooler weather this weekend. I hope so since the yard work hasn’t been done during this current hot spell.

Today I am just out of it. Nothing seems to get me motivated even though I know I have a lot to do. The picture that comes to mind is a low riding sports car with 4 flat tires.

On the Florida scene: Unbelievable, the insurance and FEMA reps came on 07/16 to inspect the damage and on 07/20 my dad received two settlement checks. Following Ivan it was several weeks. Maybe the constant stream of hurricanes has helped them get efficient or they want to clean their slate before the next one comes.

Well wishes to the Brits during the assaults on there homeland. Perhaps you will show America how to deal with someone that has declared war on you. We surely don’t take it serious.

Well, Angelos and the Orioles keep to their old self following the Yankees and Red Sox with their nose up their hineys. Worse thing is Angelos has monopolized the TV segment, of course with MLB’s quiet acquiescence, around here and prevents the Nationals from being seen in their own hometown. You see, Angelos must keep the Nationals off TV because they are in 1st place and the Orioles are in their natural position, noses in the Yankees butt. I hope that legal group succeeds and forces Angelos and the TV conglomerate to allow Nationals games here so we can see the “Real Baseball Team in this Area.”

Thumbs up to Judge Roberts for the Supreme Court.

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