Thursday, July 28, 2005

Daily Thoughts - X

The last week has been fun in that work is taking all my time. Some of the fun has been dealing with people and their new wireless networks. I must have missed the boat for if I plan to use some piece of equipment or software I will learn the basics and how to do the basic tasks required. These people have no clue. Then they argue with me occasionally pointing out I don’t know what I am doing. Of course, these blonde versions of Isaac Newton get a higher labor rate.

On the work side, it has been build – build – build. Upgrading a lot of computers.

With the entire clamor over the Gitmo Bay prisoners and the Iraqi prisoners, I have come to the conclusion that we should take no more prisoners and that they should become a casualty of war. Why, because all the arm-chair quarterbacks, politicians and civil libertarians destroy our attempt to gather intelligence and detain combatants to keep them from killing others. We must treat them better than Americans lest we violate their rights. Oh well, we are already doing that with prisoners and people charged with capital crimes and child abuse crimes. They are innocent first and the victim is unimportant to the point they have no rights.

I need to do more research but this week some one politically connected stated something about nuking Mecca when they show up by the millions as a way to get rid of the maximum number of terrorists in one blow. Gee, I heard that a long time ago. Are our leaders finally waking up and taking terrorists serious? They declared war on us and in war you seek to eliminate the enemy quickly and with minimal loss. Kind of reminds me of day-light bombing in Germany and Hiroshima.

Keep it up Britain. You are pursuing the bombers like they should be. Teach us a lesson on the right way to do it. Hopefully next time we get hit someone over here will follow your lead.

I love listening to the Nationals baseball games. They are whining now that since they walked the winning run to lose the game it is a “cheap” win. Or last night, the opposing batter blooped a single to score the winning run so they now speak of bad officiating as a cause. Get off it Nationals, you lost plain and simple. In the first half of the season you won a few just like that but then it was ok, now when other teams are pressing for the postseason you cry and slump to your losing “Expos” way.

Hmmm, New Jersey wants to fine you if you smoke and drive! Well, I agree. My only accident was caused by a young lady with this excuse. “Officer, I was driving and dropped my hair brush and it rolled up under the car seat and I searched for it. After I found it and looked up I was too close to stop and hit him in the rear.” Along with that law add these items to it. If you talk on the cell phone, put makeup on, brush/comb your hair, read a book/newspaper/magazine, eat any type of food, watch a DVD or drive where you are more laying down than sitting up then you should be ticketed, charged points and fined. Driving is a responsibility not a way to get many things done because you got up late and need to get on the road. Germany does do this part right. Also the States could generate more revenue if they start charging for a license like the Germans do. $1500 a pop, with the price that high people might take driving more seriously if it cost them that much every time they lost their license. Drive without a license then? You could but if you’re caught – mandatory 2 years in jail and the next license is $2500. With the world’s population growing so fast we best be looking at these types of ideas before it is too late. It is kind of frustrating to see slow cars, erratically moving cars, or cars that stop/go unexpectedly and when you get close – they have a cell phone glued to their ear. Just today as I commuted in on I-66 in bumper to bumper traffic, one person was doing 35 and just yakking up a storm, so much that their hands were waving all over the place.

When will insanity not be allowed as a defense for committing capital crimes? Am I totally off base in believing all criminals are insane and not capable of standing trial? It seems that defense is well used to avoid punishment. It seems if you want to commit a crime, ahead of time do something that a Doctor will write down as a psychosis and you can get away with murder at a later time. I love it when someone commits a murder, goes first to the doctor and gets committed and then the lawyer tells the police where to find the corpse. Well if Saddam is smart, he will claim he has ADD, some mental disorder or something like that and he will never be tried for any crimes. He walks and lives a grand life and we get more frustrated. Maybe if Iraq had more rivers he could have used the Teddy Kennedy method for removing his adversaries and not have to worry about going to jail and Saddam then might even get re-elected to the new Iraqi government. Opps, how short sighted, only in America does that happen.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Daily Thoughts - IX

It is hot and muggy here! Come on winter, cool us off. They say we will have cooler weather this weekend. I hope so since the yard work hasn’t been done during this current hot spell.

Today I am just out of it. Nothing seems to get me motivated even though I know I have a lot to do. The picture that comes to mind is a low riding sports car with 4 flat tires.

On the Florida scene: Unbelievable, the insurance and FEMA reps came on 07/16 to inspect the damage and on 07/20 my dad received two settlement checks. Following Ivan it was several weeks. Maybe the constant stream of hurricanes has helped them get efficient or they want to clean their slate before the next one comes.

Well wishes to the Brits during the assaults on there homeland. Perhaps you will show America how to deal with someone that has declared war on you. We surely don’t take it serious.

Well, Angelos and the Orioles keep to their old self following the Yankees and Red Sox with their nose up their hineys. Worse thing is Angelos has monopolized the TV segment, of course with MLB’s quiet acquiescence, around here and prevents the Nationals from being seen in their own hometown. You see, Angelos must keep the Nationals off TV because they are in 1st place and the Orioles are in their natural position, noses in the Yankees butt. I hope that legal group succeeds and forces Angelos and the TV conglomerate to allow Nationals games here so we can see the “Real Baseball Team in this Area.”

Thumbs up to Judge Roberts for the Supreme Court.

Here Goes

Pirate Monkey's Harry Potter Personality Quiz
Harry Potter Personality Quiz
by Pirate Monkeys Inc.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Well, after two days I have finally caught up on my email backlog. Next week looks to be a bear of a week. All the new computers I ordered will be here. So, the workload will get nasty as all my projects move forward.

This has been an interesting time for role-play and my mind reels with thoughts and comments. Don’t worry, I won’t expound my thoughts here for I know many people read this that could care less about Blackhawke and Camelot and Dark Towers. I do know those that really care will ask me privately and then I can explain my take on these twists and turns. I find this whole affair interesting because the only communication comes second-hand by email. I remember a time my phone would ring off the hook when there was a problem and we talked. It was amazing how quickly the problem was solved and everything else became clearer. The use of Email allows us to hide and dodge the real problems. It allows you to feint with “I misread your words” when you are caught stretching for the truth or to get the wrong impression if the sender can’t put their thoughts into words. It also has been interesting to see how quickly friendships melt and people take sides without the benefit of any direct communication. Are we only willing to create relationships only in email (words)? Is it just a safe way to pretend we have a bond of friendship? This reminds me of the Citizens Band (CB) craze. People would do so much more on the radio than they ever would in real life. In retrospect, I thought I had more friends and now I am learning the truth. I wish I was wrong because friends are what make life bearable and a joy. Right now it is lonely.

Do you need to worry for me? No, I will just move on and find others who are also seeking to find those relationships that last. The best one is my role-play partner. She is a dream and one tough cookie. She has put up with me for quite a while and not run away. I am willing to admit I am not the easiest to get along with. I border on being a hardhead. But, I do listen, choose the best path given the options and then do what it takes to make it succeed. I don’t try to be the life of the party and hurt no ones feelings. In a group environment where people are exposing their ideas and thoughts, you can’t always have your way. You can't always carry a chip on the shoulder without someone knocking it off. But I know I am speaking to the wall for the email client of the other person is turned off. So I sit and wonder if someone will call and truly communicate like humans beings should.

Solve your problems the old fashion way – talk.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


here is the link I promised for the pictures. Please be patient for they will take some time to download.


Monday, July 18, 2005

Day of Returning

Well, I have finally returned to Virginia after 6 days of work in Florida. Yes, suntan and all. After spending a few days in that heat and humidity without electricity makes you appreciate the A/C when it does come back on.

Hopefully, tomorrow I will have some pictures up of what we faced when we first got there last Monday. The place actually looks nice now but much still has to be done. The trailer has to be repaired and then reset back on its foundation. At least this time FEMA and the Insurance showed up quickly and the settlement won’t take so long. So needless to say probably one more trip down will be needed in a month or so when the repairs are finished.

I can’t thank my friend Carl enough for coming down and helping. His help was beyond anything called for. After the two weeks I spent cleaning up after Ivan I wasn’t looking forward to this cleanup. But, my friend made it a lot more bearable and the workdays a bit shorter. Besides, I am impressed at how much he knows about most any handyman project. He always had an answer and the skills to do the job.

Final Comments on Camelot:

I am saddened by the closing of #Camelot on Starchat Network to point of being heartsore. That channel received many hours of my time over the years as we tried to make it into something great. Perhaps the deepest cut came from those whom I considered a friend in thinking that I wanted to kill the channel. How do you intentionally kill something that was part of your dreams and thoughts? They focused on how could I kill it or take it over, or take its members away. My options consisted of how can I return and with what character and still be believable given the storyline of the past year. So while my role-playing partner and I discussed our options and had made an initial plan to persue, it appears the distrust and hatred of my friends was greater than anything we could do or say on that fateful day.

So the loss of friends always hurts. I know you believe a true friend could never do this. In some ways you are correct, but I believed them to be straightforward in their words and friendship. Since last fall, I have taken a large share of the channels failure upon myself. Now that I sit looking at its closed gates, there should be others admitting their failure too. Camelot failed because the all the people failed. They say Camelot is a dream and a belief, that is true but like life itself it can go in a wrong direction and eventually get lost. The true believers in Camelot will stop their wandering and ask for help to find that path once again. I stopped my wandering a month ago and asked for directions but the woods were cold and empty and my friends closed their ears.

Thanks to my role-play partner for she has been there like a rock, when I was asking for directions, she gave me a boost up the tree in order to see and shout farther. For helping me, she has lost a lot too, for those same friends turn quickly against her to stand in our way. I apologize to her for what has happened mainly because we are linked by our characters and when one hurts or stumbles, so does the other.

I shall now head my own way and try and find the road again. The nice thing is she will be there and silence will allow us to sort it all out. I sadly close the book of stories for without my friends the words ring shallow and without life.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Daily Thoughts - VIIIa

Well, I shall try and finish what I started the other day. But first, Hurricane Dennis was definitely there in Pensacola, almost in the same tracks as Ivan, but I am happy to know so far the first words out were that all is well at the parent’s house. More to come.

Well, more has come! The parent’s house didn’t fair so well so I am heading south tomorrow morning to do what I can. Gee, the new roof was only a month old and the missing porch was less than 2 weeks. All the work I did a couple of weeks ago is gone. Guess Mom Nature decided I needed more exercise and sore muscles. Gosh, I love them nature types.

If you wish to see some pictures of the area (Pensacola), here is the url.

I sometimes wonder where we are going. US Highway 50 used to be called Lee Highway after the Civil War general, Robert E. Lee. Well, some people took offense and forced a name change to Fairfax Parkway. Excuse me, but a great number of streets, business’s, schools, and buildings in this area are named after Civil war generals, battles and such. This whole area was the scene of several major Civil War battles. Are we to just forget the whole Civil War? Yes, I don’t like what happened with slavery and the plight of Black Americans. But it happened, so let’s move on and get over it. Obviously, to some this is their way of continuing the war. There are numerous things I don’t like about life but I don’t grouse about the name.

Will we get serious about terrorism any time soon? Right now in my mind we won’t until the worse happens and tens of thousands die. We have a group of people in the name of their religion declared “Jihad” against all Americans. Now I realize “civilized” leaders of Islam have claimed this isn’t entirely true and that they don’t support them. But at the same time they don’t stop them. They use their holy places to hide and protect the jihadist from our troops and police. They hide them and fail to identify them to the local authorities for subsequent arrest. If I in the name of the Catholic Church declared war on Muslims, do you think the Church would aid me much less hide me? I hold no illusions that I would be alone in my efforts. Let’s cut to the chase. Let’s consider this a war and deal with it as such. If we don’t want to hurt those Muslims who call for peace, then they should join us and help eliminate those members of their religion that do want to fight. In any war there are two sides. It seems lately, we have created a new class of beings. That is the class of “Fence Sitters,” people who through their own silence or tacit support allow something to continue that they publicly decry. I know some will call me a hawk but isn’t time we quit letting these terrorists push us and make us wonder when and where the next attack will occur? Also, if the mainstream Islam wants to not stand against them, then they should be ready to fight with them.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Daily Thoughts - VIII

Well, let me see where I can begin.

To the people of England – hang in there, those criminals will never beat us. I sometimes get mad because the Government won’t get serious in dealing with these terrorists. They, the government, speak out and blow off steam to get attention and get elected but when the bombs blow up; they just spout platitudes and go on their merry way.

I love it when a HIV/Aids free clinic can’t raise the funds needed to stay in business gets money given to them by the local governments. Why are you giving my tax dollars away like that? If people don’t care enough to donate why saddle the rest of us with the bill. What free stuff do I get as a result? I have to pay for all my medical care. Believe me; I struggle to make ends meet to pay those bills. I have yet to see any handouts come my way.

Supreme Court – Let’s get some none lawyer types in there to get a real perspective on life. Since when have lawyers been anointed to decide all life issues for Americans? There are many people out there that have a good grasp on life and can make some reasoned and logic choices. If they get stuck on a legal point, well duh, use one of the law clerks to help clarify it. Besides, not all cases require a pure legal disposition. Homosexuality, definition of marriage, Ethics and the role of God in our lives, basic rights of all people are value judgments based on common sense, morality and a sense of fairness. Why can’t a philosopher be Supreme Court Justice?

When will we wake up and deal with child predators. From what I am seeing any attempts to “rehabilitate them” is failing miserably. The sickening part is “our children are the ones at risk.” I guess until some adults feel the same fear and danger nothing will happen. Almost seems like we would rather shut it out than deal with an unpleasant subject. You say the predator has basic rights .. I say they lost them when they committed those heinous crimes and were convicted of the crime.

More to Come ......

Friday, July 01, 2005

Daily Thoughts - VII

Well, I am back safe and sound from the sandy world of Florida. The computers replacement and setup went well except for the fact UPS lost one of them in shipping. So, now I get to plan another trip in July so I can finish the job.

The load of dirt turned out to be two loads. Gee, mom sure knows the value of getting all you can out of free labor. Get out the Ben-gay and ace bandage and have at it. We got the dirt for the most part spread out. Other “sonny-do” projects completed were tear down the old ramp to the porch, make the sputtering riding mower run once ok again with tires that had air in them, move the outside AC unit to a better platform, clean-up branches and assorted stuff that had accumulated on the property. So I guess all in all it was a successful venture. The return trip was long as we drove through the Smokey Mountains. But the drive was worth it as we ate dinner at The Old Mill in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

I only watched a total of 5 minutes of news these past few days so I can not think of any comments. Gee, maybe life would be so much better if we all avoided the news channels.

While at the Grocery, I did see where an Angel was killed by Lightening according to one of those well written news papaers. I was crushed by the thought of one dying. Curious thought, if angels are heavenly bodies, how can they die? Isn’t that like saying God was playing with a thunderstorm in the backyard and a bolt of lightening struck him, killing him? Oh well, another childhood fantasy just died.