Wednesday, December 08, 2004


I decided to slow down a bit by decreasing the time I spent at the computer store. Seeing as it was the lowest paying job I had, its loss would be not as noticeable. Felt, but not noticeable. Well, since then all my clients have kept he hopping trying to fix their stuff. End result is that I work more and make more. Who was it that said something like do something here and it will equalize over there.

Sometimes I really wonder if it is worth it. People bitch about one thing, I counter by making some changes to help, and now I get the bitching from the other side. I guess Lance had the best solution. Close the goldurn doors for a few days and let them see what life is without Camelot. Hmmmm, should I?

What happened to work ethic? You know, like getting to work on time, not spending 15 minutes extra one day and expecting comp time the next day, staying till the job is done, showing a bit of motivation and fixing the things that are broke or in need of repair without being told or given a list everyday. I just don't remember approaching my first job with that attitude. Am I that old and out of touch?

Time is fast approaching for that much needed rest and down time. Why didn't someone point this great thing out when I was younger ... ?

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