Monday, April 05, 2010

He Lives

Easter weekend was full and very active. We started Thursday with Maunday Thursday Service and Communion, then Friday we had a Pasta dinner served and prepared by the Young Adults and then watched the movie "The Passion." The movie made you think of how it might have been and it definitely touched you emotionally. Earlier, Friday, I had breakfast with a long time friend. It was great and I am happy to see they are succeeding in life. Saturday was spent regrouping and getting ready for Sunday. Since Lady was cooking so much for Sunday, we went to Red Robin for dinner. As usual, it was good. Lew and Lil Princess showed up Saturday Evening and raised the activity level some 100%. Seeing them each Saturday really emphasizes how much they grow in just one week. Before you know it, we will be celebrating High School Graduation. The weather for the Sunrise service was beautiful. After the last few services were so chilly to down right cold, this one was a treat. The sky was broken clouds so the Sun was definitely visible and added to the service. Afterwards, we had breakfast at the church, lots of casseroles, and then killed time waiting for the next event. During the 11:00 am Service, the Choir performed their annual Cantata, it was nice. Do to the many jobs needing to be filled, I ran the sound board during the songs. The afternoon was quiet as we all napped. Starting that early in the morning (6:00 am) wore us out especially Lil Princess. Of course, Bowling capped off our Sunday Night on the Adult League. The Youth league was postponed a week. We went 4-3, #1 did not have a good night as Lady managed to our score him. The way I bowled Saturday made me really wonder how I would do. Even Starr and her significant other managed to recover from the Bachelorette Party on Friday and visit us at the bowling alley. Sadly the fun came to an end and we prepared for work on Monday. When will it ever end?


Redskins - Way to go ... increase the average age of the team even more with players nearing the end of their career. McNabb, Johnson, and Parker were added. Snyder loves to buy "Names" even though they are at the end of their career, doesn't it occur to him, if the player was still an impact player, the previous team wouldn't let him go! They let people go or trade them just before their obsolescence date for maximum trade value. Snyder definitely has more money than brains when it comes to Football.

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