Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Zephyr - Day Four

Well, I really enjoyed watching the sunrise from the observation car and drinking coffee in the cool train car. Gee sounds familiar, it should. Reno is just around the bend ... well, several hours to be exact. We made great time but are still late. Checked into the Silver Legacy about 11 am. Not much has changed in this town, well, at least what matters to me. After getting the funky clothes off and a nice hot shower, I managed to find a very good Burger place. It was good but not as good as "The Continental" in Rosslyn. You would never guess where I went next ... you guessed it. The Bowling Stadium to check things out. Saturday I am going to bowl a second tournament, might as well make the most of the weekend. It will be 5 games across 10 lanes. I do better if I roll the extra tournaments, helps me focus and not chase the cocktail ladies ... not! Frankie May is still at the Visionary Booth ... so we chatted for several hours as he worked on my bowling balls. Refinish, rejuvenated, and re-gripped them. Good for another 3 years! Shows around here are not much to speak of, this weekend the big one is "King of The Cage." Ultimate fighters are not my kind of entertainment. Maybe I will take in a Texas Hold-em tournament ... $25 get you 2500 chips and a chance to win $25000. Where is #1 when you need him? Not sure about dinner tonight ... either steak or oriental ... hmmmm ... I managed to squeeze in a short nap just to rest my legs. It felt so good to lie down and not sit up to sleep. Skip won't make it as his health is not so good, maybe next time. Blue and the Gung-Ho Justin are in Salt Lake City trying to get to Reno. But the weather is fighting them as a snow storm is to our east. That should prove to be an interesting time when he does. Well, time to catnap again ...

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