Thursday, May 17, 2007

Brain in Neutral

Well, another weekend is approaching fast. What shall I do because Lady is off on a retreat? I must find something to do or I will just vegetate. Sunday starts the Summer Youth League at 6 pm. Maybe for this league our team will gel and we can show them our talents.

We might head for Indiana for the Memorial Day Weekend. Not sure since we are still planning this one.

Still trying to figure out a Birthday present for Lady. Hmmm, good or gag?

Work is still the same but a bit slower since the Transmitter moves are mostly done. Cheng is even considering taking some time off. Oh boy, I get to be king for a while. I will have to practice saying “No.”

The cruise is getting closer. I, Lady, #2, Peanut and Princess are all going along with our best friends and their son, and another friend from South Carolina. This should prove to be an interesting crowd. It should provide lots of laughs and pics. Now just to pay for it.

Shreck III comes out this weekend. Do I dare get Lew and go to it?

+ Neptune + heads for Ft Campbell KY to start his new career. I wish him luck and a quick rise to the top. I love to see friends succeed and have new adventures even if they are in the Army.

Little over a month until cutiebug comes to visit Wild Mom in Florida. She has left London to sample the wild and crazy beaches of Florida.

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