Thursday, August 10, 2006


Well, it is a new week. I started the new contract with Radio America and it is exciting. I actually have two people who want to help. They had been holding the fort down since the departure of the last IT person. It is an awesome task but standing here in front of a blank canvas it seems like a lot of fun. Work continues to go well on the Radio side though I have gotten a pretty good baptism in Transmitters these last two weeks. I sure hope they hold together for the next two weeks.

Wild Mom continues to dream up new projects. She even finds time to rattle my cage about the website.

#1 continues to do odd jobs as he gets ready to head west to the land of snow bunnies. He has brief spurts of a happy face as he has his cavalier back.

#2 started training in his new job. We haven't heard much from him so we have to assume everything is going well. Gee, 2 young men working at the same time. Is there 3 moons?

Jessi - looking good. We visited with her on Wednesday. We checked out the church for the wedding and the Amory for the reception. Looks like a plan that will come together nicely. We spent the day with her and ate lunch where she works. It is so great to see her happy and excited about the future. If we could only do something about the piercings.

Princess - gets older. Monday was her birthday and we ended the day with a little get together with friends and ate some ice cream cake. Though it was hard to keep her attention since all she thought about was her new car. Well, at least for 5 minutes the puppy was forgotten. She changed her mind and went back to work at Glory Days, not a good choice in my opinion but she has to learn and we can only ask so much.

No new words from Brother #1 or the Utah scene.

***** ***** *****
Well, I guess Landis got speeding (cheating). It is sad to see such a great performance wiped out but then again, if he was juiced just how great was the performance? He says he has naturally high levels. Well, then why did he never get caught and tested before? I guess professional sports will eventually be the home of the Professional Dope addict where they play a game during their briefly lucid moments.

Go for it Israel. Show us how to conduct a war against the terrorist. It is about time we stop molly coddling these killers and apply the same justice to them -- death. Let's make all of Lebanon the buffer zone and through a little Iran and Syria in for good measure.


Anonymous said...

you know I knew you would say something about the I'm so glad you guys camne down,I love you!!

Anonymous said...

Miracles still happen. Saturday my kraft page came on. I was sure surprised but happy it is finally up and going. Thanks #1 Son