Friday, August 19, 2005

Daily Thoughts - XIII

Well, Friday and another weekend approaches. I look forward to the down time. I visited a neighbor today who just had heart surgery. So with some luck they will go home tomorrow. Kind of hits you when your friends start having problems like that because “we are the same age.”

Hopefully this weekend I will get my new server built so I can register the new domain and get my web pages and bots all on one computer. Oh boy, more work and no pay.

Today is a gray and drizzly day -- the kind that is fun to just lie in bed and take a nap. But alas, I am here at work.


Way to go – Atlanta Braves. The Nationals are showing us that they are just the Expo’s in different clothes.

Well, last week the D.C. Government decided that playgrounds and recreation centers was the way to stop MS-13. Well, yesterday MS-13 responded by saying they will “ambush and kill Virginia Police.” Then the police announced that several officers have placed their family in the Witness protection Program because of threats. Does that sound like a gang that will change just because you setup an after-school program? First thing they don’t go to school; secondly all you do is get all the young vulnerable kids congregated so MS-13 can recruit. These thugs only understand violence, sex, and drugs. So D.C. get serious and take that away from them. The police must be able to deal with them in a language they understand -- deadly force. But like all evil people we will take the liberal ACLU approach and try and reason with them while our children and recruited and people killed.

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