Monday, August 15, 2005

Daily Thoughts - XII

Well, let me see. Can I get this pencil working so I can scribble a few lines? Yes, I know I have slipped some in my writing but things happen occasionally. Gee, the fall bowling leagues start in two weeks. Hmmmm

Work last week was one long meeting. The bosses came up from Dallas and we had one meeting right after the other. The worse was the constant changing of all my project deadlines. Today, I could finally sit down and sort out what the flow would be. Yes, they gave me more money for the projects but shortened the deadlines.

The engineer they just hired about 3 months ago. They decided they didn’t need him anymore and gave him his marching orders on the 26th. And these bunion heads think I will support them in all my free time. Believe me, the fat lady has sung and this pipe organ doesn’t pump anymore. They would rather contract to me at $75 than pay a full time employee $27. Go figure. So I said give me a contract for a guaranteed 20 hours a week for 1 year and I would consider.

Can’t wait for the cruise in December. Only 4 months and 12 days left. Yesterday we drove down into southern Virginia where at 5:30 on a Sunday afternoon the whole town was closed up. We checked out several state parks in an attempt to find some places to launch the boat and camp. So the peaceful country drive through forests and along the Potomac River, Rappahannock River, and Chesapeake Bay was great.

#1 son swallowed his pride and apologized and got his job back. Growing up?

#2 son still awaits the call of the Job Corps.

The youth bowling team I was on finished #1 for the second consecutive time. But the young lady I was coaching announced she was moving to New York with her family. So I will miss her and her skill. She went from an average of 89 to 141 in a year.


I love it when they think they can change a violent gang like MS-13 by building recreation centers. The gang wars and attacks lately show us how much the police and the politicians are out of touch with reality. In most every case, the attack concerned someone violating “their” territory. Why won’t the new recreational center be a new piece of territory to fight over? These guys are hardened criminals with no value on life except theirs. Treat them as such and forcefully stop them, power is all they know.

I can’t wait to see the profit margins of the big oil companies this year. They were already in the billions and now it becomes astronomical. Also, how will they use the new tax breaks to protect those windfall profits? I wonder if the politicians realize that when we, John Q Public, finally gets mad that we will vote them out of office. We can’t hurt the oil company but the politicians can be hurt by losing their jobs. I know how I will vote, Do you?

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