Thursday, April 21, 2005

Wednesday Thoughts

It is raining today so I thought I would take a few moments to jot a few things down.

Work – Should ease up a bit since that pain in the butt project is being handed over to a new engineer they just hired. Now I can go back to a 12-hour day. It is funny how as soon as that project was moved, everyone else started yapping for his or her stuff to be done first. Well, “as are the sands in an hour glass, so are the days of our lives.”

Just saw last night where a house a block away from me closed at $425,000 and it is smaller than mine. Almost like playing poker, how long do you play the hand before you fold and take your winnings?

Starting to figure out when I can make another Florida run. My mom wants a new computer and wants me to build it and set it up. So another weekend needs to be booked as soon as I can figure out when. Just bought plane tickets from Washington DC to Indianapolis for $39 one-way. With gas prices where they are, you can’t beat that.

My Role-play friends:

A young girl walked through the field as her dog chased every bug in sight. The rustle of her skirts blended in with the wind and trees. The escorts were well back from her as they allowed her the freedom to play, as she wanted too but the eye of her governess twitched like an eagle. However, someone else was there watching from a hidden spot in the marshy area to the south. The man’s eyes squinted through the light cloth over his head. His body ached from the chill of the muddy water that covered him, as he lay low in the marsh grass. His plan was to quietly draw the dog to him and so the child would follow. Once in range, a few well-placed crossbow bolts would eliminate the guards and governess thus leaving the child alone. “When,” became the question? How long will he have to wait for the sign to grab the child? These hours laying here watching and planning things out allowed him to dwell on many things. “Why this child?” “What was her importance?” “Whom was she the bait for?” “Could I get more gold if I did this myself?” Finally the man gave up and returned his thoughts to watching the child and her dog.

“Mistress,” the guard called out. “It is time to return home, your uncle wants you back before dark.” The child nodded and took her own sweet time making her way to the awaiting horses and guards.

The value of a life crossed my mind last night as a close friend of mine lost his brother in law. It seems the man got drunk, took his brothers van without permission and proceeded to lose control on a curve and kill himself while destroying the van. Luckily, no one else was involved. But he is gone. Someone who never really did anything in his 35 years but get drunk, borrow money and waste it on frivolous things. He was as close to penniless as I have ever known anyone. The family, poor themselves, is desperately trying to figure out how to bury him. No insurance, no money in the bank and it costs $1400 to bury him and they can’t even afford $100 each to do that. What potential was locked away in him that was never allowed to escape for whatever reason? What could we have done to change his destiny or could we? A twinge of sadness for what could have been but wasn’t.

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