Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Habemus Papem!

Congrats to the new Pope and may success follow your every step of the way. Barely 8 hours and the media are already trying to second-guess everything the man does. One supposed scholar from Catholic University is already thinking of a doomsday scenario between the Vatican and the American Church. He has barely had his first dinner as Pope, give him a chance to settle in or is your agenda so weak that pressure is the only tact you have?

Looks like Tom Delay is trying the old “offense is the best defense” tactic. Attack everyone, dirty the air with innuendos and accusations and maybe something will stick that will get his own butt out of the fire or at least out of the spotlight. Without Schiavo, Jackson, a Tsunami and John Paul to deflect the attention, he is finding that it is tough in that spotlight once again.

Work was fine today, quiet and without much happening. I even managed to get a few things done in preparation for a large project that starts next week. I will be doing a software upgrade of the newsroom software. My end is relatively easy but the news people must learn a whole new system and that should prove fun. For some fun I started a list today of all the tasks that need to be done by the end of June and quit after it reached 45 items. Too depressing.

For my role-play friends:<>

After the door shut and a regular patron staggered in, the first man realizing no danger was near leaned in, his breath reeking of rum. “Do you know where he is, the boy, I mean? The other man a bit taken back at his friends odor, took a deep breath and replied, “yes and my man never loses sight of him!” “Wow, and they said he was hidden and well protected. A spy, your man, I mean?” “Shush man, lest we be overheard, but yes, the best kind of spy!” With that said the second man leans back more to get some fresh air than to disengage his curious friend.

I sometimes wonder where the role-play is going. It seems that now days it is shallow and based more on real life emotions rather than your dreams. Is role-play going away as did the Citizens Band (CB) Radio? A short burst on the horizon of IRC and then into oblivion? It appears that virtual games have replaced the mind as the spawning ground of ideas and adventure. I remember a time when my Calvary was a double line of dominos and their rank was by their dots. Buildings were blocks of 2x4s from the local construction site. Gold was the slugs the electricians left after wiring out the new house. Computers and IRC gave us the chance to enlarge our sand pile across the globe. Our mind’s limit was only bounded by our ability to expand it. But, alas now, we have all became gods and drama queens and those simple pleasures of an afternoon questing to save a small village or some hapless human being have faded. Are we relegated to watching TV reruns of medieval stories? Is there a way that a few dedicated and hungry for action Rpers to get together, throw aside their egos and re-enter the world of fantasy and relive the dreams of Knights, Lady’s and Chivalry? I lay aside my weapons and dream of the call to action.

Well, work intrudes on my reflections as the clock draws closer to the time the alarm goes off, 3:30 am.

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