Life continues as summer approaches. I ate at a Red Robin restaurant yesterday and enjoyed it. The A-1 peppercorn hamburger was a monster and I was stuffed. Can’t do to many days like that or I won’t fit through the front door. After I ate and experienced the stuff tummy syndrome, I sat outside in the warm sunshine and plotted new ways to drive my role-play partner crazy with new story-lines. Do I feel bad – hmmmm – nope!
You really have to wonder where society is heading too. Take the 5 year old in Florida. When the school administrator decided she couldn’t handle the child, she called the parent who basically said she didn’t have time to come and deal with the child. The school security took a hands-off stance so the Police were called and now they are being harassed for how they handled it. Now Tennessee is doing their anti-bullying law for school children. Next we will see an “I don’t like my Teacher” law. The Judge will decide in open court if there is a problem between the Teacher and the kid. If the parents won’t discipline their children for fear of repercussions, School Administrators live in fear of lawsuits if they discipline a child and now the police are being sued for doing their job. Who will disciple this generation? Will we wind up with a bunch of wild, do-as-they-please, and no consequences for their actions children? Will a whole new group of laws be establish so that if you cause trouble at school you wind up in court while the lawyers argue the merits of the case. Will Lawyers become the disciplinarians of society as they decide what is a court issue and what is not worth their time and money? We have come a long way from where parents, school officials, and authoritarian figures could discipline a child within preset guidelines. It almost reaches the level that children decide if their actions warrant discipline and how it will be administered.
The Michael Jackson case still is a media circus where the Pedophile’s criminal action isn’t being questioned but the integrity and motives of the accusers. Lost in this three ring circus is the question – did he do it? So far the answer appears he did but because they make the accusers look less than upright he will walk free to do it again. Like several authorities said on talk radio -- pedophiles never change or rehabilitate, all they do is wait for a new victim whether it is 1 day or 10 years from now. I am saddened that the children are the ones being exploited as we focus of the Pedophile to insure his rights are in no way violated.
I love it. Ten buffalo roaming in Maryland. Now they say they must figure out where they came from. Well, duh, they have yellow tags in their ears, so someone owns them and takes care of them. If that is too hard, then shoot them, skin them and give the meat and furs to the homeless.