Monday, November 02, 2009

The Eleventh month starts out wet!

Well, another holiday has come and gone. We had a good one especially when the kids dressed up for Trick or Treat. Lew was a fireman, Lil Princess was Elmo and AJ dressed up like the GodFather ... a real gangsta! The Church's fall festival was a lot of fun except for the intermittent rain. Games, crafts and food made us all happy. #2 pained his face to look like the Joker or was that when he washed it off? It escapes me now. Wild Mom is fine and planning for the January trip. We miss her being here but you just have to go home sometimes. Lady is tired. This weekend she pushed hard to finish Brian's memorial quilt. She managed to do it and presented it to the Nursery Class at the church on Sunday. Now she can rest. Except when AJ fills the toilet up with paper and then flushes it creating a pretty waterfall at 6:00 am. #1 is still working but it is spotty at best. #2 is back into his unemployment costume and acting the part quite well. Peanut continues to learn her new trade and is quite good. Her surgery is slowly healing and she is getting back in to the swing of things. She looked very good as "arm candy" for the Godfather AJ. The kids were their usual fun selves and a little bit tiring at their energy level. Lew went home not feeling well and we pray he will do better today. Lil Princess wore her new purple and lace dress with matching socks. That is a picture of beauty that is hard to even match much less beat. AJ was his usual busy self ... not including his morning waterfall and his penchant fo flipping every light switch he can get his fingers on. Not much on the Princess scene ... she always works and sleeps ... honestly ... that is what the texts say! Star is back from Chicago with many new tales of adventure along with pictures. We are hoping to see her sometime this holiday season.

Work, well let it be said that scrooge pales in comparison at the trials and tribulations it presents.

On the bowling scene: the Youth team is in first place with a moderate lead at the halfway point. The Adult team is holding its own possibly in a three way tie for 2nd place. Who would have thought that was possible? Lady wants me to replace her with a better bowler ... nope ... how can I ever replace the light of my life for any reason?

Lady and I talked last night about this Holiday season and have come to a conclusion. We want "NO" gifts. All we want is for the family to eat and spend time together this Christmas. If you must spend money for gifts then donate the money to a church, our church or a charity. Christmas is not our birthday and therefore we don't need any gifts. We want to be with the family. Yes, the grandkids will get them but no adult. Sorry if this interferes or bothers you but we want the family time together to be that special. If you don't understand what we are doing then please ask us.

Yeah ... the Redskins did not lose this weekend ... bummer ... they did not play either. Dan Snyder has banned all signs and banners at the stadium ... he does not want to bust the myth he keeps telling them .... that they are winners and pretty good ones at that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey there, I really hope I am able to come up for the holidays...I want nothing more than to be able to spend time with you guys. I miss you both and love you both so much!!!
