Monday, June 01, 2009

80 and Climbing

Can you believe it is June. If I was a kid ... Summer vacation would be here! Not much has gone on except work and Church. I am starting a new Bible Study up on Wednesday Nights. We will read and study the book "The Shack" by William P. Young. The reaction to this book is unbelievable. I recommend reading it. Wild Mom survived the Wedding reception but now her house is empty. There was a really good turnout though they did not manage to eat all the food. But like all good "Davis's", they put a pretty good dent into it. We will heading down to Wild Mom's for a few days. The actual dates are still up in the air. Lady is doing well but she is very busy. Vacation Bible School starts very soon and that usually wears her out. No change in #1 and #2 other than the storm clouds are gathering and shortly the storm will be upon them. Peanut started her new job on Saturday. It is an office job so that makes it a lot nicer than working for a rental company. AJ is growing like a weed. He is very active and constantly makes us laugh as he does little things. Right now he is battling some congestion. I guess even kids suffer from allergies. Lew and Lil Princess are doing great. Lew is becoming quite the computer gamer. Lil Princess is really expanding her vocabulary now and that leads to some very funny moments. Starr has a new job and soon with some luck a new apartment with no extra roommates. Hmmm, a quiet house is a luxury for only a few. Youth bowling continues and this league has 14 teams. That makes it really nice and it is very competitive as there are some good teams with very good bowlers. We now have FIOS for the TV, Phone and Internet. It has been good so far. I don't do much downloads anymore so I haven't really tested the Internet side. TV is ok especially if you like 9 HBO channels.

Nationals: You can take the players out of Montreal but you can't take Montreal out of the players. 13-36 ... pretty pathetic.

1 comment:

JadedHeartStarr said...

I don't know why I didn't start working at this Pizza Hut a lot sooner, all of my co-workers are awesome, Store Manager (also good friend) said I'm second in line to become a shift manager, and if he sees that I can do it I will be transferred to another store so I can get more hours and be a shift that part is working out at least.