Saturday, March 22, 2008

Most Excellent Adventure - Day 4

It is Friday and the real work begins ... later. We went sightseeing and the weather was beautiful. Sunny, no clouds, and in the 60`s. We visited the Indian reservation and spent some money in the gift shop. There was a small herd of buffalo next to the Indian Center and that made for some good pictures. Even managed to not run over a Road Runner that crossed in front of the car. The rest of the day was spent checking things out at the Convention Center. In all cases Wild Mom helped the economy and made sure she needed another bag to haul stuff home.

Bowling was ok ... nothing to brag about but good enough to feel satisfied. The team was really different with 3 subs. Sure miss the old gang but that is life. Curious George did ok and his knees have held up pretty good so far. Tomorrow is doubles and singles and that should prove fun if not tiring since we start bowling at 11:30 pm.

Wild Mom is out checking out the Pina Colada's down at the lounge. Especially appealing is the tickets that makes them free. And yes, she has my tickets as I write this blog.

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