Monday, September 11, 2006


Let me see. It is a new week and I don't see much change. First I was asked how the network rebuild was coming along. I replied, “Slow since I have to deal with all these printer issues. I was then told to prioritize and get the network done while the printers limped along in second place especially since they had been messing up for 2 years. Ten minutes later, I hear an anguish cry from the end of the hall about how I MUST get the printers fixed since he couldn’t print something he wanted.

We are now back into full swing on the bowling scene. The youth league is a short one ... 13 weeks ... but should be a lot of fun. I am a little disappointed in the turn out for it but all I can do is make it that much more fun for those that did turn out. It looks like every team has at least one good bowler and we don't have any three adult/1 child teams. Sunday night is going true to form, we sink to the bottom and then about mid-November we start our climb back into contention. Don't know why this happens but it has for most of the last 14 years of bowling on that league.

Wild Mom - she has tests this week on Tuesday and Thursday. I hope they get the electrodes hooked up right or she might look like the Bride of Frankenstein after they zap her. She is having a fence put up to keep that canine killer called Bubbles from terrorizing all the poor kittens nesting under her shed.

Lady - fighting off a sore back. I think a new BBQ grill and bathroom would make her feel better. She is starting to plan and scheme over our retreat to Cheat River on the 29th of September.

#1 - Getting close though the exact date is unknown. It was nice to see that he admires me so much he cut all his hair off to be just like me. :)

#2 - Gee, work doesn't seem as much even fun though payday is. I enjoy reminding him he has 40-50 more years to go. The next major milestone is getting his learners permit to be closely followed with a license.

Star - Will I get lucky and see her this weekend? Sure hope so. I wonder how many stares she would get if I walked behind her jingling my pocket change to make people think her piercing were making the noise. Of course I would be very discreet and not let anyone know I did it!

Princess - The drama play was interesting but the ending lacked something. The funny thing about a carnival is that I don't like roller coaster rides. So don't try and pull me into a waiting car. The first week of school is done and I believe all went well the first few days. The weekend job continues (for reasons I don't completely understand) but it is her choice so I have to accept it or risk the fury of Lady. Saturday had some crisis concerning hair color and after a phone call and an appointment on Sunday afternoon she is now a blonde again. Gee, I like having very short hair, there is a lot to be said for wash and wear.

#1 Brother - still recovering but no real update.

#2 Bother - School, work and a baby. Not sure what he does with all his free time.

Sister - on a trip somewhere having fun.

Utah scene - all is happy in LDS land.

No comment on the Curly W’s or the Deadskins …. 

I have a chance to go see the orioles and twins play … could it be worthwhile?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are such a dork, my peircings don't jingle, I love you Dad