Thursday, July 20, 2006

Quick Note 3

This week has been hot but everything is progressing well. We are refinancing the house and so far their have been no hurdles to trip us up. Fingers crossed and if everything holds we will be debt free with only a mortgage and the utilities. That will be a nice feeling after all these years.

Wild Mom is dancing in the streets. The VA came through and she will get a nice check from them since they classified Dad's death as service related. What he was medically discharged for so many years ago was determined to have caused or contributed to his death. She is breathing a sigh of relief at this great news. I heard on the news lately that there has been a massive demand on mail order catalogs from Florida.

#1 - heads for Colorado on August 10th. We have mixed emotions but wish him all the luck we can muster.

#2 - No change.

Princess - maybe she will learn that the sun burns. Twice now in this first part of the summer she has gotten a good sunburn. Wearing a bikini does have its drawbacks. Just wait till she burns her hiney .. hehehe! Her work has slowed down and the hours have decreased. That part I like for I hope she can enjoy these years and just be a kid for a while and let us grown-ups worry about everything else. 12 days to the next Court date and Liberation.

Jessi - getting prettier and prettier. Maybe that is what success does to a young Lady when everything starts going right for her. She has made us proud even though others find time to tear her down. My few words to her ... Go girl ... tell them to watch your butt for you are leaving them in your dust.

Brother #1 health is really messed up and there are many questions remaining on what is next to come.

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Well, Juicer Bonds is feeling the heat not from MLB but the Court System.

The Tour De France is getting interesting now but I am torn because the British Open has started. Good thing for TV remotes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Dad, it really means a lot to me, I read your blogs everyday, and this one really made me cry, in a good way though. With all the negative things I hear its good to hear the nice things. I love you lots! Give Mom a hug for me!