Saturday, July 15, 2006

Quick Note 2

Well, another weekend is here and there is more to do than time allows. But the little bit of rest will be nice. Saturday included a brief workout at friends helping him set the trusses on his new house addition. As usual the weather didn't help as it managed to get sunny and hot just as we got to work. At least the food we had later at the Olive Garden was good but way to filling.

Tomorrow brings another day at the bowling alley as we face the #1 team. This will be a fun time as the other team is good friends and we always have a good time. The girls are doing well and it will take their best tomorrow to pull off a win.

Wild Mom continues to be on the go with this weekend taking in a craft show. Everything is fine on her end though she is dealing with one son with major health problems and one grandson heading for Utah.

#1 is partying with friends as one of them leaves for Iraq again.

#2 is also staying with friends again this weekend.

Lou is talking up a storm. He found a pair of gloves and then runs around telling us it is "Bowling time." Is there a button to turn him off? Or at least a volume control.

Jessi - no words from her, a bit unusual but nothing to worry about. Knowing her she is planning and having some fun.

Princess - having some friends over so things in her world are really hopping. Of course the puppy request continues but has to this point fallen on deaf ears.

Brother #1 - read a few pages on what has happened to him and it can be summed up as "he is in bad shape."

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