Friday, May 12, 2006

Paul's Update - 05/11/06

Dear Friends:

Dad stayed over at Paul's on Wednesday night so he had Paul up early this morning. He got him up at 7:00, bathed him, dressed him and gave him breakfast. Tabby had false labor that lasted about 24 hours. She was uncomfortable all night but the doctor sent her home from the hospital and said to come back if they persisted. She is ready to be finished with her pregnancy but she also hopes the baby will wait until at least the end of the month before he comes. Paul was awake a lot during the night ... he seemed pretty worried about her. She finally fell asleep at 5am. She had some sleeping pills but they only made her groggy. So each time she would get pain, she was awake. She was planning to try to go to work but Carolyn talked her out of it. It was good that she stayed home because the new nursing service came to do the intake and needed Tabby to sign paperwork. They were pleased that Paul is doing so well and they even thought he didn't really need in-home nursing and planned to be "on call" if we need them. But they decided that since he will have surgery next week they will do a few in-home visits until he recovers from that. The Physical Therapist will start on Saturday. Dad asked about the Speech Therapist and the nurse said she would check on that. Dad had to move Paul more in the wheelchair today since he was tired from not sleeping all night. He was very responsive though. Dad seems to think that Paul may be experiencing dizziness and would like to try some medicine for motion sickness but the doctor wants to finish taking him off the medicines that he is being weaned from before we do that. He is completely done with the Arisept and will finish his last dose of Provigel this weekend. Paul wasn't ready to go to bed tonight until after Tabby said she was going to bed ... then he was ready!! He really likes his new bed. He likes to use the remote to set the contols on the bed by himself. He also has the remote control for the TV now. He set the TV on TV Land so he could watch Bonanza and Gunsmoke this afternoon. Paul is smiling more and more ... Dad is anxious to hear him laugh (we all are!). It is nice to see him smile! Tabby gave Paul a bowl of peanuts tonight. He had a little trouble picking them up. Dad said "you just need to pick them up" and Paul looked at Dad with a "mad" look. Dad said "I know your trying" and Paul shook his head "yes" and smiled! He finally picked them up and he enjoyed them. Friday should be a quiet day. It is the first quiet day all week!! So many good things happened though ... blessings, blessings, blessings!! Praise God!

Love, Lynne & Carl

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