Sunday, May 07, 2006

Paul's Update - 05/07/06

Dear Friends:

I apologize for the dates on the last couple of emails...I just can't believe it is May...sigh! I guess the late night thing sometimes shows through!

Sunday was yet another great day for Paul. Dad went over to Paul's after church. Paul was sitting up on the edge of the bed. Tabby said Paul had pancakes for breakfast ... he loved it! They got him up once dad got there and made a TV dinner for lunch. He did real good with it. He seems even more alert this weekend. He tries to communicate more and seems to know what is happening around him. He seems to be trying to do more task oriented things. Yesterday when he was done with his drink he dropped the cup on the floor ... today when he was done Dad told him not to drop it on the floor. There was a trash can close to him and he reached over and dropped the cup in the trashcan! Dad had him up and walking today. He is taking better steps even though he still has trouble with the right foot. He is also using his right hand more to accomplish the tasks he wants to achieve! Tabby now has a name for the baby ... she asked him about several names and he said "no" to all of them. When she asked if he liked Maxwell Lucas he said "yes" ... so there you have it ... Maxwell Lucas it is! Ronda & Shirley came by to visit, Ronda asked Paul if he was ready to be a dad ... he immediately nodded "yes"! Paul's cousin came by with his wife. This was her first visit since the accident and she was pretty emotional. It is hard to see someone you know in Paul's condition. Dad explained to her that Paul has come a long way and still has a long way to go but God is blessing us each day and he has made remarkable improvement. We hold on to the stories we hear about people that recover quite well over a long period of time and lead fairly normal lives. Dinner tonight was Tuna Noodle Casserole. This is a favorite meal for Paul & Tabby. It is also one of the only things that Paul could cook before the accident!! He loved it and ate two helpings of it. When he was almost done Tabby said "it's all gone baby" and he took his spoon and found one more bite!! LOL Monday is the appointment with the gastroenterologist to find out when we can have the G-Tube taken out. The new company for therapy starts also. Hopefully they will start the speech therapist right away!! Paul is trying more and more to vocalize his answers along with his head movements. It seems that NOW is the time for the best results from speech therapy. Paul has been complaining a lot about his head hurting. This may mean that we need to contact the neurosurgeon (Dr. Azzam) to see if there is a problem with the shunt. That is a possible symptom of problem so it may be wise to find out. With all the progress we have had certainly we pray that we aren't looking at a setback!! Keep praying ... God is doing amazing things!

Love, Lynne & Carl

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