Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Soap Box 5

It is hard to believe that June is around the corner. We even had a 95 degree day to help make it feel real. Sometimes you wonder what you were put on the earth for. It must be for something more that what you are doing now. Life of around the house has been fun and a bit interesting. Work is more like a bad dream.

- Wild mom is turning her dog into a snake hunter.
- Princess has had a couple of nights off and it has been fun. Of course the water cannon attacks must calm down. She is slowly settling in and feeling more at home. Next week will be an adventure in getting her paperwork -- ID card, Tricare, base sticker, and new Insurance.
- Lady is settling into life on the downhill side.
- #1 and #2 show no change or any immediate prospects.
- Jessi bought her wedding dress and it looks like late October (Halloween) for the wedding. Can we wear costumes?
- Jacqui had a tooth problem but all is ok now. Sure was fun holding the babe, that was until he got fussy. Mom!!!

It is amazing how so many people are stuck on their thoughts that they are important and everyone else is not important. I love to help people when their equipment breaks but not when they try to force me into their sense of importance. Their thoughts of an emergency is nothing more than an inconvienience to me. They never even consider that they may have "broke it." It is what did I do last night to mess it up. In some cases, they ask me to setup something because they know best then grouse when it doesn't work right and when will I fix it right. And I love the ones that justify their urgency by saying boss so and so needs it now and later you ask that boss if everything was ok with it and they have no idea of what you are speaking of..

Well, Juicer Bonds did it. Even his teammates wouldn't come out and greet him. MLB has sold their integrity for the almighty buck. They might as well throw out the rules and let anyone who thinks it is worth it to juice it up and see how many records they can break.

Maybe I need to roleplay more and get back on a more even keel? Hmmmmm ...

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Soap Box 4

The family is well this Memorial holiday and I salute those who are standing on Freedom’s frontline. I ask God to bring you home safe and sound.

I heard a news report the other day that just boggled my old mind. A man raped a 12 year old girl and was found guilty by a jury. The expectation was that due to the brutalness of the crime the man would get the maximum of 10 years. Utter shock and my confusion set in when the judge gave the man only 10 years of probation. The reason -- since the man was only 5 ft 1 inch, the judge felt "he was too small to survive in a state prison." Excuse me he was big enough to commit the crime. Besides, he might get a better understanding of what he did when a bigger man forced himself upon him. Even sadder is these judges that have no concept of reality in making these cockamamie judgments. There ought to be some Judge Review board so if a judge loses touch he can be removed.

Have you ever wondered what a newborn baby dreams about? As I sit here today holding Julian as he sleeps, I couldn't help wondering what he was dreaming about. My dreams come from life and what I experience each day. Hmmmm.

What that new HBO series last night where they show the life of a Surgical Hospital in Baghdad. They made it very real. Several times I could feel the emotion they were showing as our brave men made the ultimate sacrifice. What it also did is make me wonder why we are playing around with the insurgents. Make it an area under martial law, seal it off and then sweep all the weapons from it. Anyone after that carrying a weapon will have deadly force used to remove it. The same goes with explosives. If they like car bombs -- then get ride of the cars, trucks and such until the insurgent threat is over with. You say the civilians won't like it -- so what -- it is war. If any attack comes from a mosque then obviously there is no religion there so raze it to the ground so it can't ever be used for war again. Once the clerics get tired of their mosques being destroyed because they are used as staging areas for attacks then maybe they will step forward and help stop the attacks or at least help us stop them. It is time we get serious about the conduct of this war on terrorism or we should get ready to receive more good men and women hope with wounds or in flag draped caskets. War is horrible and full of death .. Let’s stop it now by executing it to the best of our ability.

Work continues to be fun but it has its frustrating moments. One project gets completed and another is started up. There is a never ending supply of projects to be done. You would expect that people would pride themselves in the use of their tools, i.e. computers. I also love how everything they need fixed is a crisis of earth shattering importance but after I fix it, it is two weeks before they even use it again. Or the ones who love to say I need this for Boss X today only to find out later Boss X is off or out of the office. Oh well, life never changes and in two weeks the paycheck will be delivered and all will be forgotten.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Can You Believe?

Well, all the birthday events for Lady are done. We had a lot of fun. Saturday was a meal at our favorite restaurant (El Agave). The surprise birthday get together worked great and left her breathless and a bit bewildered on how many people were involved. Personally, I look forward to the next 50 years because the first 31 have been a lot of fun. Would I do it differently if I had to do it over? No.

With our company gone, I was looking forward to a good nights sleep but Paul had problems last night with seizures causing him to spend the night in the hospital. To add to the fun, Tabby was dealing with a lot of pain as Max moved around constantly. Lynne will have more details soon in her email.

Lady's mom and dad headed for home Wednesday morning after a great few days with us. They were great in their participation with the surprise party.

The paperwork has started with princess as we help her get her finances and other affairs straightened out. She is so easy to handle now that I have found out how ticklish she is. <>

Julian baptized the couch once again. Seems someone left the fire hose unattended and the line was charged resulting in the couch, his clothes, the blanket, mom, and grandma getting a drenching before things were brought under control. Where did it all come from? He only weighs 6 pounds 9 oz.

Wild mom has a new companion. I thought she might play the single scene a bit longer but after 90 days she met Bubbles. Bubbles is a white poodle.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Mumble Mumble

The adventure continues. While things have been hectic since last week, we are slowly returning to normal. Oh, by the way, what is normal? It is amazing how much paperwork need to be done to get Princess settled in. Yesterday, I got rid of my little escort wagon with 256,000 miles to give us more room for parking all the cars. We are afraid to park the cars on the street because the neighbors don't know how to backup without hitting everything in sight. After 3 times I err on the side of caution. After all the hours of work keeping the escort running, I will miss it.

#1 and #2 continue their string of going good. Who knows maybe we will get spoiled.

Jacqui and the baby will be there this evening. It will be god to see the little one. I wonder how much he has grown?

I am looking forward to attending the Promisekeepers event in Baltimore on 9-10 June. It has always been a great time and it usually gets me to thinking about many things in life.

June 11 is Jessi's graduation from high school. We are extremely proud of her. When we first met her years ago, this goal seemed almost like a fantasy dream. But she did it and will be forever better for doing it.

Wild mom has her new furniture and with it goes my hope of a life of leisure when I retire on my inheritance. Really, it does look nice and next time I go home I will test its sleep-a-bility.

No more S.F. Giants games or any event Bonds is in. MLB has tarnished the record of a great man (the Babe and Aaron) by letting Mr. Juice tie the Babe's record and set his sights on Hammerin Hank. On Realsports he admitted he used the junk .. "I didn't know what it was." I can't imagine letting some one injecting me without knowing exactly what it was. But then again he was juiced up and not thinking straight. MLB acknowledges that since 1990 they have sold out by choosing juiced players over integrity since it "makes money." Baseball ought to suspend all the rules .. What ever makes you score more is legal and the fans are entertain by the 35-27 scores. Juiced players with corked bats connected to their eyes and brains by electronics similar to the 6 Million dollar man, they would face juiced pitchers batting 325 and throwing 90 mph spitters from a mound they groom the hour before the game starts and that happens to be 5 feet closer to home plate because they moved it without the ump seeing it being down. Shoot, with the any goes mentality that makes a profit why not serve hard liquor in the stands .. Drunks will buy more. Allow the fielders to use gloves twice the size .. they can use any size they can hold. Oh, and don't forget the starting blocks for the runners so they can get a better start. Shame on you MLB .. Americans Past-time is being degraded by you unmannerly reach for every dollar you can get and thus making the Teams richer.

With the second police officer dying last week following the Sulley Station shootout, the parents should be held liable for providing the weapons used by the mental case son and for failing to secure their weapons. Perhaps the NRA should rethink their position .. You have the right to bear arms but you also have the responsibility to do it safely and protect them that elect to be unarmed .. Such as the unarmed and un-armored police officer.

Gee, another crooked politician from Louisiana .. Perhaps Nagin will be caught soon too.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Fresh Start

Well, another Saturday. This past week has been a hectic one. With the birth of Julian and our Friday court date, we had no down time.

#1 and #2 helped a lot this week helping to get things ready for guests and the dreaded home study by the State.

Jacqui & Julian - Mom and son are at home now and doing well. Tuesday he has his first appointment and they will drop by the house.

Jessi and Keith are back home now. We will be venturing down there for her graduation ceremony June 10-11. She has grown up so much and we are proud of here.

Lady's parents arrived today to celebrate the wife's birthday this weekend. Perhaps they came to help her get over the top of the hill .. sort of a "helping push."

The court date went very well. We got there at 1:30 and didn't see the judge until 3:30ish. It was odd in that everything we had been told by the Attorney (temporary custody) and the State (did not want another change in custody) cornering their recommendations didn't happen that way. They all were very supportive and painted the best picture possible. The judge smiled a lot and kept making a reference to "I foresee a closure to all this." No one contested the change of custody and in the end we were granted full custody of Victoria. So the mind boggling adventure of raising a 16 year old female begins.

In reality, we have no reservations about this move. We hope to provide the love, stability and home she has not had for a very long time. We know there will be bumps but also there will be super times and they will far outweigh the bumps. Several times we heard the statement "You seem so calm and in control and nothing seems to phase you". Well, someone needs to be and besides, this custody stuff isn't new to us and the peace comes from inside, a product of many years of trying to be a Christian.

When I read the court papers that said "she has no relative or responsible adults willing to take her in" just grated on me. No child or young adult should ever have to read that they are not wanted. Perhaps that is the problem today, people are so consumed with their self-gratification that there is nothing left to help a child. I think back to what Christ said about a young child and wonder if they are prepared to accept the consequences when they are quizzed on their actions?

Our day ended with an ice cream cake and balloons that said, “WELCOME HOME.”

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Gee Whiz!

Julian Russell was born at 2:19 pm on 05/16/06. He weighed 6 pounds 9 oz. and stretched out at 19". Mom and baby are doing great and maybe home on Friday. Gee he is soooooo tiny.

Jessi and Keith are here and we are having a great time getting to know each other. Son-In-Law ... hmmmmm and he wants to do what with my daughter?

Met with the Guardian ad item yesterday. Paperwork is now filed for guardianship of our newest daughter to join the clan. The home Study is at 3:30 pm today and we go to court at 1:30 pm on Friday. Keep the prayers going that all goes according to God's plan (and we get her).

Proud of #1 and #2 in how they stepped up this week to help us.

More too come later!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Paul's Update - 05/15/06

Dear Friends:

Today was yet another good day. Dad got to Paul's house this morning to find that Bobby had an injury to his eye. Tabby took Bob to the emergency room. I came to relieve her so she could go to work. It turned out that Bobby has a cut on his eye and the doctor gave him some antibiotic cream to put in the eye. He should feel better in a couple of days. Dad asked Paul if he had heard about Bob's eye injury and he nodded "yes". After breakfast Dad put Paul back in bed to relax for a bit. He handed Paul the remote for the bed and Paul reached for it with his right hand. When he realized he couldn't get it, he reached with his left hand. He is trying more and more to use the right hand. He doesn't have any strength in it yet but he is able to move his fingers more. He adjusted the bed so he was comfortable. He even likes to turn on the messaging feature for the bed! He put it on the low setting and then he took a nap with it running. Early this morning when Tabby gave Paul his motion sickness pill, he put it in his mouth and chewed it up (YUK) and then washed it down with water. Later, Dad asked him if he had a headache today and Paul nodded "yes" so Dad went to give him some Tylenol and said "I don't want you to chew this". Paul put it in his mouth and then took a drink and swallowed it ... he didn't chew it!! After lunch Dad gave Paul a snack. He had some Fritos and Paul kept reaching out past the bowl. Dad asked him "how many bowls do you see?" and Paul put up two fingers. Dad asked him (just to make sure he understood) "do you see two bowls?" and Paul nodded "yes". The visiting nurses came by today. When Dad told the nurse about Paul saying he saw two bowls she said that it may be the reason for him having headaches and nausea. He has an ophthalmologist appointment on Friday so maybe we can determine if he is seeing double. The nurse was impressed at how good he looks. When she asked him to take a deep breath so she could listen to his lungs, he took a breath and he did that each time she asked him to! She and Dad were pleasantly surprised that he did that on command each time. Bobby came downstairs later this evening and he was talking to Paul. Paul kept reaching up with his hand to scratch his head. Bobby asked him if he wanted a hairbrush. He got the hairbrush and put it in Paul's hand. At first he tried to put it in his mouth. Bobby said "no, that isn't something to eat ... it is a hairbrush" and put it back down for Paul. The second time he did the same thing. The third time Paul put his brush up to his head ... and actually brushed his hair from the front of his hairline back to his neck!! Tuesday is Paul's appointment with the neurologist to follow-up on the tests that were run at the hospital last week. Tabby wants to wait on giving the motion sickness medicine regularly until the ophthalmologist appointment since his symptoms could be vision related ... she will talk to the neurologist about this when he sees Paul. This is going to be a very busy week for Paul. He sees the neurologist on Tuesday, his foot surgery is Wednesday and the ophthalmologist appointment is Friday.

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl

Monday, May 15, 2006

Paul's Update - 05/14/06

Dear Friends:

This morning we started off early to go to Bob Evans for breakfast. Paul had scrambled eggs & bacon, English muffin, juice & coffee. He loved it and ate it all. He had a little trouble at one point getting his eggs on the fork to his mouth ... they fell off and he got really mad. He was given his spoon and did lots better. It is amazing to watch him eat. He does so well. Then he picked up his coffee with the handle of his coffee cup and took sips! Towards the end of breakfast he took a straw and put it in his coffee ... then he put his finger on the end of the straw and put the other end of the straw in his mouth to sip the coffee out of the end of the straw!! It was amazing to watch....he did that about 3 times. He was really careful to not let go of the end of the straw until it was in his mouth! The funny thing is ... this is something he would have done before the accident!!! Dad, Tabby & Audrey (the CNA) took Paul back home after breakfast. Paul & Tabby went back to bed for a bit. Dad went off to church. After church Dad, Bill, Tabby & Carolyn went to look at a Van that a friend had for sale. The hope is to retrofit the van to be handicap accessible. This van is a "one-owner" van ... has low miles and is in pristine condition. It was reasonably priced so Tabby decided to buy it. The next step will be going to DMV for tags and then they can take it to someone to do the customizing for accessibility. That will happen later in the week. It was pouring down rain when they got back home. As soon as the rain cleared Paul went outside to see the van ... he loved it. Paul was pretty tired today. He still says he has a headache ... maybe it is from the weather change. His eyes hurt also today. Good thing he will see the ophthalmologist this week. Before dinner (around 3pm) he wanted to lay down. He laid in bed and watched TV. He seemed very alert ... just tired. Bobby went to Taco Bell for dinner and got Paul a bean burrito. Hopefully speech therapy will start this week. He seems to make several different sounds that appear to be words. It would be nice to start teaching him HOW to make sounds that are words!! Paul & Tabby were ready for bed early tonight so Dad was able to come home before 9pm. So we start another week!!

Blessings, Carl & Lynne

P.S. Some folks have said they could not see the picture I send a couple days it is...hope this is better! In case you don't know...Bobby is on the left and Paul is on the right!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Paul's Update - 05/13/06

Dear Friends:

Boy ... what a busy day for all of us. Dad left early to go to Paul's. Saturday is Starbucks day so Dad had to be there early. As you know, Paul enjoys the Starbucks outing. He is feeling much better and is very alert once again. Carolyn, Nana, Aunt Ann Z & I spent the morning preparing for Tabby's baby shower. Wrapping presents, preparing food, shopping for last minute stuff. It was a nice time to share with each other even though it was a busy time! The blessings of family and friends that share our lives are so wonderful. It is special when we can spend time together. We celebrate all that God has given us. Mother's day is especially wonderful for our family this year. As with many holidays we thank God that Paul is able to be with us and enjoy being together. Tabby's baby shower was at 3pm. It was amazing to see all of our friends & relatives that came to share with us. As I looked around the room I realized we had folks from many parts of our lives there. Childhood friends, Scouting friends, Neighbors (new and previous), our friends from Fairfax Hospital that share a bond that we will always treasure although tragedy brought us together, our mothers, grandmothers, sisters, nieces, our daughters & granddaughters, our church family and even a few special men in our lives! So many people who have special places in our hearts. Tabby was so blessed by the event! Paul was able to come and participate for about an hour. He ate cake, drank punch and watched as Tabby opened presents. I think he enjoyed the event! Dad brought him and kept a close eye on him but he was able to sit by Tabby and share in the fun. She must have gotten close to 150 rubber duckies (that's what she wanted!!). After the baby shower Tabby & Paul went out to dinner with Tabby's parents, her brother & her grandmother. Some of the girls stayed at the church to enjoy the "Daughters in Christ" banquet that the men of the church do for all the ladies. It is always a fun time and our women are so blessed to have men that care enough to honor us. Sunday will be a special day to enjoy our family. Thanks so much for being there as our support and our friend. I spent much time thanking God for our blessings and your part of that!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms!!

Love Lynne & Carl

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Paul's Update - 05/12/06

Dear Friends:

Today started off a little rocky. Carl arrived at Paul's house to find that Paul didn't want to get up. He asked Paul if he had a headache and he nodded "yes". Dad tried to get him up and he lost his balance and couldn't walk. Tabby called the neurosurgeon and he advised her to take Paul to Fairfax Hospital so they could do a CAT Scan & some x-rays. They arrived at the hospital around 12pm. The CAT scan showed no change since the last test. They took blood and said everything looks good. Dad asked if he could be experiencing some motion sickness. They thought that seemed possible so they called the doctor and he prescribed medicine for motion sickness. They also did x-rays of his stomach and said all was fine there. After the tests he was sent home. On the way to the hospital Tabby brought a water bottle for Paul and a Diet Soda for herself. He was drinking his bottle and noticed that her soda was in the cupholder so he reached for her soda and began to drink it ... little sneak!! Dad had to stop at a gas station. Tabby went into the store to get a soda and Dad had laid his glasses on the dashboard. Dad looked at Paul and said "Paul give me my glasses" and he reached out to try to give them to Dad. If he hadn't been seatbelted in he would have been able to reach them. This evening he seemed to feel better. When they got home Tabby went to Dairy Queen and got chicken strips & french fries for Paul. He was having trouble getting the french fries with his fork so Dad cut up the french fries. Then Tabby poured gravy on them ... he looked at her and frowned. He wasn't happy but he ate them anyway! Tonight Nana Richard, Aunt Ann & Aunt Cathy came by to visit. He seemed to recognize them. It was nice to have them and they were surprised how good he looks. Saturday we will start Physical Therapy with the new company. Still no news on the Speech Therapist ... hopefully we will start that next week. Saturday is also Tabby's baby shower. She has less than 4 weeks left before little Maxwell is due! We are so happy to be able to celebrate with her and prepare for this blessing.

Have a great weekend, Lynne & Carl

Friday, May 12, 2006

Paul's Update - 05/11/06

Dear Friends:

Dad stayed over at Paul's on Wednesday night so he had Paul up early this morning. He got him up at 7:00, bathed him, dressed him and gave him breakfast. Tabby had false labor that lasted about 24 hours. She was uncomfortable all night but the doctor sent her home from the hospital and said to come back if they persisted. She is ready to be finished with her pregnancy but she also hopes the baby will wait until at least the end of the month before he comes. Paul was awake a lot during the night ... he seemed pretty worried about her. She finally fell asleep at 5am. She had some sleeping pills but they only made her groggy. So each time she would get pain, she was awake. She was planning to try to go to work but Carolyn talked her out of it. It was good that she stayed home because the new nursing service came to do the intake and needed Tabby to sign paperwork. They were pleased that Paul is doing so well and they even thought he didn't really need in-home nursing and planned to be "on call" if we need them. But they decided that since he will have surgery next week they will do a few in-home visits until he recovers from that. The Physical Therapist will start on Saturday. Dad asked about the Speech Therapist and the nurse said she would check on that. Dad had to move Paul more in the wheelchair today since he was tired from not sleeping all night. He was very responsive though. Dad seems to think that Paul may be experiencing dizziness and would like to try some medicine for motion sickness but the doctor wants to finish taking him off the medicines that he is being weaned from before we do that. He is completely done with the Arisept and will finish his last dose of Provigel this weekend. Paul wasn't ready to go to bed tonight until after Tabby said she was going to bed ... then he was ready!! He really likes his new bed. He likes to use the remote to set the contols on the bed by himself. He also has the remote control for the TV now. He set the TV on TV Land so he could watch Bonanza and Gunsmoke this afternoon. Paul is smiling more and more ... Dad is anxious to hear him laugh (we all are!). It is nice to see him smile! Tabby gave Paul a bowl of peanuts tonight. He had a little trouble picking them up. Dad said "you just need to pick them up" and Paul looked at Dad with a "mad" look. Dad said "I know your trying" and Paul shook his head "yes" and smiled! He finally picked them up and he enjoyed them. Friday should be a quiet day. It is the first quiet day all week!! So many good things happened though ... blessings, blessings, blessings!! Praise God!

Love, Lynne & Carl

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Soap Box 3

I was reminded today of a story about two children who believed the other was after them. It was a clear game of one upsmanship in which neither one ever gained the upperhand. The facts that each child offerred as explanation to their parents after each incident never held water. The scrutiny the parents applied just showed it was nothing more than paranoia. Finally the parents gave up in frustration as the two kids continued their needling and immature attitudes.

Soap Box 2

Let me see. What is new here in Virginia?

Jacqui is still in the holding pattern but next Tuesday is the day they will land regardless of how comfortable the child is.

Tammy is due this weekend.

Tabby spent the night with false labor but still has 4 weeks to go.

Another young lady, who has been in our life a long time, has approached us about staying with us while she gets her life organized. So we are thinking and trying to come up with best solution.

We are looking forward to seeing Jessi very soon and even meet her fiancée.


Another attack on a police station by a mentally sick youth sparks many thoughts. He brought seven weapons from home, carjacked a ride to erase 1 life and the jury is still out whether the 2nd police man will survive. They found even more weapons lying all over the house. I know the NRA and gun rights advocates will argue the constitutional right to bear arms. I can even hear the argument that people kill not the gun. But I see it similar to is a drunk kills someone when he drives home .. the bartender can be liable for serving the drink to him. If a child does something when he is a minor ... the parent can be held liable. So in this case a parent that leaves a house full of weapons laying about knowing they have a mentally disturbed child fresh from a facility .. they are liable. Yes the parents have the right to bear arms and have them for defense but they also have a requirement to maintain the weapons in a secure and safe manner. In my thoughts the parents should be charged as an accessory or even as negligent. It is time to get this problem under control. If you want to express your constitutional right .. go ahead and get as many weapons as you like ... but also understand you are required to be responsible for the security of them.

Well, I see Venezuela is conducting a war of resistance against United States oil interests. Gee, how quickly they forget all the aid when things go wrong. If they want to use oil to hold us hostage then we counter by removing all their aid and see who collapses first.

The United States needs to quit being Mr. Nice Guy and expect something in return when we come to their aid when their policies and actions create a massive problem. There is a big difference between Charity and being taken advantage of. Wake up George Bush and do what is right and don't let the flag be trampled on.

Paul's Update - 05/10/06

Dear Friends:

This email will be shorter than normal since Dad is spending the night with Paul (he's my "source" you know!!). Tabby went to the emergency room tonight with labor pains. She had seen her doctor earlier today and he suspected she was having some "pre-term labor" but when she timed them this afternoon they were 6 minutes apart and by tonight they were 4 minutes apart so Carolyn took her to Fairfax Hospital. As of this writing I don't have more information than that. I will keep you posted. Today was a day at home. Paul & Tabby's bed was to be delivered sometime between 12pm & 2pm. Paul had to sit up in the wheelchair for quite a bit since they had to take down the hospital bed in order to make room for the new bed. He doesn't mind sitting up though ... he actually prefers it. Dad said that Paul was saying things today that sound more and more like words ... like "I know" and "no". Maybe once the speech therapist starts he will learn how to formulate his words more clearly. The Nursing Agency called and said they should have a nurse out by tomorrow to do an intake. The Occupational Therapist that we had with PW Health Services is also going to be with us when we start with Livin Rite. He is employed by both health care agencies. When I came in tonight ... I saw Bobby & Paul both laying in Paul's new bed. They looked pretty comfortable and Paul was smiling. Dad asked him if he liked his new bed and he nodded "yes" and smiled. The bedroom looks lots less like a hospital room now! Tonight we had Chinese food for dinner. Paul ate Beef & Broccoli with rice. There really seems to be no limit to what he is able to eat. Praise God! Imagine it was only about 3 weeks ago that he even started eating foods!! I noticed tonight that Paul is also walking better. Dad still has to hold him and guide him but he is doing all the leg work himself and it actually looks more like walking now. He takes good steps with both feet now! Once he has better balance on his own we believe he will walk by himself one day!! Thanks for your prayers ... please keep Tabby & Max in your prayers too!

Love, Lynne & Carl

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Paul's Update - 05/09/06

Dear Friends:

Paul had another really great day. Tabby made Paul a smoothie this morning after breakfast. She had some bananas that needed to be used up and some frozen strawberries. He loved it. He even held the straw in his mouth and moved the cup around to stir the smoothie!! He had an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon today. The doctor plans to do surgery on May 17th. He will remove the plate and as many of the screws as possible. When they arrived the first thing they had to do was x-rays of Paul's foot. That took an hour. When the doctor looked at them he said he will try to get all the screws but it won't hurt if he leaves two of them. The day of surgery will be long. Paul will need to be at Fairfax Hospital at 8am. Surgery is scheduled at 11:30am. By the time all is done it will probably take most of the day before he will be able to go home. The doctor told Dad that he had just been thinking about Paul a couple of days ago. He had done another surgery just like Paul's only the other patient was worse. The doctor was amazed at how well Paul is doing and was surprised to see him be able to eat! The nurse brought Paul some graham crackers since she knew he'd missed lunch. When they got home Paul sat outside. Tabby sat on the swing and Paul wanted to sit with her. He was trying to get out of the wheelchair. Dad said "do you want to sit by Tabby?" and he nodded his head. So Dad put him in the swing and he smiled and put his arm out for Tabby to hold. Then he used his feet to push the swing. I wish you could have seen how good he looked. He sat proud and happy with his wife on a beautiful day in front of their home!! How great is that?? When he was ready to go back in the house. He held out his hand and dad thought he wanted a drink so Dad went and got a cup of Kool-Aid. He took the cup and drank a couple of sips, gave it to Tabby and she took a drink. When she gave it back to Paul he took another sip and looked at it for a second. Then he held the cup out and tossed the rest of it on the ground! He took everyone by surprise. Tabby told him "please don't do that in the house" and he nodded his head. That's one way to say "I'm done with this"! Tabby rearranged the bedroom today so Paul's bed is now facing the TV. Tabby has decided to buy a Craftmatic Adjustable Bed so they can both sleep in the same bed. He really doesn't need the hospital bed as long as the head and feet can be adjustable. The bed comes Wednesday. Paul had to get in the hospital bed on the opposite side tonight. It was an interesting change for him. Instead of getting in and laying down to the right side he needed to go to the left. He didn't of course ... he is use to going to the right and so he did. He ended up laying across the bed instead of in the bed! He realized that it was wrong and pulled himself up from a completely laid out position back to a sitting position. Dad helped him get into the right position after that! Paul was pretty tired by then but he did take a little time to play with the bed controls!! We still haven't really had a time to meet with the new nursing service. Someone is suppose to come Wednesday but it may only be for an evaluation. Hopefully, they will start the therapies by Thursday!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Chuckles - IV

Well, wild momma has left for home. We had a great time and love having her here but it was time for her to return and terrorize Florida for a while. I was trying to recall the last time I spent that much time (4 weeks) with mom. To recollection I would have to go all the way back to 1971. Love you Mom and hurry back -- down the road.

My best friend in the world turns 50 this month. It was fun giving her an AARP card this week. When she asks for Geritol I will know the transformation is complete.

Over the next four weeks, three of the young ladies in our life will bring a new life into the world. I am preparing for goochee-goochee overload. I am proud of them for choosing life.

This weekend I watched a PBS series called "Texas Ranch 1867". It was a good demonstration of life in 19th Century Texas. It was funny watch the people live in that environment. The Ranch Owner and his family couldn't get the 21st Century mindset out of their head. The women were the worse in not accepting their roles in that period. The Ranch owner couldn't say no to his wife and it showed. Also he was a crook, making promises and then breaking them if he thought he could profit from it. The Ranch hands did well and were the real bright spot of the show. I would recommend the show to anyone interested in those types of reality shows.

Some people in this world deserve a good smack up side the head to hopefully dislodge their common sense into motion. It is frustrating at what some people to help only to make failure more likely to happen. Yes, I stepped into their trap and will most likely have to pay the price. What knucklehead would ever to that? Sheesh ...

Thanks wizards for a thrown away season. You wanted Cleveland in the first round because you beat them in the regular season series. Well, your less than stellar play gave the series away. Even the manager won't watch the 6th game on tape because it is so bad. I wish I could just focus on the Nationals but I am tired of watching losing teams.

Baseball is about to let Juiced-up Barry lessen the integrity of the game when he breaks the Babe's record. He said he took the juice thinking it was something else. If he was as good as he said he was in the Costa's Interview then why didn't he stay clean? He said the juiced guys even with the juice weren't as good as him -- so why juice up or take anything "you didn't know what it was?" Barry, you have smeared the integrity of the game. Step back and honor the Babe and don't hit number 714.

Paul's Update - 05/08/06

Dear Friends:

Dad arrived at Paul's house very early today. The gastroenterologist appointment was at 8am today. Dad got Paul into the car and took him to the office. The doctor decided that it was time to take out the G-tube (feeding tube). He couldn't do it in his office because he was not familiar with the type of tube that was installed. He said he had an opening to do the procedure at Prince William Hospital this afternoon. Dad took him home and let Paul rest. He wasn't able to eat anything three hours prior to the procedure. He got chicken broth for lunch but he didn't like it. Dad told him he had to go back to have the tube taken out and he nodded. Dad helped get him in the car. When they got to the hospital to get ready, Tabby told him that in a few mintues someone was coming to take him so they could remove the tube ... he smiled. He was ready. They had a little trouble getting the IV in and the nurses were slapping his hand. He wasn't very happy about that!! The anesthesiologist came and put the IV in the neck vein. The doctor started with a scope to see what the device looked like and also how Paul's stomach and esophagus were. The procedure went quickly they used a scope and went into the stomach and snipped the tube and pulled it out. Evidently they were able to see that Paul has a hiatal hernia but everything looked good and they were able to remove the tube without any trouble. Afterwards Paul came home and rested for a bit. He had some of Ensure and laid in bed resting until around 7:30pm when we went out to get our dinner. We bought him a Ham & Cheese sub at Subway. He ate it all by himself. He loved it. He seems to be more alert every day. He is also responding more directly to our questions ... instead of staring at us he responds immediately. He is also standing and walking better. He does about 90% of the work while Dad keeps him balanced and prevents him from falling. Tonight when Dad went to put him back in bed after dinner he did most of the work to get back in the bed. Tuesday is the appointment with the orthopedist. This will only be a consultation but it will be the time for the doctor to decide when he wants to do surgery to remove the plate in Paul's foot. That should be the last scheduled procedure for Paul. The only "equipment" we have to worry about now is the shunt. Tabby plans to call the neurosurgeon Tuesday and let him know that Paul seems to be having headaches and see if there is reason to be concerned. Hopefully it will just be a normal symptom of living with a shunt! Not fun ... but not dangerous!

Have a great day! Love, Lynne & Carl

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Paul's Update - 05/07/06

Dear Friends:

I apologize for the dates on the last couple of emails...I just can't believe it is May...sigh! I guess the late night thing sometimes shows through!

Sunday was yet another great day for Paul. Dad went over to Paul's after church. Paul was sitting up on the edge of the bed. Tabby said Paul had pancakes for breakfast ... he loved it! They got him up once dad got there and made a TV dinner for lunch. He did real good with it. He seems even more alert this weekend. He tries to communicate more and seems to know what is happening around him. He seems to be trying to do more task oriented things. Yesterday when he was done with his drink he dropped the cup on the floor ... today when he was done Dad told him not to drop it on the floor. There was a trash can close to him and he reached over and dropped the cup in the trashcan! Dad had him up and walking today. He is taking better steps even though he still has trouble with the right foot. He is also using his right hand more to accomplish the tasks he wants to achieve! Tabby now has a name for the baby ... she asked him about several names and he said "no" to all of them. When she asked if he liked Maxwell Lucas he said "yes" ... so there you have it ... Maxwell Lucas it is! Ronda & Shirley came by to visit, Ronda asked Paul if he was ready to be a dad ... he immediately nodded "yes"! Paul's cousin came by with his wife. This was her first visit since the accident and she was pretty emotional. It is hard to see someone you know in Paul's condition. Dad explained to her that Paul has come a long way and still has a long way to go but God is blessing us each day and he has made remarkable improvement. We hold on to the stories we hear about people that recover quite well over a long period of time and lead fairly normal lives. Dinner tonight was Tuna Noodle Casserole. This is a favorite meal for Paul & Tabby. It is also one of the only things that Paul could cook before the accident!! He loved it and ate two helpings of it. When he was almost done Tabby said "it's all gone baby" and he took his spoon and found one more bite!! LOL Monday is the appointment with the gastroenterologist to find out when we can have the G-Tube taken out. The new company for therapy starts also. Hopefully they will start the speech therapist right away!! Paul is trying more and more to vocalize his answers along with his head movements. It seems that NOW is the time for the best results from speech therapy. Paul has been complaining a lot about his head hurting. This may mean that we need to contact the neurosurgeon (Dr. Azzam) to see if there is a problem with the shunt. That is a possible symptom of problem so it may be wise to find out. With all the progress we have had certainly we pray that we aren't looking at a setback!! Keep praying ... God is doing amazing things!

Love, Lynne & Carl

Ho Hum

Another week passes and life has remained pretty much constant. I sometimes wonder where all the free time has gone. Have I grown less efficient in my work that it has taken a bite from the free time? Perhaps the time burgular has swiped it and is enjoying it as part of his cruise. Maybe I just need to focus on Reno next march and then time will fly by.

Friday I came home early and Lady asked me .. Did you quit your job? Have I been gone that much? No seriously, I suprised them, got home early and then we went out for dinner.

Jessi has got her GED now. My how she has changed. We are proud of her and hope she continues to push herself to do better.

Still waiting for Jacqui. That kid wanted out so bad in March they had to use medicine to keep him in, remove that medicine and now he doesn't want to come out. Independent lil sucker he is.

Mom's wild days are catching up to her. She is getting addicted to cranberry cocktail juice. We told her that drinking would lead to this but she knew better. Now she drowns her worries with that bright red liquid. Next thing you know she will be spending my inheritance to buy more bottles of that elixir. Where did we go wrong? I guess her returning home Monday morning will lessen the temptations and she will return to that little old lady in Pace.


Patrick Kennedy - you just have to love it. He denied being under the influence but checked into a drug rehab program the next day. He denied drinking but the Officer smelled it and a local hostess made a statement that she saw him drinking earlier. Why lie? It would have been simplier to say, I made a mistake and need some help. But no, like the Kennedy family is so adept at doing, lie first and dodge like hell. Shame on the Police for giving him preferential treatment. I hope they drive me home and not book me the next time I get drunk, drive and crash into a barrier while they follow me.

The Nationals are at it again. They are playing horribly and now the excuse is because they don't like the stadium and for some reason they will play better when the new one is completed. Just admit it ... the problem is with the team.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Paul's Update - 05/06/06

Dear Friends:

Friday was a pretty good day. PT came out today and the first thing she said was that this is her last day. Evidently the insurance company has reassigned a new company to provide therapy. She got right to work with Paul's walker. She had him help himself to get up with the walker. He was doing about 90% of the work. Then she had him walk out to the kitchen. The CNA put the wheelchair by the sink. He walked to it, turned around and sat in the wheelchair. She told Paul today was her last day and she asked him if he would shake her hand. He shook his head no. She said "that is just rude" he smiled and then he held out his hand so she could shake it!! He walked back and forth to the bed about six times. She wants him to do more of the work himself. He did all the leg movement by himself. Dad was in front to keep him from going too fast and the therapist was behind keeping him from falling back. It appears that if he could get his balance ... he would be able to walk by himself. Paul complained about not feeling good again. Dad gives him baby Tylenol when he doesn't feel good. Most of the day was quiet. Dad took him outside for a bit. When they came back in they watched TV for a bit.

Saturday when Dad arrived Paul seemed to be sleeping. Tabby asked Paul if he wanted to go to Starbucks. This is a regular routine for them. He nodded his head "yes" so Tabby got him dressed and gave him breakfast. They went to Starbucks and Paul had a great time. Tabby bought him a decaffeinated coffee and he drank it with a straw. He really enjoyed that. Then they took a trip to Giant to get some groceries. Tabby would ask him what he wanted he would answer. She would give him a choice and let him pick what he wanted. This really gives him some control about what he gets to eat. He is so alert these days. He still does things he shouldn't do. He will even tell you he knows he shouldn't do it but he still does it anyway. For instance ... he knows he shouldn't play with his feeding tube. Dad says "you know you shouldn't play with that" and he will shake his head "yes" but then he will reach for it anyway. Paul got to sit outside for a bit. It was a beautiful day. Dad had Paul up walking several times today. He walks him to the bathroom several times every day. Dad & Bobby went to visit a friend at the hospital today. Big Steve has an infection in his leg that they are having a hard time treating. Please keep him in your prayers. We also have another friend Al (Pop) Ford is in the hospital also. He has pneumonia and is an asthmatic. He is on oxygen and they are keeping him quiet. Keep him in your prayers too. Monday we will start with the new Nursing service. Prince William Health Services will no longer be providing nursing or therapies. The new company is Livin Rite. Evidently they have a speech therapist so they will take over all the therapies. Hopefully the speech therapist will start right away! Paul sure is ready for it!

Blessings, Lynne & Carl

Friday, May 05, 2006

Paul's Update - 05/04/06

Dear Friends:

Paul started out today not feeling well. Dad gave him some Tylenol. He felt better. Dad is making Paul choose his meals all the time now. He holds a couple of meals in front of Paul and lets him touch what he wants. He doesn't seem to like the Chicken Fried Chicken ... Dad keeps giving it as a choice and he picks something else every time. Even when you change the order of where it is he seems to go around it. There wasn't any therapy today. Dad walked him into the bathroom several times today. Now that he is able to get around a bit better he is encouraging Paul to use the toilet seat we have for him. Since he cannot really tell us when he needs to go into the bathroom, Dad takes him several time throughout the day. It is a lot of work to get him in there ... it's a good thing Dad is strong! Paul seems to be OK with going in there but isn't always successful yet. Paul went to the dentist today and was evaluated. He did really good in the car. Our car has leather seats and he seemed to be able to get in and out easier. He cooperated when the dentist asked him to open his mouth and also when they did X-rays. Dad had to help Paul hold the film card in his mouth so they could get a good set of X-rays without Paul dropping it. It is going to be very expensive to fix his teeth. Lots of damage was done from the accident and the lack of care since the accident. Tabby wants to get a second opinion and see if she can find someone that will be covered by Medicaid. When they got back from the dentist Paul didn't want to get out of the car. He stiffened up his legs and wouldn't let Dad move them out of the car. Dad had to promise to let him sit outside before he would loosen his legs get out of the car. After they went inside Dad & Paul watched HGTV for a little bit. They seem to enjoy watching house makeovers!!! Tabby always knew she would convert Paul to HGTV someday!! LOL Later in the evening Bobby went to Wendy's for dinner. Dad got a Frosty and split it with Paul. He loved it ... Dad had to keep reminding Paul that he had to eat a little bit at a time and slowly so he doesn't get "brain freeze". Tonight Paul was playing with the feeding tube again. When Tabby moved his hand away a couple of times he got mad and squeezed her hand. This is his way of letting her know he was mad! As frustrating as this is ... it is good to see some personality! Dad said he has been seeing Paul smile more. Maybe we will hear him laugh again someday. We miss things like that. We are so thankful for what we have though ... it is nice to see him progress each day!

Blessings, Carl and Lynne

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Paul's Update - 05/03/06

Dear Friends:

We had another good day. PT & OT came today. They worked together. PT put 7lb weight on each leg and Paul did 50 reps with each leg. The therapist said she is surprised Paul can do this since even she couldn't probably do it! She tried tossing a ball to him to get him to catch it with his good hand. Then she wanted him to toss it to her with both hands. He couldn't throw with both hands but could throw it across the kitchen with one hand. Then she had him catch it and hand it to the OT. After they had exercised the legs and upper body they had him stand at the sink and do some balancing. Dad is having him walk more and he is trying to get up from the wheelchair by himself more. They are having him bend forward to get up and when he gets forward to stand they have him set back down. This exercises the stomach muscles. The therapists want us to continue to give Paul things that don't go in the mouth like his hairbrush so he starts using familiar things correctly. He is now deciding what he will eat most of the time. Dad makes him choose what he wants. He usually has 2-3 choices. He seems to like what he chooses. Tonight Dad gave him a choice between a chicken dinner and Pizza. He chose pizza and ate it with his fingers (pizza is "finger food" you know!!) He did really well and even licked his fingers to get the cheese and the tomato paste off. He is trying more and more to respond with sound. We cannot understand the sounds yet but every time you talk to him he responds with sound. He even changes the tone of the sound like he is trying to get different words out. Today Tabby told him he also needs to give head movements along with the sound so we understand him. At one point he shook his head and it sounded like he said "no" so it appears that he understands what he needs to do. Tabby made several doctor appointments for next week. May 8th he sees the gastroenterologist who can decide when the feeding tube can come out. The 9th he sees the orthopedist to decide when he can have surgery to remove the plate in his foot. The 18th he will go to the ophthalmologist to determine what he sees. Thursday this week is the dentist. Over the next two weeks the meds that are being discontinued will be decreased. Paul has now been home for a month and has made such great progress. A friend came by today that hasn't seen Paul since he was in the nursing home. He was quite impressed at the improvements he saw. Paul & Tabby's baby is due on June 8th (five more weeks!) and it looks more and more like Paul will be able to be there for the birth and will be able to enjoy his son when he arrives! Praise God!

Have a great day!! Lynne & Carl

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Paul's Update - 05/02/06

Dear Friends:

Monday was a good day. OT came at lunch to watch Paul eat. Paul was eating country fried steak, mashed potatoes & corn. He was impressed at how well Paul eats and drinks. After watching him eat the therapist said he is going to try to get approval to come an extra day each week (three times instead of two). The Nurse came by to see Paul. He watched Paul drink water and was also impressed. He checked all Paul's vitals and said everything was great. He and the other therapists are happy to see the progress Paul has made since they started working with him. The attribute a lot of it to the family support. One of the men from church came by and delivered some medical supplies that he & his wife had and while he was there he mowed the grass ... what a blessing for Tabby. Another friend from church came by. She is a recreational therapist and brought some pictures to help with communication. She had a "yes" card and a "no" card along with other pictures that he could point to when he wants something. When you ask him if he can read them he nods "yes" but when you ask him to touch them he wouldn't do that. Tabby asked him to tell her what they say and when she pointed to the "yes" card he nodded "yes" then the "no" card and he shook his head "no". The therapist wants us to work on other things besides "are you hungry?". Since he communicates to us that he is hungry or thirsty she would like to see him be able to communicate other things like "I want to watch TV" or "I want to get up". Twice Paul stole someone else's drink. Dad was clearing the table at dinner and he had his tea at the far side of the table. When Dad came back Paul was drinking his tea and had a smirk on his face ... I think Dad's drink must have been better. Then when Tabby had a diet soda on the table ... she turned her back on Paul ... he put down his water and took her soda!! Paul also grabbed Tabby's hand and she thought he was going to nibble her hand but instead he pulled it towards himself and kissed it.

Today was a very busy day. We (Dad, Tabby, Bobby, Carolyn & Myself) met with the case manager from Brain Injury Services. We told her our concerns about getting a gastroenterologist, speech therapist, transportation, Dental care and vision care. She is going to check on the different doctors to see if there are some that handle, specifically, brain injury patients. She is also going to check on locating a van. Since we have the opportunity to get a speech therapist on our own (according to the insurance company) she is willing to make calls to some of the ones that work in the school system and see what she can line up for Tabby since she hasn't had the time to do this. After she left Dad, Tabby, Carolyn & Bobby went to Area Access which specializes in products that promote independent living. They provide scooters, starilifts, accessible vans, elevators etc. Tabby is considering a stairlift or elevator to move Paul to the upstairs portion of the house. Paul had a doctor appointment with the neurologist at 3pm. The trip with logisticare was not pleasant. The driver was less than efficient ... he didn't even strap Paul into a seatbelt and the van was dirty and smelly! The doctor did an evaluation and said he wanted to take Paul off some of the drugs he is currently taking. He is discontinuing the Arasept and the Provigel. He is not convinced by everything he has read that these drugs have ever been proved to be successful and he doesn't like the risk of side affects if the drug doesn't do anything. If we see a dramatic change he will consider starting them back. This means Paul is only taking the Prozac (for depression) and Nexium (for indigestion). The doctor's staff recommended that Paul go to see an opthamologist. It turns out they recommend the very same doctor that Bobby saw as a child (who we loved by the way!!). Thursday Paul has a dentist appointment to see if he can have some work done on his molars. He is going to the dentist that he had been going to before the accident and this dentist said he wants to do an evaluation prior to saying he will do the work. Tabby tried to call logisticare to arrange transportation and they cannot move him because the dentist is not covered by Medicaid. Dad & Tabby practiced getting Paul into the truck and also the car and it IS possible to move him in a private vehicle. He sits up well once you get him into the vehicle. It is challenging to get him in and out of the vehicles but Dad is strong enough to manage him. When Paul got home he was able to be outside (after dinner that is) and he stayed out until almost dark. He had a very long day and was up all day. When we left tonight he was playing with the new massager that Tabby bought for him. He had figured out how to turn it on and off and was playing with the buttons. He was pretty tired though and was dozing off.

Thanking God for our Blessings! Lynne & Carl

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

On a Clear Day

As the new week starts it is amazing how it resembles last week. The only difference may be that it is hotter and not quite so wet. Looking out I can see no vacation time scheduled, hmmm, I must fix that somehow.

Lady just keeps doing what she does best. But, :) this month something happens and that should prove to be a lot of fun. More to come.
#1 has no change in his life except he is older and more broke.
#2 has a chance for a job interview but the question remains will he schedule it or just blow that one off too.
Star stays in touch and we do look forward to seeing her soon.
Jacqui still hangs on to the new kid. Rather, the kid doesn't want to come out to play. Hopefully that will happen soon. Gee, someone else to spoil.
Lew continues to grow. His new thing is to push the boundaries and see how much can he get away with. Things like "No" when told to do something. Or he lays on the floor and plays like a sack of flour if you try and get him to do something. Worse, is the pitching of a fit .. But he has found out that all that gets him is taken outside and whatever we were doing is over. He does keep up a constant line of questions. Hope I don't run out of answers.

I love hearing that the new energy package includes large tax break for Big Oil. Don't these politicians understand how much is a $9 Billion/Quarter profit is? I guess they are so far into Oil's back pocket they want to see if the profit can reach $20 Billion a quarter. At least I can dream of my $100 rebate. Me see, that is a .000000111% profit for the last year. That is fair so why am I upset?

At this point I am ready to state that I will not vote for a single incumbent in the next election. They are all so full of it that their care for the middle class person is non-existent. Everything is growing at a fast clip except for my income and that is taxed even more. I love it when the President makes 6 times what I do and I still pay 5% more in taxes. Libertarian? Green Party? Independent? Hmmmm.

Immigration - They are illegal and that can't be denied. Don't reward breaking a law or if you do, just open the prisons and let everyone go. Physically close the borders and send all 12 Million home. Let Mexico deal with them. Heck I don't care if Mexico adopts the Mexican version of our National Anthem as their own but here we speak English. There are enough jobs down there because half of the American Corporations have their factories down there now. After closing the borders, any business employing illegal aliens should be fined $1 Million per illegal alien. If the business needs workers then get the High Schoolers looking for their first job, or the just graduated from College kids, or get the homeless and put them too work.

So the Russians and Chinese want to veto our push to get U.N. sanctions imposed. I realize the sanctions don't mean anything and will usually be ignored just look at what Iraq did. So stop the Billions of aid dollars we are sending them and use it to better the life of the middle class. Shoot, apply it to Social Security and Medicare. Every time we turn around they and the French oppose anything we do. So quit helping them. They will come around when they start to crumble and lose what they have. Shoot, we should have let Stalin take France in the War .. Then they would be part of them and wouldn't have to vote.