Wednesday, December 31, 2008

So Long ... 2008

Well, 2008 is almost over and this will be my last blog for the year. A lot has happened this year and a lot did not happen. No, I am not going to do a Top 100 list for every area of my life, so you can relax and take a deep breath. I will vent and stand on the soap box in other venues. What meant the most to me this year? My wife, Lady. My mother, Wild Mom and my patchwork Family (#1, #2, Peanut, Star, Lew, Lil Princess, and AJ). Without them, this would have been a very boring and dull year. My first resolution and probably the only one for the New Year will be to tell them how much I love them.

I hope work improves because the last day sucks and has tried my patience. I remember a time when I couldn't wait to get there ... and then delayed leaving to get just one more thing done. I have a great boss but the list dies off extremely fast. I remember a time in my past seeing people fired or removed from the position for much less.

Many of our friends have made this a great year. Especially Carl & Lynne and Tom & Wendy.

I look forward to 2009, and especially on Thursday, the crab dip, football games, friends and family. I want to hug them all (friends and family, not the dip) and express how much they mean to me.

So I will end the year with a prayer;

God of our yesterdays, our today, and our tomorrows. We praise You for Your unequaled greatness. Thank You for the year behind us and for the year ahead. Help us in Your New Year, Father, to fret less and laugh more. To teach our children to laugh by laughing with them. To teach others to love by loving them. Knowing, when Love came to the stable in Bethlehem, He came for us. So that Love could be with us, and we could know You. That we could share Love with others. Help us, Father, to hear Your love song in every sunrise, in the chirping of sparrows in our backyards, in the stories of our old folks, and the fantasies of our children. Help us to stop and listen to Your love songs, so that we may know You better and better. We rejoice in the world You loved into being. Thank You for another new year and for new chances every day. We pray for peace, for light, and for hope, that we might spread them to others. Forgive us for falling short this past year. We leave the irreparable past in your hands, and step out into the unknown new year knowing You will go with us. We accept Your gift of a new year and we rejoice in what's ahead, depending on You to help us do exactly what You want ... I say it again, we rejoice! ... In Jesus name, Amen.

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