Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Scratch - Scratch

Well, mom made it and is doing fine. She was easy to find at the airport, I went to the place where they sell Long Island Ice tea and there she was poking along and eyeing the counter for an empty stool. She brought enough luggage that I felt like an African porter going on a long safari. Just wish I knew some of them cool walking songs they do. Walking around the Mall ... Arrgh! Tonight starts the final practices for the Easter program by the choir. Haven't heard from my brother but he should be home from the hospital.

Work is going good. The old satellite dish comes down this weekend and the new ones get aligned on Thursday. The new office server will get deployed before the end of the month. Then I get to choose the next project from a long line of projects.


No DNA match ... hmmmm. The prosecutor says he has enough to still prosecute them. That should be good. A group of guys attack someone and leave NO DNA evidence. Perhaps the lawyer should listen to his own comments. The other day he said he had pictures to prove she was out of it when they dragged her into the house. Would it be conceivable she was raped somewhere else by someone different and she came too at that party and blamed them in the fog of confusion? Maybe she had a bad experience with her boyfriend and needed an alibi for her husband? Sure looks suspicious.

Immigration - I agree! They came here wrongfully and should go home and do it right. Now as a sign of amnesty they could get a certificate and then that would guarantee they could return once the paperwork is correctly completed by a cutoff date sometime in the future. But when they return they will have to pay income, social security and Medicare tax. This would also pertain to state taxes too. Having the pool of taxable people increase by a couple million would help the Social Security and Medicare balance sheets. So curb the proliferation of illegal’s, strengthen the borders (fences, guards) and really give teeth to the penalties if someone is caught sneaking back in. And for those employers that thrive and support the illegal’s, if INS finds one illegal on a worksite, then they are shutdown for 60 days and fined $1,000,000 per illegal found and based on the information obtained charge them the minimum wage for every hour the illegal worked. That may slowdown the attractiveness of using them to bypass the laws to increase their profit margin.

Terrorism – Give Iraq a date to get their act together or we withdraw all troops and stop the loss of American while they piddle around with their meaningless agendas. As for Iran, set a date for them to comply with the U.N. mandate or if not, then react accordingly. If you are right and without doubt … go at them with strength to force their compliance or if you are unsure, then shut up and mind your own business.

I find it interesting and a bit baffling how someone totally changes someone’s life (The young Lady that hit Paul) and her punishment amounts to a minor charge and a piddly fine. Paul’s medical care matched the fine in the first 30 seconds after the accident. She goes about life without a second thought and on the other side of the coin Paul, his wife, their immediate family is affected in ways no group of people should ever be affected. She is now free to forget everything about that day and Paul and his family will never forget it. The judge had a chance to help many people with her sentence. Community care at some rehab center would highlight the consequence of what she did. In turn, she would help someone recover in a small way; the rehab center could provide a bit more care and the family of the victim would get some help without paying for it. Perhaps by doing this she would know more about the fragility of life and how one careless moment can change things forever. I know some will say it is cruel and I have no business worrying about it. Well, if it is done in a spirit of help it won’t be cruel, more like community service provided by volunteers. My son received more community service (60 hours) for stealing some money than she did for greatly altering the life of another human being. Medicare has now taken up the responsibility for the payment of bills and that does affect me because it is our tax dollars that funds that system. So her actions did affect me and millions of others.

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