Thursday, June 23, 2005

Daily Thoughts - V

For most countries of the world getting a new dictator would mean losing all you own. Only in America, can it be legislatively or judicially taken away. Who needs a dictator, all we need is a congressman, senator or judge to take what we prize and work our life for. Under this law, what is next?
  • All Churchs, especially those who are tax-exempt, are removed since a shopping center or condo will generate more tax revenue and getting money is paramount to local governments.
  • Any Radio or TV station that doesn't tread the "acceptable way"? A good grocery store would serve us better.
  • What of any non-profit organization that didn't toe the line? Put a mall there and get some benefit from their space.
  • What of any business that posed a problem for a larger competitor? Microsoft forces out AOL to but up a bigger Microsoft Headquarters and offer more tax revenue than AOL does. Wal-Mart vs mom-pop store. Major Oil vs local gas station.
  • What of all our parks? Put a business there. It will generate more tax income. The kids can go home to play. Ooops, that is right, their home was removed last week.
While we could focus on the American Citizen and their home, the implications of this law goes far beyond that. What does the legislature or Judicial have to worry about. They take our home to generate more money because they made a law that took our weapons away and ensured we couldn't defend it. Next they will decide who is the real "American Citizen" and pass a law to implement it.

Part of their argument was that the current law forced them to use "blighted areas" and thus hurt the poor. So, as I see it, destroy the dream of the working class to erect all these tax-generating endeavours and leave the "blighted areas" alone so that they can remain an eyesore to the inner-city.

Well, we continue to see protect the poor, screw the workers all so that the rich can maintain a life style. You try and take the rich man's home, the army of lawyers will stop that. But the poor worker can only muster a public defender whose salary depends on the tax money that is generated by taking the workers home. So who wins?

When are the laws of this land going to be decided by the "American Citizen" and not some "Appointed" Judge? If the American people vote and the majority decides for a law, then who gives that "appointed" judge the right to throw it out? They may review it and bring it to the people's attention that it isn't fair and equitable but ultimately, the people decide through free and open elections how they are to be governed. Then the "appointed" judge applies that law and helps the police who enforce the law. This is what I think is called "The Will of the People".

Excuse me, I got wrapped up and forgot. It really is "The will of the Judge" and the "whim of a Congressman or Senator". Like I said earlier, Who needs a Dictator, all we need is a Congressman, Senator or Judge to take what we prize and work our life for because what we want doesn't matter, especially to them.


I disagree with what happened in Mississippi. I know some will argue with me but I can still say it is wrong.

How did a jury split 6-6, over night and after only 2-3 hours the next morning become unanimous? They were split just like the first trial. Who changed their minds to make it so obvious?

The judge said age or whether the defendent was living or dead .. the law must be served. Ok, why wasn't there others charged and sentenced even if they were dead already? This man was one member of a group ... do we now charge and sentence one man for the sins of others. I vaguely recall that happened 2000 years ago. This smacks of judically sponsored reverse racism to make a group of people feel better. The same group who harbored revenge and hate for the perpetrator for 41 years all the while they sat piously in their church pew pretending to be a christian full of love and forgiveness.

Why not go after the U.S Congress now. They publically apologized for allowing all the lynchings by not taking action when they should. They have said by their own words they were an accomplice to the racism of that time. Under the law, if you aid or abet someone in the act of a crime, you are guilty too. So sentence the Congress to prison for being an accomplice to the racism of the 60's and 70's. You have sentenced that old man because he was an accomplice or aided in the murders. Smells like crap .. it must be crap.


Looks like a little Father and Son action in Aruba. Could it be a little "Danish Roll"?

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