Sunday, May 01, 2011

Soap Box Sunday

Well, it is May and life goes on. Bowling is winding down and we will have to find something else to do with our Sunday evenings. Today is AJ's 3rd birthday party!

Soap Box time --

Don't you just love how people flock to church to praise God when a disaster occurs. The News channels are really playing that aspect up. God must be helpless when times are good, or is it safer to say "We don't need you when it is good." Oh, I know ... prosperity is God's Kryptonite! Wow, how did I miss that. Also, where is all the international help to aid in the recovery? I don't see any mass calling for aid in a lot of the countries we helped! In most international papers, the story doesn't even rate front page coverage. Oh yeah, our money is only good when it goes in their direction. But then again ... we (America) don't need God except when it is convenient. So why should another country display christian ethics and values ... we don't.

Libya claims their leader is targeted, but NATO says it isn't so. Isn't it targeting when you send a drone to strike the compound where they know he lives? Or, were they 100% successful because they targeted his grandchildren and son instead! Someone had to program that drone, so given the fact he lived there in that compound ... we targeted him. We are killing civilians just to stop him from killing civilians in their civil war. I guess death to stop death is acceptable as long as we are the second to starting the killing. Sadly what makes our choice to intervene more deplorable is that we use machines to do our killing. Isn't it nice to know machines have no conscious. And when it errs and kills a human it becomes accidental and a tragedy of War. Now I can sleep better tonight knowing humans don't kill humans. It is those dang machines ... perhaps the terminator series is real! Also, Syria is killing people by the hundreds. Where is the outcry for them.
Are the Syrians no better than the Libyans! Come on NATO, target the Syrian President and have the UN authorize deadly force to enforce a no-fly zone so you can send in the drones thereby you can sleep better at night.

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