Monday, August 23, 2010

Sniff ... Do I smell Snow?

Can you believe it ... August is almost gone. Even the weather for the next few days is Fall like. As usual, everything is busy and not much time is available to get it done. Youth Bowling ended last night. The team finished 5th though the Bowling alley hosed the final standings. The Lady got fired for messing it so bad. Lew's average jumped 15+ pins and he even managed to roll a 141 including three strikes in a row. Move over #1, your worse nightmare has arrived. We start the Fall Adult league next Sunday. 36 more weeks of fun and competition. Wild Mom is camping and enjoying the nightlife at Styx River. Wild Mom is benefiting from her Doctor's visits. Now we just have to wean her from waiting to see the young doctor. Lady had an easy Friday as her boss took several of the ladies from work out for a boat ride and the day on the water. Well, the ride was short as the boat broke down and they had to be towed back to shore, thus making the day shorter. #1 has another interview this week ... hey maybe we will get lucky and one of them pick him up as an employee. #2 is looking once again. Nothing ever lasts forever! Peanut continues to work, take care of AJ and spend time with her friend who is visiting. She keeps pushing the envelope by baking cookies and then wanting us to eat them so she won't be tempted. AJ is full of fire. It looks like the terrible twos are gaining a foothold. But even then, he is still adorable and fun to watch. Lew is preparing for first grade when school starts in a couple weeks. Could he be that old? Lil Princess continues to keep us laughing and gets more beautiful by the day. She will be a heart breaker someday. Starr works all the time but her cold has slowed her down a lot this weekend. Maybe now I can get a word in edge wise, not to mention see her. My good friend, Bluewolf rolled through with his 18 wheel truck this weekend to pickup Alodar. Blue will train him to drive trucks for the next 5 months. That should make the roads crazy for a while. They left this morning for the Boston area. Speaking of Boston, we will be going to Baltimore for the Orioles/Boston baseball game next week. That always proves to be a great time and has become a yearly event for us ... just like the Renn Faire in Crownsville MD in a couple of weeks.

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